Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1274 Tang San loses again

Chapter 1274 Tang Shiba loses again

"Why do you have to show the advantage of the tongue, if you want to fight, fight!"

Tang Shiba glanced at it.

At the same moment, he moved, and a set of purple flying blades in his hand appeared in the void.

He also felt a deep sense of crisis in Li Yinyang's body, so he used the strongest flying blade as soon as he opened it.

A raging purple flame was ignited on the eighteen flying blades, darting towards Li Yinyang who was in front.

Before the flying blade got close to Li Yinyang, it was resisted by a strange force.

"Yin Yang Yu!"

Li Yinyang squeezed the formula in his hand, and a blood-red gossip seal appeared in front of his hand.

The same blood gossip appeared in front of each flying blade, resisting the power of the flying blade.

"Yin and Yang broken!"

A blood-red color flashed in Li Yinyang's eyes, and he quickly squeezed the formula in his hand, and the blood-red gossip in front of him suddenly turned at an astonishing speed.

The blood gossip that resisted the flying blade also rotated at the same time.

With a soft sound, a blood-red eye suddenly emerged from the biggest blood gossip in Li Yinyang's hand, and a red glow shot out from the eye, piercing through the void with tyrannical power.

The red light turned into a beam of light and rushed directly to Tang Shiba's chest in front of him.

"Dark Moon God Step!"

Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Tang Shiba suddenly urged the Dark Moon God Step to dodge this terrifying red beam of light.

Bang bang bang.
And at this moment, a blood-red eye emerged from all the blood gossips in the midair, and shot out a thinner red light, knocking all the eighteen flying blades in front of them into the air.

Eighteen blood-red rays of light, two of which hit Tang Shiba, who had just emerged from his body, exactly where his shoulders were, and two blood flowers bloomed.

"Go down!"

The corner of Li Yinyang's mouth twitched into an evil smile, and his figure appeared in front of Tang Shiba in a flash, and he punched Tang Shiba in the chest.


With a sound of restraint, Tang Shiba's body fell on the ground of the holy war platform, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

His physical body was stronger, and the bones in his chest were not broken, but his internal organs were still seriously injured.

Li Yinyang's fighting methods were very strange, especially the red eyes in the gossip, which made him feel a fear from the depths of his soul.

"The Tianjiao of the Holy Court is nothing more than that, and he can't survive three moves in my hands."

Li Yinyang withdrew his hand, the blood gossip in the void suddenly disappeared, but the red glow in his eyes still faded, said.

"Senior brother Xia is defeated!"

"Oh my god, Senior Brother Xia is actually defeated. He is the Holy Son of the Dark Moon Holy Land."

"Did this Li Yinyang use some despicable means? How could a holy son of the Yin-Yang Sect be so strong?"

Under the jihad stage, countless disciples of the Holy Academy talked a lot.

Infinite humiliation appeared in their eyes, and they gritted their teeth as they looked at Li Yinyang on the jihad platform.

"Senior Brother Xu is here. He is one rank higher than Senior Brother Tang in the Qingyun Ranking. He can go to fight Li Yinyang."

I don't know who spoke.

Among the crowd, everyone's eyes focused on a corner at the same time, and fell on a young man in green robe.

This person was Xu Qingyuan who was mocking and mocking at the Tianyi Peak not long ago for wanting to challenge Jian Fengyun.

Among the many male disciples in the Holy Academy, he was the one who clamored to challenge Jian Fengyun at the beginning.

"Everyone, I'm sick today, and it's inconvenient to go out to fight, why don't you go invite Senior Brother Li."

Facing everyone's eyes, Xu Qingyuan couldn't help showing an ugly look on his face, and said immediately.

Just kidding, his cultivation was not much different from Tang Shiba's. Even if Tang Shiba was defeated, he would basically be beaten down mercilessly when he went up, and it would be a big shame when he went up.

"I'm sick?!"

Everyone was taken aback, and then looked at Xu Qingyuan strangely.

The aura on his body was the same as before, and there was no possibility of getting sick at all.

"Senior brother Xu, it's about the reputation of the Holy Academy, please don't hide your clumsiness."

"Yes, I implore Senior Brother Xu to fight that Li Yinyang."

"Brother Xu, please take action."

Many disciples thought that Xu Qingyuan was unwilling to make a move, so they couldn't help but speak up one after another, persuading them.

"Don't talk too much, everyone. I'm really sick recently, and it's inconvenient to fight with others." Xu Qingyuan said with a cheeky face.

"Everyone, go and invite other senior brothers."

After leaving a word, Xu Qingyuan turned around and left in despair.

At this time, it would be a shame to stay here any longer.

"Hehe, what a genius of the Holy Academy, he dare not even fight even if he is sick, he is nothing more than a shrinking tortoise."

On the jihad stage, Li Yinyang saw this scene, a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth, and sarcastically said.

The voice of these words was so loud that everyone present heard it.

Xu Qingyuan, who was leaving not far away, could naturally hear it, but instead of turning his head, he quickened his pace and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Brother Xu is scared, he dare not fight Li Yinyang."

"Fortunately, he is a true disciple of the Holy Academy. It's really embarrassing. He didn't even dare to fight."

"That's right. I used to think that he was a proud man who was not afraid of powerful enemies, but I didn't expect him to be a coward."

Many disciples of the Holy Academy under the Jihad stage spoke one after another, very dissatisfied.

Xu Qingyuan's move is simply an embarrassment to the Holy Court.

"Go ask Li Chongzun."

Tang Shiba suppressed the injury in his body, and said abruptly.

The disciples of the Holy Court next to him suddenly ran in the direction of Tianyi Peak.

"I'm going to find Senior Sister Lan You."

"It's disgusting. Many senior brothers and sisters in the Holy Academy are going to the outside world to perform tasks. If they are here, there is no need to invite Senior Brother Li and Senior Sister Lan."

The surrounding disciples of the Holy Court spoke one after another.

"Senior Brother Li will be here soon, and Senior Sister Lan You will be here too."

After a while, a disciple spoke.

"Hmph, let this Li Yinyang look good."

Facing the hum of the Holy Court disciples under the jihad stage.

On the jihad platform, Li Yinyang was expressionless, sitting cross-legged on the jihad platform, and began to recover the consumed divine power, unscrupulous and very arrogant.

Before he came here, he had done a survey long ago. Among the holy courtyard, the strongest young generation is Lan You, one-star God Emperor Realm.

With his means, he is not afraid at all.

That's why he dared to be so unscrupulous just now, quietly waiting for Lan You and the others to come over and be slapped in the face by him.

Sky Devouring Tower, Level [-]

Jian Fengyun sat cross-legged on the ground, the strength in his body has been fully recovered.

In the battle with Tang Anran, the biggest gain was not the ten thousand soul-eating stones, but his mastery of the Great Void Sword had reached a certain level of proficiency.

Of course, let him understand that unless it is absolutely necessary, he must not use the third form of the Great Void Sword, the Invincible Sword, otherwise the enemy may die, and he will follow him afterwards.

"Boy, it seems that someone is looking for you outside?"

The voice of devouring spirits sounded slowly.

"Don't worry about it, it's a waste of time to argue with them."

Jian Fengyun.
(End of this chapter)

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