Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1329 Huang Sheng

Chapter 1329 Huang Sheng
"The Profound Token of the Five Gods is the secret teleportation token left by the five gods back then. This kind of token is related to the teleportation array in the secret realm. As long as you crush it, you can leave the secret realm. If you encounter danger in the secret realm, With the mysterious order of the five gods, you can save your life."

Elder Daoyi explained.


Jian Fengyun's eyes glanced, and he replied lightly.

A Profound Order of the Five Gods is equivalent to an extra ray of life in the Five Mysterious Realms, and it is quite important.

"When will the birthday party start?"

With a thought in Jian Fengyun's mind, he suddenly asked.

"It's about to start, you come with me, the other forces have basically arrived at the City Lord's Mansion."

Elder Daoyi spoke.

No wonder he was a little anxious, he knocked on Jian Fengyun's door himself, it turned out that the birthday banquet was about to start.

"Let's go then."

Jian Fengyun's thought moved, and he said immediately.

After a while, the Saint Courtyard and his party went to the City Lord's Mansion.

The [-] monks from Daxitian Sect also went, but they were ahead of Jian Fengyun and others, because they were led by a strong man from Daxitian Sect.

Perhaps it was because of the birthday of the city lord of the Five Gods City, the street where the city lord's mansion is located was extraordinarily lively.

Decorated with lanterns and festoons, brightly lit.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion, there are even more guests, people from all sides.

For the sake of the Five Gods Xuanling, they all came to the City Lord's Mansion very politely to celebrate the birthday of the old City Lord of the Five Gods City.

The lowest number of visitors was a Shenzong-level force, and there were quite a few forces equivalent to the Holy Land level.

These powerful and powerful figures in the past came to celebrate their birthdays, which inevitably made the City Lord's Mansion of the Five Gods City look a little lively.

"Guests from Dao Sword Holy Land, here you are!"

"The honored guest of Meifenghuayue, here!"

"The distinguished guests of the Tianhai Shenzong, here!"

The City Lord's Mansion is a mansion with a radius of one million square meters. The copper gates of three to five feet long and wide are open.

Outside the bronze gate, there were two guards of the God King Realm constantly announcing the visitors.

A martial artist in the God King Realm is only worthy of being a bodyguard here, which shows how extraordinary the background of the City Lord's Mansion of the Five Gods City is.

"Guests of the Holy Court, come!"

Finally, not long after, Elder Daoyi and others also came.

Behind Elder Daoyi, followed by Jian Fengyun and others, a group of people walked into the mansion of the city lord's mansion with a slow footstep.

After they arrived, almost all the seats in the City Lord's Mansion were filled, and all the guests had arrived.

Everyone was basically seated in the courtyard of the mansion. There were hundreds of banquets here. Of course, there were also three round table banquets in the lobby of the mansion. It happened to be empty, and it seemed that the city lord's mansion had prepared it in advance.

"The birthday banquet begins."

At this moment, a waiter from the City Lord's Mansion shouted.

A long and ear-piercing voice fell, and behind the mansion of the City Lord's Mansion, a group of dozens of maids filed out. They held plates of dishes in their hands, exuding strong aura, and stepped into the banquet with graceful steps. .

They are obviously professionally trained, and they are still graceful in posture and footsteps while carrying the dishes. They are by no means the maids of ordinary people.

The dishes were seated, and for a moment, the aroma of wine and dishes wafted from the mansion of the City Lord's Mansion.

The food and wine on the table are all cooked with elixir, and the meat is the meat of star beasts or monsters, which is of extraordinary value.

Just these dishes on the table are comparable to gold-level elixirs.

The most important thing is that eating these dishes is not like taking elixir, which is three-point poisonous. These dishes will be naturally digested and absorbed by the body, and the promotion is invisible, without the slightest sequelae.

For such a precious banquet, each table is worth no less than [-] top-grade divine crystals.

There are hundreds of tables, that is, millions of top-quality crystals. Such a large number is enough to buy a good treasure at the auction of Tianshenque.

However, the City Lord's Mansion used these millions of top-quality crystals for a banquet.

It can be seen how precious this spiritual feast is.

However, everyone did not move their chopsticks, because today's protagonist has not yet appeared.

"The city owner is here!"

At this moment, a waiter called out.

In the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion, an elderly man walked out. His beard and hair were white, and his eyes were as cloudy as candlesticks.

As long as he is a warrior, he can feel the breath of old age in this city lord at a glance, and his life span is numbered.

Although his body exudes the breath of old age, his own coercion is still unfathomable.

As long as you put your soul power close to ten feet away from his side, you can feel a huge pressure.

Jian Fengyun frowned, he seemed to have felt this pressure only from the head of the Holy Academy.

Could it be that the city lord of the Five Gods City was from the era of the dean of the Holy Academy?
While he was puzzled, he still didn't speak.

At the banquet, everyone did not speak, looking at the City Lord of the Five Gods seated in the lobby.

"Everyone, old man Huang Sheng, thank you all for coming to my birthday banquet today."

The Lord of the Five Gods City stood up, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and with a smile on his face, he glanced around and spoke slowly.

"City Master Huang is polite!"

"Senior Huang is too polite. I am lucky enough to be able to attend senior's birthday banquet. It is a blessing."

"That's right, Senior Huang's words are serious."

Powerful men from all sides stood up one after another, looked at Huang Sheng, and raised their wine glasses, flattering them.

"Everyone, this old man is a straightforward person. I invite everyone to the birthday banquet today to give away the three five gods mysterious decrees in my hand."

Huang Sheng drank a glass of wine, then glanced at everyone, and said directly.

It can be seen that there is a purpose for his birthday banquet to entertain the powerful from all sides.

"City Master Huang is really too polite."

"That's right, City Lord Huang not only entertained me warmly, but also gave me the five gods' mysterious decree. I don't know how to thank him."

Everyone got up in an instant, drank a glass of wine, and flattered the Taoist.

"You don't need to thank me in a hurry, the old man sent this five gods mysterious decree, I have something to ask for."

Huang Sheng glanced away, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said directly.

He held out his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

Obviously, the next thing to talk about is the purpose of his birthday banquet.

No one would spend millions of top-grade divine crystals to invite unrelated people to eat and drink as they please.

"City Master Huang has something to do, but it's okay to say it."

"That's right, City Lord Huang entertained us warmly, and we will naturally help if we can."

Everyone sat down slowly, put down their wine glasses, and their expressions became righteous.

They seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, so they all dealt with it calmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, let me just say it straight, this time you guys are celebrating my birthday, I will only accept three birthday presents, and nothing else will be accepted. After I accept these three gifts, they will sit in the lobby, I will give them the Profound Order of the Five Gods myself."

Huang Sheng swept his old eyes and said abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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