Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1289 Demon God Emperor Phantom

Chapter 1289 Demon God Emperor Phantom

"The technique of burning demons!"

The Qingshen Jiao no longer hides the slightest strength, roars, and bursts out all the power in the dragon's body.

Immediately, a blue light spread over his body, lines lit up, and the radiance was overwhelming, and an incomparably majestic figure stepped out of the blue light.

This figure stepped out one step at a time, standing shoulder to shoulder with the world, just like the phantom of a god emperor.

The whole body of this figure was covered by terrifying blue flames. These flames exuded a terrifying temperature, and even the void was burned a little distorted.

I saw that with a wave of the figure, a cyan fire crow suddenly turned into a beam of light and shot towards the blood-red finger bones in the sky.


The finger bones collided with Qingyan, and a gorgeous aftermath suddenly erupted.

The aftermath dispersed, whether it was the Scarlet Emperor Yun or the shadow behind the Qingshen Jiao, they all disappeared.

The huge dragon's body was bombarded and smashed onto the jihad ship, while Li Kuishan, who was holding a black scroll, was shaken violently and took several steps back in an instant.

Seeing this scene, whether it is the emperor or the head of the sect, even the ancient sages of the older generation, their faces changed drastically, and they were all shocked by it. What is this, it can actually reach Emperor Yun!
As for the demon soldiers who came out with Li Kuishan, they panicked even more. In their minds, as soon as the scroll left by their demon god emperor came out, all the strong men from all directions bowed their heads, but the sun was blocked.

"The means left by the Holy Azure God Emperor, if you Demon Race God Emperors don't come out, it's useless to use anything!"

However, the Qingshen Jiao flew into the sky again very quickly, his dragon body was extremely hard, it was not so easy to injure it.

In the dragon eyes of the Qingshen Jiao, there is a light of excitement. This is the method that the Holy Qing Emperor of the Holy Academy in the last era left in the body of each Qingshen Jiao. It can only be activated when encountering the demons.

When Li Kuishan stood firm, his face was gloomy, he stared at the Qingshen Jiao, and finally said heavily: "Qingshen Jiao, I didn't expect there to be such a thing in the Holy Academy!"

Qingshen Jiao, in fact, many people in this era have never heard of such a name, even many powerful people in the older generation don't know what kind of creature this Qingshen Jiao is.

"Blue God Flood Dragon!"

A divine boat coming from across the void is approaching, and the old man at the helm, when he heard this name, showed a look of surprise on his old face: "The creatures of the previous era, the mount of the Holy Qing God Emperor of the Zhongsheng Academy is recorded. It is the Qingshen Jiao, known to the world as the Qingshen Emperor, and it is said that in the last era, no one could subdue it except the Shengqingshen Emperor."

Hearing the old man's words, the disciples of the Taixu Temple on the Shenzhou boat were all surprised.

The Qingshen Emperor, the sacred forest that dares to be called a god emperor in the world, is such a terrifying existence.

Although I have never seen the real God Emperor, but I have seen the various inheritances left by the God Emperor, and dare to call the generation of the God Emperor, it is absolutely terrifying.

"Could it be that it is the mount of the Holy Azure God Emperor?"

Li Kuishan said with a serious expression of doubt.

"Impossible. After the battle between the gods and demons, the mount of the Holy Azure God Emperor has never appeared, and with the power of the Azure God Emperor, he will definitely not be knocked away by the finger bones of the Demon God Emperor."

Muttering in his heart, Li Kuishan's expression changed.

"The Qingshen Emperor has fallen." Li Kuishan stared at the Qingshen Jiao, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of creature are you!"

If the Qingshen Emperor of the Holy Academy is still alive, what is the Yin-Yang Sect?
Even Emperor Qingshen could wipe out the entire Yin-Yang Sect with one breath of dragon's breath.

If Emperor Qingshen was still alive, he would not dare to provoke the Holy Academy if he lent ten guts to the Yin-Yang Sect, let alone seek refuge with the Demon Race. Although the Demon God Emperor of the Demon Race is also very terrifying, compared with Emperor Qingshen, That's not a class at all.

The Qingshen Emperor was the creature who claimed to have slaughtered the God Emperor back then, otherwise it would not have been passed down for an era and no one would have known about it.

How terrifying it is to be able to slaughter the creatures of the God Emperor. Their Yin-Yang God Sect had not been established in the era of Emperor Qingshen, so it was not at the same level at all.

"What creature?" Regarding Li Kuishan's words, Qingshen Jiao revealed a smile in his long eyes, and said proudly: "I am the descendant of Emperor Qingshen, Qingshen Jiao, my ancestor Qingshen Emperor promised Sheng Qingshen Emperor, let his descendants guard the human race for an era after his fall."

"Hmph!" Li Kuishan said coldly: "This is no longer the era of the Qingshen Emperor, what big waves can be caused by a Qingshen Jiao, come and die!"

As soon as the words fell, the black scroll in his hand opened again.

The Qingshen Jiao wanted to rush up, but Elder Daoyi immediately recruited him, shook his head and said, "You haven't broken through to the sacred realm, and you can't reach the soul power of the god emperor, so retreat first."


The Qingshen Jiao responded, then circled around and flew back under the holy warship.

At this moment, the black scroll in Li Kuishan's hand ignited bloody flames. In the blink of an eye, the black scroll was burned to ashes, leaving only the word "Kill".


In an instant, the entire word "kill" burned and then dissipated.

The moment it dissipated, a figure appeared, a demon god overlooking the world, with blood-red flames rising all over his body.

A ray of soul power from the god emperor!
At this time, all the deacons of the Holy House on the jihad ship were shocked.

Looking forward, it was as if a god emperor of the demon race was standing in the sky above Yin Yang City, looking down at the creatures of the galaxy.

All of a sudden, all the demon soldiers in Yinyang City knelt down on the ground, including Li Kuishan, the soul power of the Demon God Emperor. For them, it was the coming of faith.

Facing this shadow, facing the will of the god emperor, even the deacon of the holy war ship couldn't help being moved, his legs couldn't move, and he felt like he was about to kneel down.


At this moment, the figure of the Dao Demon God Emperor stretched out a hand to grab it. At this moment, it seemed that the world was in the hands of this illusory demon, and everyone could feel that they were smaller than ants at this moment.

At this moment, the Shenzhou of the Taixu Temple finally landed behind.

"Elder Daoyi!"

On the Shenzhou boat, a white-haired old man walked slowly to the bow and cupped his hands at Elder Daoyi.

"Elder Su Mu!"

Elder Daoyi also cupped his hands and returned the salute.

The two of them didn't seem to notice the hand stretched out by the Demon God Emperor in front of them.

The giant hand fell, and suddenly, the elder Su Mu reached out and took out a signature, and threw it out gently.

The calligraphy posts spread out in the air, shooting out countless rays of light, reflecting the sky, and I just saw clearly, these rays of light formed a scattered calligraphy book with about a hundred characters.

bang bang bang-

Before the giant hand of the Demon God Emperor Phantom touched the calligraphy post, it started to disintegrate, starting from the arm and spreading to the whole body.

But in an instant, the figure transformed by the Demon God Emperor's soul power was completely shattered, turned into light spots, and dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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