Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1298 Let Me Come

Chapter 1298 Let Me Come

However, people who use blood as bait are likely to be invaded by demonic blood essence, and then become half-human, half-demon existence.

Even if it is not invaded, it is possible to die due to blood being swallowed by a large amount of blood.

Therefore, opening the Bloodthirsty Demon Formation in this way is extremely dangerous.

It is very likely that you can't save people and you have to take your own life into it.


The faces of Elder Daoyi and Elder Su Mu sank at the same time.

From Jian Fengyun's words, they could also hear the danger of opening the bloodthirsty magic circle.

"Elder, I am willing to give it a try."

At this moment, one of the deacons of the Holy Court gritted his teeth and said.

"Elder, I am also willing to give it a try."

Another executive of the Holy Court spoke.

"Elder, I was born to be trained by the Holy Court. The Holy Court has given me everything, and I am ready to sacrifice myself for the Holy Court at any time. Let me go."

Then a deacon of the Holy Court spoke.

In their eyes, there is only sincerity, maybe this is the reason why Elder Daoyi brought them out.

Compared with the deacons of the Holy Court, the remaining eight figures in the Taixu Temple were motionless, without showing anything.

This is normal. After all, it is risking life and death to open the formation. There is only one life, and no one will joke.

In contrast, it can be found that it is not without reason that the Holy Academy can still stand in the galaxy in these long years.

"Boy, you go."

At this moment, Jian Fengyun heard the voice of devouring spirits.

"Why, aren't you afraid that I will become a demon, or die from blood exhaustion?" Jian Fengyun was stunned, and asked secretly in his heart.

Although he also wanted to save Su Xiangru, it wouldn't be worth it if he wanted to risk his life. After all, there were still many things waiting for him to do.

Originally, I wanted to think about whether there was any other way, but the Devourer spoke up.

"Boy, you have long been possessed by demons. The Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword is the world's greatest demon inheritance. The Heaven-devouring Immortal Sutra you cultivated can swallow all power. Using it in the demon way means devouring other people's cultivation base to improve yourself. Do you think you are The biggest demon."

Devouring said.

Jian Fengyun: "."

It seems to be so, but he has never done such an outrageous thing, and his Dao heart is also firm, and he is not as bloodthirsty as the demons.

"Okay, kid, don't hesitate anymore, you don't need to be afraid of the blood essence of those demons, what you have to do is to collect the blood essence in this formation into the Heaven Devouring Tower, it will be of great use to you .”

The words of the devouring spirit are full of persuasion, Taoism.

"What's the big use?" Jian Fengyun felt that he didn't believe it.

"You'll know as soon as you put it in, hurry up, if you slow down, everyone in the formation will die." Ling Devour urged.

Jian Fengyun gritted his teeth slightly, and said, "Elder, let me come."


Elder Daoyi and Elder Su Mu were taken aback at the same time.

"No, you absolutely can't."

The two spoke in unison, directly rejecting Jian Fengyun without even thinking about it.

Jian Fengyun is the Son of Heaven, the future is limitless, if he dies here, it will be fine.

It is estimated that when the dean of the Holy Academy sees them, he will not make them into meat sauce.

"Elder, don't worry, I have a special constitution. The demonic essence and blood within the formation cannot corrode me. With some of my methods, it is possible to break the formation."

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes and spoke.

"Fengyun, you can't joke about this matter. I haven't heard that you have a special physique." Elder Daoyi said with a serious face.

In his opinion, even if all the people in the formation were dead, they would not be as good as Jian Fengyun alone.

Holy Son of Heaven, just kidding, only one person emerges in thousands of years.

Such a character must be the finale of the future war of gods and demons. If he falls, he will inevitably fall into a disadvantage in the battle of the domain demons in the future.

"Elder, everything I said is true and I didn't lie to you." Jian Fengyun said.

"No, unless you can prove it, I will never put you in danger." Elder Daoyi refused without hesitation.

"Proof, you see."

Jian Fengyun reluctantly opened his fingers, a strand of golden blood gushed out, exuding a faint golden halo, and a powerful coercion was looming.

"You really have a special physique!"

Elder Daoyi was a little surprised when he saw the blood in Jian Fengyun's hand.

The blood of the human race cannot be golden, and it is impossible for the blood to contain such strong power and coercion.

Jian Fengyun's blood gave him the feeling that it was no less than the blood essence of some gold-ranked star beasts.

"Really, it's guaranteed to be fake." Jian Fengyun said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His Heaven Swallowing Divine Physique has long been completed, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a special physique.

"No, even if you have a special physique, you can't take risks. You are the emperor of the holy courtyard. You must not allow the slightest difference in the future of the people who may influence the fate of the human race." Elder Daoyi thought for a while, and finally refused.

"Elder, in fact, apart from my special physique, I am also proficient in the art of prohibition. Have you forgotten the reward order of Taoyuan Island? When I was in the realm of the gods, I broke the prohibition of sages on Taoyuan Island."

Jian Fengyun was a little helpless, and said.


Elder Daoyi's expression froze when he heard Jian Fengyun's words.

Indeed, he did see Jian Fengyun's reward order not long ago, saying that he sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​Taoyuan Island, broke the restriction set by the sages of Taoyuan Island, and abducted the saint of Taoyuan Island.

At first he didn't believe it, but when he saw Jian Fengyun, he was already the Son of Heaven, so he didn't think about it.

Now, he is mentioning it, and it is indeed very real when he thinks about it.

After all, none of them recognized the bloodthirsty demon formation in front of them, only Jian Fengyun did.

"You really want to try?"

Elder Daoyi felt a slight fluctuation in his heart and asked.

After all, there are more than [-] living lives in the bloodthirsty demon formation. If Jian Fengyun can save it, he still has to save it. After all, Jian Fengyun can save people without harming him, so why not do it.

However, he was still worried that he might hurt Jian Fengyun, so he couldn't help asking.

"Elder, there is no need to say more, the people inside will not be able to hold on after a while."

Jian Fengyun said with a firm expression.

Although his heart was a little beating, he knew better than anyone else how terrifying the Bloodthirsty Demon Formation was recorded in the Immortal Alchemy.

However, when he heard Devouring's firm urging voice, his heart became inexplicably firm.

In the eyes of everyone, Jian Fengyun stepped towards the restriction ahead.

Get close to the bloodthirsty magic circle for about ten feet, and you can feel the intoxicating magic energy permeating the surroundings.

There seemed to be wailing in the ears, and these demonic energy could affect people's state of mind.

However, with Jian Fengyun's silver-level soul power realm, it is enough to isolate these voices that affect his state of mind.

Walking to the front of the bloodthirsty magic circle, the dark red light illuminated Jian Fengyun's skin red.

(End of this chapter)

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