Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1393

Chapter 1393
The sutra of the soul-destroying claw was successfully deduced.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

He naturally heard the words of the two elders of the Golden Crow tribe clearly.

They actually wanted to attack Xue'er, which had already touched his back scale.

"I wanted to play with you for a while, but you actually want to attack my woman, so I can't keep you."

The corners of his mouth opened slightly, and he spit out cold words every word.

The next moment, a faint blue flame burned in his eyes.

Behind him, a phantom of a phoenix emerged.

The platinum-level soul power was activated by him, and the terrifying soul power fully exerted the power of the Youhuang Divine Fire.

An aura of a beast more violent than the Golden Crow permeated the air.

In the center of the entire valley, above the ground, one after another faint blue flames burned out of thin air, igniting all the trees and lawns.

Youhuang Divine Fire, this is a divine item that spent a lot of soul-eating stones in the treasure hall of the Heaven-devouring Pagoda.

Its power is self-evident.

"The ancient fierce beast, Youhuang!"

The two old men from the Golden Crow tribe, the two old women from the Poison Spirit tribe, and the middle-aged warriors from Lingsen Holy Land all focused their gazes behind Jian Fengyun.

That huge faint blue phoenix, with its terrifying beast body condensed in the void, was burning with raging blue flames.

"Run away!"

The middle-aged warriors in Lingsen Holy Land were the first to come to their senses.

He turned around, mobilized his divine power, swept out tens of zhang yuan, his whole body turned into a green light, and shot out of the valley.

When he escaped about a hundred feet away, the others came back to their senses.

"Run away, this Jian Fengyun can actually summon the ancient fierce beast Youhuang, if you don't escape, you will die."

The disciples of Lingsen Holy Land ran away, followed closely behind their elders, and rushed out.


The old woman of the Poison Spirit Tribe turned around, pinched the magic formula in her hand, and an ancient corpse appeared under her feet. The ancient corpse exuded a terrifying corpse aura, but at this moment, she did not attack. She directly picked up the old woman, turned it into a green light, and moved towards The other direction of the valley was shot out.

Another old woman on the side followed closely behind and left with her.

The disciples of the Poison Spirit Clan also shot at the same time, desperately fleeing with their elders.

The escape direction of the Poison Spirit Clan was different from that of Lingsen Holy Land. Obviously, they wanted to disperse to avoid being chased by Jian Fengyun with some special means, and then they would all die together.

As for the two old men of the Golden Crow tribe, their expressions were cloudy and uncertain.

The Great Sage Scroll has been used, if he escapes directly at this moment, the loss will be a bit big.

However, if they did not escape, they might not be Jian Fengyun's opponents.

After hesitating for about three or five breaths, one of the old men learned from the pain.

"Go, all the disciples of the Golden Crow tribe, follow me to evacuate."

The old man cast a secret technique, and behind him a pair of pale golden wings of monster power condensed, and his whole body turned into a golden glow, and he flew away through the air.

The other Golden Crow disciples had already been preparing for a long time, and they escaped into the air in an instant, breaking through the air and leaving.

The forces of the three parties retreated in a blink of an eye.

Unlike when they came, they were vigilant at every step, this retreating appearance is like a stray dog, running away, wishing that his parents didn't have an extra leg.

Indeed, the Youhuang condensed behind Jian Fengyun was beyond their expectations.

Not only the coercion of the beast, but also the coercion of the soul, so that they could not feel the hope of victory.

"I just want to leave now, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Jian Fengyun opened his eyes again, and the eyes were already burning with raging flames.

The blue eyes are of the same origin as the flame eyes of the beast Youhuang behind him.


He squeezed the magic formula in his hand, and the Youhuang behind him shook its wings angrily, and the heaven-shattering phoenix cry resounded in all directions.

Cleanse the wind and turn evil spirits!

Jian Fengyun used the Dongfang family's true method, and his combat power became a bit stronger with the blessing of the power of transforming evil.

Unfolding the Tianchibu, his figure disappeared on the spot, leaving countless phantoms in the void.

When his figure flitted, the Youhuang with blue flames burst through the air, like a ferocious beast possessed of spiritual intelligence.

One person and one phoenix kept flickering in the valley.

"Jian Fengyun no, no, don't kill me. Don't kill me"

"He is catching up, run away!"

What Jian Fengyun caught up with was the people from Lingsen Holy Land.

With his speed, coupled with the platinum-level soul power realm, wherever he passes, those people will basically have their souls wiped out directly and turned into corpses.

Among the 34 people in Lingsen Holy Land, even the middle-aged warrior in the Shenzong Realm was directly wiped out by Jian Fengyun.

Killing them only took seventy breaths.

On average, one person is killed every two breaths.

The next moment, he waved his hand and collected all the artifacts stored by the dead people in the Holy Land of Lingsen into the Heaven Devourer.

Then, his figure flickered and turned to the place where the Poison Spirits escaped.

It has to be said that the Poison Spirit Clan has many methods, and those two old women can actually summon poisonous corpses comparable to those in the Divine Sect Realm.

However, their combat power is extraordinary, and they still cannot keep their souls.

Jian Fengyun didn't bother wasting time with them, so he directly killed their souls.

"Jian Fengyun, my powerful Poison Spirit Clan has left a means in us. If you kill us, you will definitely be attacked by the Poison Spirit Clan after you get out."

"You let me go and promise not to trouble you in the future."

The two old women of the Poison Spirit Tribe, whose souls were severely wounded, looked at Jian Fengyun and bowed their heads.

Obviously, they had seen Jian Fengyun's method and directly attacked the soul. If it weren't for the fact that they both had an artifact in their hands to defend against soul attacks, they would have been wiped out in the last second.

"As long as you Poison Spirit Race are not afraid of death, I welcome you to make trouble."

In Jian Fengyun's eyes, Youhuang's divine fire was burning.

His tone was as cold as the killing in hell.

With a wave of his hand, the terrifying Youhuang Skyfire directly spread across the sky, turning into a frenzy of flames, engulfing the two of them.

"Jian Fengyun, you must die!"


Amid the sharp and ear-piercing screams of the old woman of the Poison Spirit Tribe, their two souls and bodies were reduced to ashes one by one.

Watching these people die, Jian Fengyun didn't feel the slightest fluctuation.

He reached out to put away the storage rings left by the flames of the two old women, and waved his hand to put the storage artifacts of other Poison Spirit Clan members into the Heaven Devouring Tower.

His figure disappeared again, darting towards the direction where the Golden Crows fled.

For these people of the Golden Crow tribe, he consumed [-]% of their soul power, activated the means in Youhuang's divine fire, and condensed the phantom of Youhuang to chase and kill them.

It was the first time he fully activated the Youhuang Divine Fire, and he didn't know the power of the Youhuang Divine Fire, so he still had to rush to have a look to avoid any changes.

"Ah—I'm fighting with you—"

"Fierce beast, I'm going to kill you—"


Before Jian Fengyun arrived, he heard a series of tragic cries from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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