Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1302 Words of the Dharma Book

Chapter 1302 Words of the Dharma Book

Jian Fengyun hesitated for a moment, then took the Dharma book handed over by Master Yao Yuan.

The letter fell into his hands.

His eyes suddenly blurred, and the surrounding scene changed drastically.

Boundless darkness with no end and no entrance.

It is difficult for Jian Fengyun to see even a trace of light here.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and it's finally here."

At this moment, a white figure appeared in front of him, far away, and his voice sounded very ethereal.

"who are you?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes froze, he wanted to go forward, but found that his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't step forward at all.

He could only stare helplessly at the illusory figure in the distance.

"I'm Jiang Taixu. The people in Galaxy call me God Emperor Jiang. Of course, if I'm right, I'm also your master, because I'm the reincarnation of Heaven Eater!"

The figure spoke slowly, and the illusory voice came into Jian Fengyun's ears.

"What, God Emperor Jiang is the reincarnation of Cheating Heaven?!"

Jian Fengyun was taken aback for a moment, feeling unbelievable for a moment.

If Jiang Taixu is the one who swallows the sky, then the inheritance he got is not his.

"You don't need to be surprised, Chu Tian is dead, and I will live with a new identity in every life. People in the world think that I am unparalleled in calculations, but they don't know at all, I don't know how to calculate, all of this is mine. According to an old friend of mine."

The figure then spoke.


Jian Fengyun was even more puzzled. If God Emperor Taixu didn't know how to calculate, then what happened to the thirteen Dharma books he left behind? Judging from the previous performance of Elder Daoyi and the others, these thirteen Dharma books It was definitely arranged by a person who can understand the past and present.

"Speaking of which, my old friend can be regarded as your master. His surname is Zhuge, and his style name is Mingyang. He left a legacy for his woman in Xinghe, named Mingyang Shenzong. He calculated that you will be born in a million years. Appeared a year later and became the young suzerain of Mingyang Shenzong."

The figure moved slightly, then spoke.


Jian Fengyun no longer knew what to say to express his feelings.

If he didn't know that this dharma book was left by God Emperor Taixu in the previous era, he would even think that someone used it to deceive him.

"Actually, choosing you is a helpless choice. I knew your fate from the moment I was born. Choosing you as the heir is also a decision made by him and me after careful consideration."

"This era is the last era. If our plan fails, the human race will perish and even disappear forever in this world."

"what happened?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, the words of the white figure aroused his thoughts, Dang even asked.

What he said was too astonishing, astonishingly related to the entire race of the human race.

"All the legends circulating in the galaxy are false. Regarding the demon race, I didn't know how powerful it was until before it fell. It's just that my strength at that time was not enough to deal with them, even my heyday. The power of the era can't deal with them, so the seal is set, and the powerhouses of the Holy Academy and the entire galaxy will seal the Three Realms."

"However, since you saw me coming, it means that the seal has been broken, and the warship of gods and demons must have already been opened. All you need to do is to quickly become stronger according to your own wishes, and the wind and rain will soon change."

"You don't need to worry too much. I have laid out a lot of bureaus for you. The monster clan headed by the five great beasts, as well as Suiyueya, Taixu Temple, and Holy Court, etc., they will all be your help."

"You keep this Dharma book. When it's not ready to use, remember to take it with you."

At this point in the words, the white figure slowly dissipated.

The surrounding darkness receded, and Jian Fengyun saw Elder Daoyi and the others again.

Here, as if the time had just passed for an instant, Elder Daoyi and the others still looked hopefully at Jian Fengyun.

"How about it, does this Dharma book give you any instructions?"

Elder Daoyi asked.

"There was only one voice, and he told me that this Dharma book was kept close to my body, and it was not yet ready for use."

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and he spoke immediately.

He couldn't tell the news about Che Tian, ​​so naturally he had to hide the scene of the white figure.


Elder Daoyi was slightly certain, and said: "Since this is the case, keep it over there. There must be a reason for God Emperor Jiang's guidance in the Dharma book."

"Well, the patriarch can't make a mistake, something must happen, Mr. Jian just keep it."

Elder Su Mu on the side also spoke.

Obviously, they are incomparably convinced of Taixu, the God Emperor Jiang.


Jian Fengyun nodded in response.

"Young Master Jian, the descendant of our Great Western Heaven's Green Lantern Bodhisattva is still your old friend. Please take care of me at the Fifth Mysterious Realm after half a month."

Master Yao Yuan at the side seemed to see something from Jian Fengyun's face, and said slowly.

"Oh, old friend?"

Jian Fengyun was taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, and asked: "May I ask Master, what is the name of the successor of this Green Lantern Bodhisattva? I don't know many people in the upper realm, so I probably don't practice Buddhism. "

"Young master Jian, she is not your acquaintance in the upper realm, she is in the Wanyu realm." Master Yao Yuan said with a smile.

"Myriad domains?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, with an even more puzzled look on his face.

He knows quite a few people in Wanyu, but there should not be many who practice Buddhism. After all, in Wanyu, although there are people who practice Buddhism, the inheritance is not deep.

"I wonder if Master can tell me, what is his name?" Jian Fengyun asked.

"Mr. Jian, Buddhism pays attention to a word of fate. Although she is the successor of Qingdeng Bodhisattva, her status is only a lay disciple of Daxitian Sect. She has not formally escaped into Buddhism. If there is fate, you will see her again."

Master Yao Yuan touched his white eyebrows and said with a faint smile.


Jian Fengyun nodded and responded.

Although he didn't know why Master Yao Yuan didn't tell him, there must be a reason, so it was inconvenient for him to ask.

Since there are people in the Wanyu Upper Realm, it means that the Lower Realm should still be safe. After repelling the demons, he thought that the Lower Realm would always be stable, so he was relieved.

"Okay, don't waste time anymore, I will take the Buddha's decree and suppress the blood demons in these people for these people. After the matter, I will go back to the Great Leiyin Temple and take my disciples to the Holy Court."

Master Yao Yuan glanced at Elder Daoyi and the others.

"Master please!"

Elder Daoyi waited for someone to say a word, and then followed his back.

He stepped forward, took out a white cloth strip from his arms, and slowly opened it.

This strip of cloth looks very ordinary, but it is very clean, without the slightest trace of contamination.

"Namo Ami."

(End of this chapter)

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