Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254

"There is also Qing Ling'er from Qinghe Ancient Sacred Land. That woman can be called the proud daughter of the sky. She has not yet entered the Holy Court. She once defeated a strong man in the God Emperor Realm with one palm."

At this moment someone spoke up and said: "What do you say are all women, isn't it possible that there are no outstanding male talents recently?"

"Yes, everyone, have you ever heard of Jian Fengyun from Mingyang Divine City who walked the road to the Holy Land? According to legend, this son only has the Divine Spirit Realm, but he faced the old man of the Dongfang family and the holy son of the Dao Sword Holy Land with his own strength. Siege and win."

A martial artist said hesitantly.

The news about Jian Fengyun spread too fast and too amazingly, so few people were willing to believe it.

"I've heard of Jian Fengyun, but it's mostly a false name. How could a warrior at the Divine Spirit Realm defeat an existence at the Divine King Realm."

"Not bad, I think, if you want to say that the man is arrogant, he must belong to the holy son of the Yin-Yang God Sect, Li Yinyang. Just half a month ago, he challenged all the great god emperor families and the successors of many holy places by himself. Among the failures, the most conspicuous one is that he severely injured the saintess of the Dongfang family, and it is rumored that she has set off and is ready to go to the holy courtyard to challenge."

Just at the moment when the words sounded.

Everyone looked at a middle-aged man in a black and white robe, Li Mo, the thirteenth elder of the Yin-Yang Sect.

He twisted his beard and said: "You guys are right. Li Yinyang is my nephew. I was also watching from the side when I defeated the Saintess of the Dongfang family. My nephew's cultivation has already been improved. None of them are their opponents.”

This middle-aged man's moral cultivation is no more than the nine-star god-king realm, and his realm is not high, but he has a smile on his face.

Obviously, he was proud of having such a descendant of Tianjiao.

At this time, Jian Fengyun's face became cold when he heard these words.

Xue'er is his reverse scale, no one can touch it.

"Brother Li has a good nephew. He can defeat the holy daughter of the God Emperor family at a young age, and it is impossible to become the No. 1 of the younger generation in the future."

Hearing such compliments, Li Mo naturally smiled. What he was most proud of was his nephew. At a young age, his cultivation base in his whole life surpassed that of the Fifty Heavens, and he possessed a lot of luck.

He has no children in his life, and he spent a lot of effort in treating his nephew Li Yinyang. Since Li Yinyang became a talent, he has naturally enjoyed the incidental glory.

Moreover, even his position as the thirteenth elder of the Yin-Yang Sect is due to his nephew. When he competed for the position of elder, he did not have the slightest advantage in his cultivation, all because his nephew showed his sharpness at that time , Showing off his talents, finally the big shots in the teaching chose him.

"Speaking of which, I have dabbled in that Jian Fengyun you just mentioned. This person did infiltrate Taoyuan Island not long ago, broke the restriction of Taoyuan Mountain, and also stepped on the road to the holy. I heard that Taoyuan Island and A battle of strength between Mei Feng Hua Yue and Mei Feng Hua Yue."

Li Mo glanced around and said.

"Oh, is this Jian Fengyun really that good?"

Surprised people around asked.

Li Mo stroked his beard, pretending to be deep and said: "Indeed, but even if he is so good, as a talent in the Holy Academy, he will inevitably splatter my nephew's body with blood, and his head is in a different place."

"Everyone knows that my nephew is extremely talented, but he doesn't know that he also wants to have an opponent. This time he went to the Holy Courtyard to challenge because he heard that Jian Fengyun became the emperor of the Holy Courtyard, so he wanted to kill him and win the Emperor's Order. .”

Everyone has heard about Jian Fengyun to some extent, if Jian Fengyun is really as powerful as the rumors say, it is estimated that Li Yinyang's combat power cannot defeat him.

However, at this time, everyone was flattering, and no one stated the facts, lest they offend Li Mo, a proud uncle.

"This old man really thinks that Li Yinyang is invincible. I think he can't even beat Senior Sister Lan, let alone challenge you." Mei Yuer sat beside Jian Fengyun, a little disdainful.

Jian Fengyun didn't say anything, his eyes were cold, he wanted to wait for Li Mo to finish speaking, and then use his fists to talk to him.

"Brother Li, there are a lot of rumors out there. Your nephew is only No. 30 and [-] on the Five Realms Qingyun List, and his ranking is not as good as Gu Qingli from the Killing Temple. It is rumored that Jian Fengyun can catch Gu Qingli with one move. He If we face off against Jian Fengyun, is there any chance of winning?"

Finally, another voice sounded, and someone couldn't help but break the compliments of the crowd.

Li Mo couldn't see anything on his face, but his eyes were a little cold, and he said: "My nephew has not challenged the ranking on the Qingyun list for many years, but Gu Qingli has been on the Qingyun list for many years, so he must Back off a bit, if that Jian Fengyun meets my nephew, he will definitely lose one move."

Naturally, among the many strong men, there were those who couldn't deal with the Yin-Yang Sect, and someone teased secretly: "I heard that Jian Fengyun is not in the Divine Spirit Realm, and if Li Yinyang challenges him when the time comes, he still can't beat him, what will your Yin-Yang Sect do?"

Although there were no excessive words, there was still a deep contemptuous tone in the words.

Li Mo's expression froze for a moment, and he said: "Hmph, it's absolutely impossible, my nephew will definitely defeat that Jian Fengyun just as he defeated the saintess of the Dongfang family."

Mei Yu'er touched Jian Fengyun, and said: "This old guy is really not a thing, even a thick-skinned monster can't handle it, no matter what, his nephew is not as good as Senior Sister Lan, and he still wants to kill you?"

Jian Fengyun ignored Mei Yuer, but stood up abruptly.

He's ready to go.

At this moment, a group of human warriors poured into the gate of the palace.

This group of human warriors was orderly, surrounding a young woman in purple.

"What did I see, a fairy who overwhelms the country and the city?!" A warrior yelled in horror.

Countless people stared at the woman in the center of the stars arching the moon, with silly expressions on their faces.

This group of human warriors are quite extraordinary, and some of them have even reached the Divine Sect Realm.

However, these monster clan powerhouses are not very attractive. What really attracts the eye is the woman in the middle of them, dressed in a purple dress, with snowy skin, bright eyes and white teeth, so beautiful.

It's Su Xiangru!

When I saw Mingyang Divine City, she hadn't shown up for a long time.

Unlike the Tianjiao in the five star regions, Su Xiangru did not participate in the battles among those Tianjiao, so her name was never on the list of five regions.

However, her failure to make the list does not mean that she is not strong enough.

On the contrary, some Tianjiao's strength has reached a certain level, and they don't bother with these rankings, because once they show their strength, they can definitely crush those top Tianjiao.

Therefore, even if Su Xiangru didn't make it to the Five Realms Ranking, no one would dare to underestimate his combat power.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Su Xiangru's appearance hasn't changed much, his skin is white, fluffy and graceful, standing not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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