Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1265 The Welfare of the Holy Son of Heaven

Chapter 1265 The Welfare of the Holy Son of Heaven
"Is there any difference between these two mission lists?" Jian Fengyun asked again.

"Most of the missions on the mission list of the Holy League are graded. From low to high, they are divided into six grades: mortal, king, emperor, clan, saint, and god. In general, The higher the level, the greater the reward."

"As for the missions on the mission list of the Holy Court, they are usually assigned by the senior brothers and sisters or the elders of the Holy Court. The rewards are generally not high, but fortunately, there is generally no danger."

Mei Yuer explained.

These two task lists of the Holy Court are the source of merit for most of the Holy Court disciples.

"Oh, don't be too busy to understand this, where do you go to register your identity?"

Jian Fengyun said lightly and asked.

"There, choose any one of the five windows. You go to register first, and I will submit the task."

Mei Yuer pointed to the southeast corner of the hall, then turned around and walked towards the back of the hall.

Jian Fengyun replied lightly, without thinking too much, he stepped towards the nearest window.

"I register as an entry-level identity."

Sitting by this window was a female disciple who was about his age.

She is also a disciple of the Holy Academy, and she came here to serve as the registered disciple of the executive hall only for meritorious service, and is responsible for the identity registration of new disciples.

I saw this female disciple raised her head and glanced at Jian Fengyun, a look of lack of interest instantly appeared on her face.

"Fill it out yourself."

The woman said in a cold tone, and then pushed a wooden sign up.

"what is this?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, the wooden plaque in front of him was similar in size to his Tianzi Ling, but the material and quality were quite different.

"This is the identity token of an ordinary disciple. Just fill in the name and explain the origin."

The woman pursed her lips and explained casually.

"Ordinary disciple?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, isn't he the Son of Heaven of the Holy Academy, why is he an ordinary disciple.

"Of course I'm an ordinary disciple, and you don't have any elders to be your teacher, and you don't have an inner disciple token for the path to the holy path, what kind of disciple do you want to be?" the female disciple said a little impatiently.

From her point of view, a disciple like Jian Fengyun who doesn't understand anything and is only in the Divine Spirit Realm is an ordinary disciple if he reaches the sky, so he doesn't care at all.

Those who work in this position also need to observe their words and demeanor. You must know that those who come here to register their identity may meet some core disciples or true disciples. Good relationship, that is naturally better.

Of course, in addition to this extra relationship, there are five windows in total, and each window corresponds to a standing elder of the Holy League. If you register at which window, then this disciple will be recorded in the standing elder's account. According to the list, if these latter disciples perform well in the Holy Court, that elder will receive corresponding benefits.

The disciples in charge of the registration window naturally also have benefits. As long as the registrants are inner disciples or true disciples, they can get a lot of extra merit. Therefore, they are still very respectful to those inner disciples and true disciples.

As for Jian Fengyun, he is only at the Divine Spirit Realm, so it is impossible for him to be an inner disciple, and it is even more impossible for him to be a true disciple.

"Are you sure I'm an ordinary disciple?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes, looked at this female disciple, and said.

It has to be said that this female disciple's attitude made him a little dissatisfied. If he had a lower level of aura, he would be discriminated against like this, and he didn't even ask carefully.

"I said you like to register or not. I have seen a lot of disciples like you. I thought that if you entered the Holy Court, you would be a master. Let me tell you, if you enter the Holy Court, you will be at the bottom."

The female disciple was a little impatient, and wasted time by a little person in the spiritual realm.

She is only a low-level figure in the Holy Court, so her vision is limited, and she never thought that there would be any arrogance in the Divine Spirit Realm.

For this kind of person, Jian Fengyun has seen a lot, so he immediately pushed the wooden sign back.

"Hmph, this kind of person deserves a blow."

Seeing Jian Fengyun turn and leave, the female disciple still did not forget to whisper a sarcasm.

For this kind of person, Jian Fengyun is really too lazy to pay attention.

There are always some people in this world who are self-righteous. They see the world with their own eyes. One sees the world clearly, but they don’t know that they are just looking at the sky from the bottom of the well.

Jian Fengyun turned around and walked to another window beside him.

The person in charge of this window is a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, she looks young, maybe she just came to be in charge of the window not long ago, she looks a bit shy.

Compared with the expressionless person in charge at the other windows, she is quite different.

Seeing that Jian Fengyun was so satirized that she didn't speak, she felt a little sympathetic, and said in a low voice: "Senior Sister Li has such a temper, don't take it to heart."

During the few days when she was in charge of the window, she saw several disciples come to register and were choked away by Senior Sister Li's sarcastic remarks.

It's just that Jian Fengyun was the one who was ridiculed the worst.

"En." Jian Fengyun responded lightly, not bothering to explain, and said: "Is there any difference between your registration identities?"

"Of course there is a difference. When registering your identity, ordinary disciples are peachwood tokens, and there are no special benefits."

"Core disciple registration is a bronze token, which rewards one hundred meritorious deeds, and has ten meritorious cultivation resources every month."

"Registration of true disciples is a Xuanyin token, which rewards [-] meritorious deeds. You have [-] meritorious cultivation resources every month, and you can enter the Shengdao Pavilion to borrow classics once a year."

When the girl introduced this, she stopped suddenly.

"Are there no other disciples above the true disciples?" Jian Fengyun moved his eyes and asked.

The girl smiled at the corner of her mouth when she heard the words, and said, "Junior brother, you have asked a lot. Above the true disciples is the legendary Holy Son of Heaven. The Holy Academy has not produced a Holy Son of Heaven for thousands of years. Even if it is the first day Jiao Lanyou Senior Sister, she Nor is it the Holy Son of Heaven."

"Oh, it's so rare for a Holy Son of Heaven?" Jian Fengyun was a little surprised.

The girl patiently said: "Of course the Son of Heaven is rare. Only disciples who have reached the end of the road to the Holy League or who have made great contributions to the Holy League will have the Order of the Son of Heaven. However, recently I heard that there is a peerless genius who has passed through the Holy Spirit." On the way, get the emperor's order, junior brother must work hard if he wants to become a holy emperor."

"Oh, what's the reward for the registration of the Holy Son of Heaven?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes, and then asked.

"Junior Brother, you really want to be the Holy Son of Heaven." The girl laughed jokingly.

"Senior sister, please clarify." Jian Fengyun said seriously.

The girl pursed her lips and said patiently: "Okay, let me tell you, the Holy Son of Heaven can directly obtain 100 merit points when he registers as an identity, and has [-] merit points of cultivation resources every month, and can borrow unlimited martial arts classics from the Holy Path Pavilion , Moreover, the Holy Son of Heaven can also have a cultivation cave worth [-] million merit points, which is not available to many elders of the Holy Academy."

"Oh, cultivation cave!?"

 Ps: Exhausted the energy in the body to make up for an update, don't say that there will be no more updates at the end of the month, isn't this a make up, tears collapse.
(End of this chapter)

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