Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382
His various glorious deeds have long been circulated among the human race, monster race, and spirit race.

Although he has no experience in attacking monster races, just by virtue of his brutality in human races, he is not so easy to mess with.

"Teacher, I feel cold behind my back. Do you want to go out and buy something to make amends for him?"

"Teacher, I'm cold too, my heart is cold."

"Teacher, wait for me, I feel cold all over."

The three monsters caught up with Ziyue, and their faces became more mournful.

None of them noticed that a figure in a black and white Taoist robe walked out of the valley holding a crystal clear spirit stone in his hand.

"With this imprinting spirit stone, you can kill Jian Fengyun without any effort."

Under the Taoist robe, there was a sneer on an extremely cold face.

What he holds in his hand is the imprinting spirit stone, which can record the surrounding pictures.

Just now when Jian Fengyun met the three demons, then he stood still and resisted the attack of the three demons with Xuanwu method, then Ziyue was forced to subdue, and finally suppressed the three demons with his palm to let Ziyue leave by herself
All the images during this period were secretly recorded by him with the imprinting spirit stone.

Of course, he took great risks in doing this, but fortunately, the Taoist robe on his body could hide his aura, so that he did not expose it.

His figure flashed and appeared in a dense forest beside the valley.

In the dense forest, there are dozens of disciples of Dao Sword Holy Land.

The Taoist robe was lifted, and the face under the cloak was Dao Qingfeng.

This time he stepped into the Five Mysterious Realm, apart from chance, he also had a more important task, which was to take back the Chongshui Dao Sword of their Dao Sword Holy Land from Jian Fengyun's hands.

"Holy Son, is everything going well?"

An old man from Dao Sword Holy Land stepped forward and asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, everything will go according to plan."

Dao Qingfeng's harmless face showed a gloomy look, said.

In Mingyang Divine City, Jian Fengyun defeated him in public, made him run away, and lost all his face. This was a great shame for him.

He wished he could hack Jian Fengyun into thousands of pieces.

This incident even formed a demon in his heart, which made it difficult for him to improve his martial arts cultivation base.

"Holy Son, since you want to borrow a knife to kill people according to your plan, do we still need to bring those sacrifices?"

The old man in Daojian Holy Land raised his eyebrows, then approached Dao Qingfeng, and said in a low voice.

"We still have to bring it with us. If we want to mobilize the big killing weapon, we must have enough sacrifices, otherwise we will be backlashed. Although we borrow a knife to kill people, if the knife is not sharp enough, we can only do it ourselves."

A deep color flashed in Dao Qingfeng's eyes, and he spoke slowly.

This time, he stepped into the five mysterious realms, but he invited a big killer.

Picture of the Four Saints Zhu Xian!
Its power can fight against a strong man in the holy realm, but it is a pity that the price is a bit high, and it needs to sacrifice the lives of ten living beings.

Therefore, once he stepped into the Five Mysterious Realm, he had already taken ten warriors from ordinary forces as followers.

Those people are probably still secretly having fun now, thinking that being valued by him, the future is limitless.

As everyone knows, they are just sacrifices of the Four Sages Zhuxian Tu.

"Then keep them, where are we going next?"

The old man from the Sword Holy Land asked next.

"Of course, arrange for the tribesmen who came in this time to copy some shadow spirit stones, and then spread them out, so that the warriors in the five mysterious realms will attack him in groups. As for us, we should put on a good show and search for opportunities or something. , sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

The corner of Dao Qingfeng's mouth curled into a cold smile, and he said in a serious tone.

"Yes, then I will prepare here."

The old man took the Yin Ying Lingshi and retreated slowly.

Dao Qingfeng looked at the valley beside him, with a stern look on his face.

Although he knew that Jian Fengyun was in the valley, he still couldn't make a move and had to hold back, because he only brought him, and he was no match for Jian Fengyun now.

Even if the Four Sages Zhu Xian Tu is used, it may not be completely sure.

He can't take any more risks, within the five mysterious realms, Jian Fengyun won't let him have a chance to escape.

In the valley on the side.

Jian Fengyun didn't know that in such a short time, someone had made a lot of arrangements to kill him.

On the treetops, the moon is full of stars.

The entire hinterland of the valley was shrouded in silence.

Of course, looking around carefully is still a bit messy.

After all, the three monsters and Jian Fengyun have all done their hands here, and it is almost impossible to eliminate all traces in a short time.

He took Jian Xue'er to the side of the lake, looking at the reflection of the full moon on the lake, his mind fluctuated slightly.

In the surface of the lake, there is a green light, exuding a strong vitality.

Of course, the closer you get to the green light, the more you can feel the aura of ancient and wild beasts, and the surrounding water attribute aura becomes more intense.

Jian Fengyun released his divine power, trying to take away the jade bottle in the middle of the lake, but the divine power was suddenly blocked when it touched the water surface.


He frowned, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

The next moment, he stepped out, stepping directly on the lake.

For this kick, he didn't use any strength, and he stepped on it normally.

On the lake, a force supported his feet.

It was clear that there was lake water under his feet, and even the wind current caused by the fall of his footsteps caused circles of ripples in the lake water, but he just couldn't touch the lake water.

It was as if there was an extremely thin light curtain invisible to the naked eye, supporting his whole body.

So that his feet can't really step on the water.

"It's so weird, could it be a formation!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

With his eyesight, it was difficult to tell what happened to the lake under his feet for a while.

Like a formation, it can isolate objects falling above the water, but it cannot isolate natural forces such as wind.

However, he was not sure that this was a formation.

In these four weeks, there is no formation pattern in the void, let alone formation eyes. If it is a formation, even if he cannot decipher it, he can still see it.

"Xue'er, wait for me by the lake, I'll go check it out."

"Well, be careful."

Jian Fengyun walked towards the center of the lake, every step the wind current under his feet would cause circles of ripples on the water surface, but he couldn't touch the water surface at all, it was really weird.

After a while, he walked to the center of the lake where the Xuanwu blood essence was.

You can clearly see a jade bottle under the water, glowing with blue light, illuminating the entire lake, but it is out of reach.

No, this is the formation.

A moment later, he had a flash of inspiration, his eyes lit up, and he was shocked.

He got it.

Why can't this formation be able to feel the eyes of the formation, can't see the formation pattern, let alone the breath of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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