Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1272 The Invincible Sword

Chapter 1272 The Invincible Sword
Sky Devouring Tower, Level [-]

Jian Fengyun's figure slowly emerged and stepped into the light gate.

Stepping into the dark graveyard, the tombstone of Tang Anran still stood upright there.

Near the tombstone, among the blood-red inscriptions.

Tang Anran's figure walked out of it, and a murderous aura rushed towards his face.

"Tang Anran, please enlighten me!"

Masked in black, Tang Anran's figure moved.

Seven or eight jets of pitch-black light flashed in the void, and the flying blade pierced through the air, with a dark red murderous aura, shining on the tip of the blade.

Jian Fengyun's eyes froze, and the speed that he couldn't react at all slowed down dozens of times before his eyes.

Just when the flying blade was about to hit Jian Fengyun's chest.

Jian Fengyun's figure moved, he closed his eyes, and the figure flashed.

The sky scale spread out, and his whole figure turned into a phantom, appearing behind Tang Anran.

The pitch-black flying blade passed through, but it only scattered Jian Fengyun's phantom.

Whether it is the attack speed of the flying blade or the speed of Jian Fengyun's departure, they are all extremely fast.

Therefore, at the moment when the flying blade passed by, from the naked eye, Jian Fengyun's phantom still hadn't dissipated, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Xuanwu method!"

At the same moment, Jian Fengyun activated the basalt martial arts defense, and at the same time punched out, attacking Tang Anran's back.


Tang Anran's perception was also very keen, almost instantly, his figure flashed, and the Dark Moon God Step moved, and his figure disappeared on the spot in a flash.

Whoosh whoosh.
In the instant that replaced it, seventeen or eight flying knives glowing with black glow rushed towards Jian Fengyun.

At the same moment, Jian Fengyun pinched the magic formula in his hand, and as he waved his hand, seventeen or eight black sword auras appeared in the void, meeting the seventeen or eight flying blades, making a piercing collision sound.

The sword energy transformed by the Great Void Sword is no less powerful than those flying blades.


Under Tang Anran's mask, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

The dark moon god step made his body leave a phantom in the void, and then appeared behind Jian Fengyun, the dagger fell down, and directly pierced Jian Fengyun's back chest.

Really hit?
The answer must be no. At the same moment, Jian Fengyun's figure appeared behind Tang Anran, and a big black handprint had already been charged.

Donghuang Palm!
A palm slapped down, and it actually slapped Tang Anran's back.

Tang under the mask vomited blood sadly, and the dark red blood dripped from under the mask.

The Heaven Forbidden Finger in Jian Fengyun's hand had long been condensed, and when he touched it, it turned into a black dragon and circled out.

This time, Tang Anran was not hit, and his figure turned into a phantom and dissipated.

At the same moment, more than twenty pitch-black flying knives swept out in the surrounding void, from more than twenty different directions, blocking all places that Jian Fengyun could avoid, and the speed increased to the extreme.

Even though Jian Fengyun is urging the Xuanwu method at this moment, being hit will definitely consume a lot of energy.

The power of each jet-black flying blade is very extraordinary, comparable to the attack of a nine-star existence in the God King Realm.


Jian Fengyun's figure disappeared again, appearing seven or eight zhang away.

"Clear wind and evil!"

At the same moment, Jian Fengyun activated this God Emperor's true method, and his figure flashed again and disappeared in place.

"Great killing technique!"

Tang sadly felt the crisis, a blood-red flame was burning on his body, and he threw eighteen flying blades with a wave of his hand, each flying blade was attached with a blood-red flame, the power was comparable to that of the God Emperor Realm. attack.

The Art of Killing Life is a true secret technique created by the Dark Moon God Emperor. It allows warriors with the blood of the Dark Moon God Emperor to increase their combat skills by [-]% within a quarter of an hour at the cost of lowering their cultivation base to a higher level. force.

At this moment, Tang Anran's cultivation is comparable to that of a one-star God Emperor.

The distance between the god king and the god emperor is like a sky drop, but the killing technique forcibly filled this sky drop.

There were bursts of piercing sounds, with a terrifying murderous aura, and they came in an instant.

"The invisible sword!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and as he waved his hand, hundreds of jet-black sword qi appeared in the void, striking at the eighteen blood-red rays of light.

Klang Keng-

There was a piercing crash.

Hundreds of sword qi are astonishingly unable to resist these eighteen flying blades.

"Shadowless Sword!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and the divine power in his body was activated, and the sword seal was pinched in the palm of his hand.

In an instant, countless sword qi gushed out of the void, invisible but with terrifying power.

Thousands of sword qi infinitely surround the front ends of the eighteen flying blades.

Finally, he blocked the flying blade.

The dark red flame slowly dimmed under the attrition of countless sword qi, and finally went out.

The eighteen dark red flying knives were all strangled by the sword energy, turned into a ball of powder, and scattered away.

"The power is good!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes, he never thought that the power of the Shadowless Sword would be so terrifying, it could even withstand the attack of the God Emperor Realm.


When he was pleasantly surprised, Jian Fengyun had a thought, and thousands of sword qi appeared beside Tang Anran.

Blood-red flames were burning on Tang Anran's body, and he urged the Dark Moon God Step again, the speed reached Jian Fengyun's speed of manipulating sword energy.

All of a sudden, the battle of countless sword qis chasing the dark red figure kicked off.

Compared to Tang Anran who had no backhand power when he was attacked by Tang Anran before, at this moment, Jian Fengyun had no backhand power to attack Tang Anran, and even used the killing technique to raise his combat power to a level comparable to that of a god emperor. Tang dejectedly.

The sword qi flew over, full of murderous aura.

Finally, Jian Fengyun became a little impatient, and with a thought, dozens of sword seals appeared in his hand.

A terrifying breath radiated from his hands.

The surrounding void began to tremble, and the divine power and the power of Qi and blood in Jian Fengyun's body began to gather, and the sword mark turned from transparent to white. As more and more power poured in, the sword mark turned blue, and finally condensed into A black sword mark.

"Invincible Sword!"

The corner of the mouth whispered softly, as if the god of death who pronounced life and death.

The sword seal fell.

A terrifying black sword aura emerged, cracking the surrounding void, but the turbulent flow of space could not flow in, because this sword aura was the power of evacuating the turbulent flow of the surrounding space plus Jian Fengyun's energy and blood It was only condensed with divine power.

The sword energy fell, and the void shattered.

Tang Anran's figure was suddenly locked on, and there was no way to avoid it.


A devastating roar sounded.

Jian Fengyun only felt his eyes go dark, and then Tang Anran's figure turned into powder and drifted away.

The surrounding void began to heal slowly, turning into the graveyard of the first time.

But Tang Anran's tombstone in front of him has disappeared, as if it never existed.

"I go!"

(End of this chapter)

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