Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1256 Who is he?

Chapter 1256 Who is he?

"Ha ha."

Regarding Li Mo's slander, Jian Fengyun just sneered twice, and then stepped forward.

Suddenly, Li Mo's heart was excited, and he felt an undisguised murderous intent. The indifferent white man in front of him was walking step by step, full of murderous aura, like a murderous god from hell.

"Jian Fengyun, what are you going to do?"

Under the stage of Star Wars, a disciple of Yin Yang Sect shouted.

"Kill him!" Jian Fengyun's black hair was not messy, but it covered half of his face, and there was a layer of evil spirit lingering around him, his voice was cold and heartless.

In the second stage of clearing wind and transforming evil spirits, the transformation of evil spirits is fully revealed on his body.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun's combat strength increased by more than three layers.

"Which force made you attack me?" Li Mo looked slightly trembling, and swept towards Jian Fengyun, he felt something was wrong.

"I don't have any power, I'm the only one who wants to kill you!" Jian Fengyun forced him step by step.

"One person, kill me?"

Li Mo's expression changed drastically, and he felt very cold at the moment.

Everyone present was shocked, this Jian Fengyun was too arrogant, he dared to kill the elders of the Yin-Yang Sect in public in a place like the Star Palace, how much courage and strength did it take?

"Jian Fengyun, you yellow-mouthed kid actually wanted to kill the elder of my Yin-Yang Sect, you really want to die!"

Some deacons of the Yin-Yang God Sect in the God King Realm had gloomy faces.

Although they didn't like Li Mo as an elder, no matter how bad Li Mo was, he was still an elder of the Yin-Yang Sect. If he was massacred outside the Star Palace, the Yin-Yang Sect would lose face to his grandma's house.

Immediately, a few people jumped onto the Star Wars Arena and shot at Jian Fengyun, with murderous intent, they slapped Jian Fengyun on the cheek.

Jian Fengyun let out a cold snort, stretched out his right arm, the Donghuang Palm was urged to meet him, and directly slapped the arm that was attacking Jian Fengyun to pieces, the deacon of Mingyang Shenzong pierced his heart and let out a scream.

But at the next moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and the big black handprint formed by the Eastern Emperor's Palm was too fast, sweeping across the void, there was no way to avoid it, and it slapped the deacon's face.


The whole face was shattered immediately, flying out like debris of earth and rocks, and the slap from the black big handprint was extremely loud.

The deacon's face was distorted beyond recognition, and cracks appeared in his entire head, and the spirit cover was blasted open with a bang, and flew out.


The last explosion sounded softly, and his head rotted like a broken gourd, turning into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

All the people present changed their colors, this is a deacon of the God King Realm, he failed to kill, but was slapped to death by Jian Fengyun, it was appalling.

In the distance, Mei Yuer has been paying attention, and seeing this scene, her small mouth opened into a fish bubble shape.

Beside her, Su Xiangru sat indifferently, with a golden light in his beautiful eyes, he looked at Jian Fengyun motionlessly.

After not seeing Jian Fengyun for some time, his combat power has become stronger, somewhat beyond her expectation.

"Who the hell are you? I have never heard of a young warrior with such combat power in the Southern Star Territory." Li Mo was shocked when he saw this scene. Such combat power is too scary. Just like that, they were shot to death.

"I am Jian Fengyun, the man of the Dongfang family saint." Jian Fengyun said calmly.

"You are Dongfang Xue'er's man?!"

Li Mo's color changed instantly, and his body trembled.

The other seven or eight deacons and more than a dozen disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect quickly stood in front of them, protecting Li Mo behind them, each of them was facing a big enemy. If Li Mo was killed, the face of the Yin-Yang Sect would be in their hands Lost it all.

"I want to kill people, but it's useless even if you hide in the Yin-Yang Sect." Jian Fengyun stepped forward, his black hair fluttering, murderous aura gushing out from his body, and the eight deacons of the God King Realm were forced back by one person. This kind of scene was shocking Everyone was stunned.

"Is he really Jian Fengyun?" Many people were asking, and the people around the Star Wars stage were all trembling.

"Could it be that Jian Fengyun really killed the elder of the Dongfang family and severely damaged the rope of the Dao Sword Holy Land as the rumors said?" Some people were shocked.

"How is this possible? He is so young, and his realm is only nine stars in the Divine Spirit Realm. How did he do it?!" Many warriors backed away in shock.

Jian Fengyun made a move, pointed out with two fingers, turned into two black dragon shadows, swept across the void, and said: "Today, I will kill Li Mo first, and tell Li Yinyang that if you want revenge, come to the holy courtyard to find me, hope for the best Prepare your own coffin."

Two monstrous dragon cries sounded out loud.

Two shadows of the black dragon rushed out, and they were divided into ten in front of the eight God King Realm deacons.

Twenty black dragon shadows rushed out directly.

boom! boom! boom!
One dragon and one person directly crushed the eight deacons of the God King Realm.


Although the two deacons standing in the front had tried their best to strike, they couldn't stop the twenty fingers turning into black dragons.

With a scream, they turned into a pool of minced meat on the spot, mixed with their bones, and splashed in all directions.

"Tianjinzhi, Donghuang's Palm, is really Jian Fengyun!"

"It was rumored that he took away the true method of the three god emperors of the Dongfang family to practice, and it turned out to be true!"

"It's incredible!"

Everyone was shocked, and those legendary rumors were confirmed before their eyes, which shocked them.


Jian Fengyun said coldly, and slapped out another Eastern Emperor's Palm after the Tianjin Finger. The remaining six deacons in front and some disciples in the rear all coughed up blood, their whole bodies burst open, blood gushed out, and their bodies fell backwards.

During the test on the third floor of the Heaven Devouring Pagoda, he had already sharpened his three true methods of Heavenly Forbidden Finger, Eastern Emperor's Palm and Qingfeng Huasha on the body of Dongfang Shaodi to the point that he was no less than the opponent.

Therefore, at this time, these three true methods also exerted terrifying power in his hands, and basically no one in the same realm could stop them.


Jian Fengyun stretched out a superhuman thug, grabbed Li Mo with one hand, and lifted him upside down.

This scene shocked everyone, and they couldn't believe it. These are the existence of nine God Emperors, and they were all defeated in such a short time.

"Let go of him." At this moment, a figure in gold clothes stepped onto the star battle platform and shouted loudly.

Jian Fengyun ignored him, and slapped him down, breaking Li Mo's bones and tendons on the spot.

At this moment, the momentum on his body was like a rainbow, like a God of War standing on the battle platform of Ao Lixing.

"You asked you to let him go, didn't you hear?"

The golden robe figure's complexion became icy cold, looking at Jian Fengyun, he said coldly.

"he is."

The eyes of all the spectators immediately gathered in the past.

Most people look suspicious
(End of this chapter)

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