Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1252 Central South Star City

Chapter 1252 Central South Star City
Want to retreat.

A huge handprint above the sky blocked a radius of tens of feet.

Desire to defend with Xuanwu method.

Dozens of black sword qi pierced through the air, and appeared around Jian Fengyun's body in the blink of an eye.

In desperation, Jian Fengyun could only urge Qingfeng Huasha again.

As a result, just as his figure appeared, Dongfang Gu's attack followed closely.

This looks like when he fought Dongfang Yi back then, and he can completely calculate the opponent's next foothold.

"no solution anymore."

Jian Fengyun gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to mobilize the power of qi and blood in his body, and golden meridians emerged, instantly making his momentum soar.

With the blessing of the third-stage Nine-Turn Swallowing Divine Body, the situation was instantly stabilized, and it began to slowly develop in the opposite direction.

A night is like a white horse passing by, fleeting.

In the early morning of the next day, Mei Yuer, who had been sullen all night, went upstairs to knock on Jian Fengyun's door.

Knocked for a long time, but no response.

"I'll go, how long is it going to occupy my room?"

Mei Yuer looked angrily at the door of the forbidden room in front of her, screaming in her heart.

Who would have imagined that as the Holy Maiden of Meifeng Huayue, those who pursued her could go around Mingyang Divine City, but she was actually left alone all night by a man.

Just ignore it at one o'clock at night, and the door will not be opened in the morning.

This is simply.
No one will believe it.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun was sitting cross-legged in the center of the third floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, and his divine power and energy and blood power were slowly recovering.

It took him one night to barely defeat the phantom of the Eastern Young Emperor.

After defeating him, the divine power and blood power in his body were almost exhausted, so he had to recover his strength at this moment.

In this battle, Jian Fengyun saw that there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. Even though he possesses the Heaven Devouring inheritance and has opportunities such as immortal alchemy, he will still meet opponents.

Of course, this battle also gave him a lot of gains. Constantly fighting against the phantom of the Young Emperor Dongfang made his control over the Heavenly Taboo Finger, the Eastern Emperor's Palm, and Qingfenghuasha even stronger.

"Fortunately, defeating Dongfang Shaodi's phantom obtained [-] soul-eating stones, which is much faster than the speed of obtaining soul-eating stones before, which is a bit of comfort."

Jian Fengyun opened his eyes, felt the light shining above the spiritual sea, and was slightly relieved in his heart.

If he only got a small amount of soul-devouring stones by defeating Dongfang Shaodi, then he would almost collapse.

What can I exchange for [-] soul-devouring stones?

Jian Fengyun thought secretly in his heart.

"Don't think about it, someone is looking for you outside, and the door is about to be knocked down."

At this moment, Ling Devourer appeared in front of Jian Fengyun, speaking angrily.

"That's right, it's been a night, and I'm going to the Holy Court today."

Jian Fengyun suddenly sat up, it seems that the plan to exchange the Soul-devouring Stone for some treasures has to be postponed for a while, it is better to go on the road first.

Mind about this.

After a while, Jian Fengyun slowly woke up, and there was a knock on the door next to his ear.

I have placed a ban on the door of the room, and there can be such a sound, which shows how hard the people outside are knocking on the door.

"I'll knock you to death, if you don't come out, I'll knock you."

Outside the door, Mei Yuer raised her small fist and smashed it on the door.

Suddenly there was a sound, and the door was suddenly opened.

Mei Yu'er's small fist landed and hit forward heavily, it was about to land on Jian Fengyun's chest.

The next moment, Jian Fengyun directly raised his hand and grabbed her fist.


Mei Yuer's eyes widened, and she felt that the strength in her hand was like a stone sinking into the ocean, being wrapped by an unfathomable force.

"What are you, let's go."

Jian Fengyun let go of Mei Yuer's hand, and walked sideways to the attic.

"He" Mei Yuer felt the remaining warmth in her hand, and her heart fluctuated slightly.

She had a feeling that the little man in front of her was much stronger than her.

Compared to when she first met him, he has improved by more than one level.

"It's so mysterious, what kind of person is he?"

Mei Yuer looked at Jian Fengyun's back, and a gleam of interest lit up in her eyes.The Demon Emperor's Palace is an extremely ancient place. It is difficult to verify how long it has existed. The world only knows that it has gone through an extremely long period of time and is always immortal.

After a while, Noah's Ark floated in the sky above the Fragrant Flower Treasure Pavilion, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

While the process is not slow, it is not fast either.

Ever since, a piece of explosive news began to spread in Mingyang Divine City.

"Last night, Jian Fengyun, the Emperor of the Holy Court, spent the night in the Fragrant Flower Pavilion!"

This news seemed to have grown wings, and flew to the major cities of the galaxy.

Zhongnan Star City, an extremely ancient divine city, does not belong to the Hundred Star Cities, but it is older than the Hundred Star Cities. It is difficult to verify how long it has existed. The world only knows that it has gone through an extremely long time and is always immortal. .

It is the place where the southern star field meets the major star fields. There are terrifying endless abyss barriers between the five star fields. In the endless abyss, there are violent spatial turbulence and some terrifying ancient star beasts. A flying artifact of a great power, otherwise no one would be able to cross the star field.

For ordinary warriors, if they want to go to other star fields, they need to go through the star city, and the central and southern star city is the star city that connects the other four star fields and the southern star field.

There is a safe teleportation formation in the star city, as long as you pay a certain amount of god crystals, you can teleport to star cities in other star regions without going through the terrifying endless abyss.

The ancient mountains are majestic, the giant trees stand tall, and the old trees support the sky. This is a lush mountain.

Jian Fengyun came by driving Noah's Ark, so he didn't teleport directly to the interior of Zhongnan Star City. He had to pass through the boundary wall, then walk through the surrounding mountains, and then enter the main city of Zhongnan Star City.

In the depths of this ancient mountain range, there are also countless terrifying star beasts and murderous intentions, but Jian Fengyun drove Noah's Ark to shuttle through this area until he saw the outline of Zhongnan Star City and stopped on the nearest mountain. Down.

In order to avoid ostentation, come down here early, you can keep a low profile and save a lot of trouble.

Even the closest mountain to Star City is not a short distance away.

The mountains are very quiet, and many ancient trees have grown for an unknown amount of time. They are taller than the mountain peaks, full of green trees, and there are giant vines, thick and scary, covering the trunks like horned dragons.

Although there are few people here, but fortunately there are still roads.

A dilapidated stone step leads directly down the mountain.

It took Jian Fengyun three days to drive Noah's Ark from Mingyang Divine City, and today happened to be the morning of the third day.

The shade of trees is everywhere, and the stone steps are old. Walking down step by step, you can feel an ancient atmosphere.

There have been ancestors stationed here.

(End of this chapter)

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