Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

At the end of the bamboo forest is a building made of bamboo.

"Heavenly Study!"

Three large golden characters were actually engraved on the bamboo door in front of the study.

There were three dark golden ancient characters floating above the place where the door plaque was originally hung. Somehow, the characters were left in the void, and the style of the characters was still maintained after such a long time.

Vigorous and powerful, containing endless mystery.

Just take a look at it and you can feel that the person who wrote the pen is absolutely extraordinary.

"Tianshuzhai, it turned out to be Tianshuzhai!"

With the words Lan You, her pretty face suddenly changed, and there was a look of surprise on her face.

Surprise and a little panic flashed in a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Tianshuzhai, it's here!"

Li Chongzun and the others on the side also stared wide-eyed, their pupils constricted violently, and a light of surprise and joy was reflected in their eyes.

"Amitabha, the legend turned out to be true, there really is a Tianstudy at this time."

Fayi opened his mouth and proclaimed the Buddha's name, and bowed to the three characters above the bamboo gate.

"The love is so strong, the monk is polite!"

Behind him, seventeen monks followed him and bowed their heads and bowed long.

Watching the actions of the people around him.

Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, and there was a look of doubt on his face.

"Tianshuzhai, what is the origin?"

he asked.

"Junior Brother Jian, don't you know about Tianshuzhai?"

Lan Youmei's eyes trembled slightly, with a look of surprise on her face.

Obviously, it was hard for her to imagine that Jian Fengyun would not know about Tianshen.

"Well, I don't know."

Jian Fengyun nodded, showing doubts on his face.

Lan You is the princess of the Youhuang God Dynasty, so she can attract her attention. Thinking about it, this day's study will be unusual.

"Tianshuzhai, this is a secret place left by a peerless empress in all parts of the galaxy."

"Its origin is a bit illusory, but it is recorded in the ancient books that this peerless empress was originally the maidservant of a human genius, and accompanied the human genius from weak to strong all the way.

This maid had a secret affection for that Tianjiao, but that Tianjiao devoted himself to cultivation and rarely got along with her.

Therefore, this feeling was hidden in the heart of the maid.

Until one day, that Tianjiao offended a disciple of a powerful force in the human race, so he was hunted down by that powerful force and died in exile.

But that Tianjiao had extraordinary cultivation after all, beheaded several waves of people who came to hunt them down, and completely angered that powerful force.

That great force used its enormous power to persuade the high-level members of the Holy Academy at that time to mobilize the power of all the clans in the galaxy to hunt down and kill that Tianjiao.

In the end, that Tianjiao was besieged on a cliff by strong men from various forces.

Although Tianjiao's cultivation was extraordinary, but facing the siege of the strong people from all races in the galaxy at that time, he couldn't be the opponent at all, and that Tianjiao died.

Before dying, he let his maid live well.

His maid didn't listen to him, she recorded all the faces of those who besieged them that day, and then began to practice on that cliff.

Guarding the tombstone of that Tianjiao every day, practicing Taoism for thousands of years, because of thinking of that Tianjiao, he actually created the Taoism that reversed time and space, and cultivated to the realm of God Emperor.

On the day she became emperor, she ruled the world, uprooted the forces that besieged them back then, and killed those who attacked them.

That night, the stars and rivers flowed into rivers of blood, and all the powerful forces of the human race, the spirit race, and the monster race were massacred overnight.

Blood filled the galaxy.

In the early morning of the next day, white snow fell on all sides of the galaxy, which was the empress' cunning trick.

It was only later that people found out that that day was the anniversary of the death of the former Tianjiao.

The empress later established a sect on the cliff and passed down the orthodoxy, which is today's Suiyueya. "

A look of nostalgia appeared in Lan Youmei's beautiful eyes, and she spoke slowly.

"I didn't expect that the god emperor who founded the ancient scriptures turned out to be a female emperor."

Jian Fengyun's eyes were slightly moved, showing surprise.

It's hard to imagine that a woman would become an enemy of the world for the sake of a relationship.

"However, having said so much, you haven't mentioned why the empress left Tianstudy?"

Lan Youqiu's eyes flashed, and said: "The Heavenly Study Room was created by the Empress herself when she stayed on the cliff and accompanied the Tianjiao corpse to practice alone."

"It is rumored that the empress at the time of the mark missed that Tianjiao day and night, so she created secret realms based on the memories of studying calligraphy with that Tianjiao in the study, and then drove these secret realms into the turbulent void, allowing her to wander in the void .”

After Lan You's words fell, Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly.

"So, this oasis is the long-cherished secret realm left by Empress Henshi?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes froze for a moment, and he spoke subconsciously.

"It should be. There are very few records about Tianshuzhai in ancient books, and we need to read it ourselves."

The light in Lan You's eyes dimmed, and said.

Although she knew about Tianshuzhai, she only knew its origin and didn't know how to get out at all.

Jian Fengyun frowned, indeed, at this time, he had to go in and have a look.

Above the sky, the light of the blood moon sprinkled around the sky study.

This bamboo house was covered with a layer of dark red gauze. Looking at the surrounding bamboo forests, strands of dark red moonlight shone through the gaps between the bamboo leaves, and they kept shaking. Looking from a distance, it was very strange.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Jian Fengyun opened his mouth and walked in first.

"Sir, you are here."

Walking through the bamboo gate, I saw a woman in white clothes standing there quietly in front of the study, looking at Jian Fengyun with tenderness in her eyes.

"you are?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, and was about to ask.

The next moment, the woman's figure disappeared, replaced by a closed bamboo door, and Lan You who was shaking her hands in front of his eyes.

"Junior Brother Jian, what's wrong with you?"

Lan You watched Jian Fengyun come back to his senses, and immediately asked, "Just now you said you wanted to come in and take a look, and we followed in. I never thought that you would be stunned after you walked through that door. I called You didn't even respond."

Jian Fengyun's complexion moved slightly, he was absolutely sure that he had indeed seen a woman in white just now, and even called him back.

However, as soon as he came back to his senses, the woman in white was out of sight.

Could it be that he has run into evil?

"It's okay, let's go in and have a look."

Naturally, Jian Fengyun would not tell Lan You that he might have run into something evil, so he responded lightly, and stepped up again.


There was a long sound, and then the tightly closed bamboos were pushed away.

The inside of the bamboo door is dark, and as soon as the door is opened, a thick cloud of dust blows towards the face, making people feel that the nasal membranes are dry, and they cover their faces and slow down their breathing.

"My lord, do you want to read a book?"

At this moment, Jian Fengyun saw it again.

The candles in the bamboo house were brightly lit, flickering with a yellow halo.

He stepped in.
(End of this chapter)

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