Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1326 Battle 1 Buddha Cultivator

Chapter 1326 Fighting a Buddha Cultivator
"go in."

Elder Daoyi said, and pinched the magic formula in his hand to release the restriction on the gate of the courtyard.

As the resting place of the Holy Academy in the City of the Five Gods, the Holy Wind Bieyuan is naturally full of restrictions to prevent malicious people from targeting it.

The bronze gate is three feet high and more than two feet wide.

Pushing open the bronze door, Jian Fengyun walked in following Elder Daoyi.

I saw that the layout in the other courtyard was very simple, except for the dozens of rooms around, a huge spirit-gathering formation was arranged in the spare space.

The aura of heaven and earth in this other courtyard is more than twice as strong as that in the outside world.

There are many elixirs planted around, but none of them are precious, they are used for decoration and occasionally used.

In the center of the other courtyard is a rockery surrounded by a pool of spring water.

This spring water is actually a spiritual spring, which gushes out from the top of the rockery and falls into the spring pool. The water is rippling and the spiritual energy is overflowing.

Taking a closer look, there are many warriors sitting cross-legged around the spring pool.

Among them, six are from the Holy Academy, and eighteen are monks from Daxitian Sect.

They seemed to sense someone coming in, opened their eyes one after another, stopped practicing, got up and looked over.

"Everyone, he is the leader of the execution of the five mysterious realms. After entering the five mysterious realms, all actions need to follow his arrangements."

Elder Daoyi glanced around, and then spoke.

Jian Fengyun only had one day, and it was obviously impossible for him to get in touch with everyone in such a short period of time and then blend in with them.

Therefore, now the only way to cut through the mess quickly is to tell them directly that Jian Fengyun is the team leader and let them cooperate with Jian Fengyun. This is the fastest and most effective way to achieve it.

"Junior Brother Fengyun!"

All the disciples of the Holy Academy cupped their hands and bowed in unison.

Obviously, they were willing to obey Jian Fengyun's orders, and they were already familiar with Jian Fengyun's name in the holy courtyard.

Moreover, Jian Fengyun actually knew most of the Holy Court disciples present.

Lan You, Tang Shiba, Li Chongzun
They all have high rankings in the Holy Academy, and many of them are among the top on the Five Realms Qingyun List.

Of course, there were also a few people Jian Fengyun didn't know, two women and one man, they all looked very approachable, obviously they were people who were easy to communicate with.

"Junior Brother Fengyun, my name is Dan Feng'er, and I belong to a family of elixir. If you need elixir, you can tell me."

"Junior Brother Fengyun, my name is Qi Zhi, and I am good at swordsmanship."

"My name is Qi Mo, and I am good at the technique of formation symbols."

The three disciples of the Holy Court consciously introduced themselves.

Obviously, before Jian Fengyun came, Elder Daoyi had already communicated with them to cooperate with Jian Fengyun.

"Okay, thank you brothers and sisters for your cooperation."

Jian Fengyun nodded and said.

Although the difference in cultivation between these people is not big, it is not small. There should be some problems in cooperating with each other, but it is not a big problem.

However, in Jian Fengyun's opinion.

Except for Lan You and Li Chongzun who were okay, the rest of the people couldn't even hold on to one move from him.

This is his judgment, he did not say it.

At this moment, the silent Daxitian monk suddenly spoke.

"Everyone, Mr. Sword, if possible, I hope to compete with you."

The one who spoke was the head of the eighteen monks.

The aura on his body is comparable to that of the Emperor of the Seven Gods, and he is obviously considered a rare arrogance among Buddhist cultivators.

He has already reached the seven-star realm of the God Emperor Realm at a young age, and his future is limitless.

There was a little dissatisfaction in his eyes at the moment, and even a little dissatisfaction in the eyes of the other seventeen monks.

Although they are monks, monks who do practice martial arts belong to Daxitian Dharma Academy and are not bound by most of the rules and regulations.

"Why did this master say such a thing?"

Jian Fengyun glanced at it, and said abruptly.

The realm of the seven stars of the God Emperor Realm is indeed quite high, but to him, it is nothing.

Dongfang Qiyu, who was a nine-star God Emperor Realm, was crushed and beaten by him, let alone a seven-star God Emperor Realm. To put it bluntly, if he shot with all his strength, this person would only last two or three moves at most.

However, since he wants to cooperate, he can't be so direct, he still has to ask tactfully.

"The monks don't lie. The poor monk thinks that Mr. Jian's realm is too low to lead us. I hope to learn from you. If you can convince us, then in the five mysterious realms, we will naturally cooperate better. you."

The monk who opened his mouth proclaimed the Buddha's name and said aloud.

Obviously, even if Jian Fengyun refuses his sparring, they still have to listen to Jian Fengyun, because this is the arrangement of Daxi Tianjiao.

However, his implication told Jian Fengyun that if Jian Fengyun did not accept the discussion, then they would not be convinced, and when they entered the five mysterious realms, they might not fully obey his orders.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved.

The monk spoke straightforwardly, and did not meander.

"Okay, I agree to your discussion, but it's up to the point, I don't want to hurt you."

Jian Fengyun opened his mouth and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Sword."

The monk's eyes were fixed, and the next moment he was surrounded by Buddha power, and his whole person seemed to have changed a lot, and his breath swept over him.

Elder Daoyi at the side, seeing this scene, did not stop him.

He knew that if Jian Fengyun wanted to completely obey this team, he had to show his fighting power once.

The disciples of the Holy Court knew Jian Fengyun's combat power, so they were convinced, but these Buddhist cultivators from the Great Western Heaven Sect are far away in the Western Regions, and the Buddhist cultivators focus on cultivating the mind, so news rarely spread to other regions, even if they spread , and may not inquire about it, naturally they don't know about Jian Fengyun's deeds.


Jian Fengyun remained motionless, and nodded towards the Buddha Xiu.

From this appearance, it looked extremely calm, with no clouds and wind, and no pressure at all.

That Buddha Xiu looked at Jian Fengyun, frowned slightly, and then made a move.

"Fu Hu Yin!"

In his hand, one after another Buddhist inscriptions emerged, and then turned into a huge tiger mark and appeared in the void.

The tiger seal turned and turned into a giant golden tiger several tens of feet in length and slaughtered Xiang Jianfengyun.

"Eastern Emperor's Palm!"

Jian Fengyun waved his hands at the same time, and a huge black palm print appeared in front of him.

There was a sound of vibration, and the black palm print collided with the giant golden tiger, emitting a dazzling black and golden light.

There was a strong wind all around, and the aftermath swept the dust everywhere.

I saw that the black palm prints smashed the golden giant tiger into pieces, and then fell forward.

Seeing this scene, the Buddhist cultivator quickly condensed a barrier of scriptures to resist the remaining palm force.

Although it was only the remaining palm strength, he was knocked back two steps even though he had to resist in a hurry.

Just one move, high and low judgment.

Jian Fengyun looked at the Buddha cultivator calmly, and said, "Master, do you want to try again?"

(End of this chapter)

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