Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1402 Measures before the war

Chapter 1402 Measures before the war

"Dragon Transformation Technique!"

A piercing dragon cry suddenly sounded and spread all around.

I saw that green dragons swept out of the surrounding ground immediately.

The power of the green dragon diffused, arousing violent winds and spreading to all directions in the city.

The cyan air flow filled the sky, exuding a terrifying dragon power.

"How could Jian Fengyun know the Dragon Transformation Technique of Lingsen Holy Land?"

"No mistake, isn't he the emperor of the Holy Court?"

"The Dragon Transformation Technique is a technique that is not passed down in the Holy Land of Lingsen. It is the true method created by their Lord Lingsen in his lifetime, and its power is astonishing."

Inside the Five Demons Ancestral City, countless people watched the scene before them and talked a lot.

The cyan dragon passed by, and Jian Fengyun's body remained only the corpse of the Blood Demon Snake on the ground.

All the warriors who were closer to him felt the power emanating from the blue dragon, and casually plundering it could kill the platinum-level blood demon snake.

This is simply incredible.

The Platinum-ranked Blood Demon Snake, a powerhouse comparable to a human god emperor, was instantly killed just like that.

How strong is his fighting power?

"Let's do it together!"

Seeing this scene, the strong man of the Golden Crow tribe frowned impressively, and secretly transmitted voices to the surrounding people.

All around, warriors from the Poison Spirit Clan and Dao Sword Holy Land nodded their heads one after another.

Their eyes crossed each other, as if they had secretly reached an agreement.

On the ground, the ugly-looking Hu Jiu and the others seemed to have received the sound transmission, and after a moment of hesitation, they seemed to have made up their minds.

"Everyone, prepare to shoot and chop him into minced meat!"

Hu Jiu's face showed a cold light, and his eyes were fixed on Jian Fengyun.

Originally thought that the star beasts brought this time would be enough to consume Jian Fengyun, but never thought that he would wipe them all out with one move. This was simply a slap in the face of their Seven Kills Holy Land.

"The Golden Crow Clan belongs to the order, and is ready to follow me to kill this official!"

The old man of the Golden Crow tribe in the midair also opened his mouth, and a phantom of the Golden Crow emerged behind him. Although his realm was suppressed at the nine-star God Emperor Realm, the aura he exuded was quite astonishing.

The rest of the Golden Crow clan also gathered their monster power one after another, revealing a murderous look.

"The members of the Poison Spirit Clan listened to the order and prepared to take action to avenge the people of the same clan who were killed by the beasts."

The Poison Spirit Race, an old woman with a terrifying aura, also spoke at the same time.

All the members of the Poison Spirit Clan had forest-green spiritual power gushing out from their bodies, and they were secretly preparing terrifying means.

"The disciples of Dao Sword Holy Land listen to the order and prepare to kill this son, avenge Dao Jianyi, and regain Chongshui Dao Sword."

In the Dao Sword Holy Land, an old man in a brocade robe spoke. His body was full of strong breath and murderous aura rising.

Jian Fengyun beheaded the second holy son of the Dao Sword Holy Land, Dao Jianyi, took away the Chongshui Dao Sword, and severely injured the Holy Son of the Dao General Holy Land. These deeds are widely circulated in the galaxy, and it is simply a shame for their Dao General Holy Land .

As long as Jian Fengyun is alive, Daojian Holy Land will be made fun of.

All of a sudden, there was a murderous look all around.

Inside the city, everyone's breathing slowed unconsciously, and their eyes were concentrated.

"Jian Fengyun is about to end, so many seniors have come to surround and kill him."

"Heaven is jealous of talents!"


Although everyone has heard about Jian Fengyun's deeds, most of them are just rumors, and very few have seen Jian Fengyun's real action.

Of course, there were also people who had seen Jian Fengyun's combat power and spoke up for him.

"I actually think that Jian Fengyun might fight back. Not long ago, I was trapped in the seabed city. There were quite a few strong people in the Shenzong realm of the demon race, but he still killed them."

"That's right. At that time, the Dongfang Family, the Golden Crow Clan, the Taixu Temple, Taoyuan Island and other forces were all helpless. Only Jian Fengyun relied on his own power to activate a peerless formation, suppress all the demons, and change the situation. The whole battle."

"Yes, yes, this kind of existence should still have a hole card."

There was an endless stream of discussions, and most of the people felt that Jian Fengyun was about to end his game. After all, Jian Fengyun only relied on formations to save people in the seabed city, and his own strength was nothing to worry about.

Although everyone was talking about it, no one dared to say it out loud, for fear of offending Jian Fengyun.

No matter how bad Jian Fengyun was, beheading ordinary warriors of the same generation like them would be no different from crushing an ant.

"Seniors, can you see that my Dangu clan let go of Junior Brother Jian?"

Just as everyone was discussing, a woman actually walked out of the crowd, and she cupped her hands at the people of the four major forces in midair.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved accordingly.

Dan Fenger? !

Isn't this person the senior sister of the Holy Academy who came with him this time, Dan Feng'er.

When she was in the seabed city, Jian Xueer's life was hanging by a thread. Thanks to a Nirvana Life and Death Pill worth more than 5000 million yuan given by her, Xueer's state was stabilized.

Unexpectedly, she dared to stand up at this time.

Behind Dan Feng'er stood some other people who entered the five mysterious realms with him.

The eighteen monks of Daxitian Sect were not there, probably escorting Suzaku's essence and blood to leave the Five Mysterious Realms. As for the other two, they did not step forward and pretended not to see Jian Fengyun.

Obviously, they didn't want to come to this muddy water.

Although Jian Fengyun treated them well before and gave them a lot of natural resources and treasures, but now it is a matter of life and death, they don't want to lose their lives for Jian Fengyun.

"Dangu clan!"

Hu Jiu narrowed his eyes on his fleshy face.

As for the leaders of the other three parties, their gazes fluctuated, and their expressions were a little moved.

The Dangu tribe has cooperated with all three of them. As a race in the galaxy known for refining medicine, it does have a bit of face.

"Little girl, if the patriarch of your Dangu clan comes, I will let this kid go, but you are here, I'm sorry, please get out of the way."

Hu Jiu spoke first, breaking the calm.

"Senior Hu Jiu, can't we discuss it?"

Dan Feng'er gritted her teeth slightly, and then spoke.

"Discuss what, let me tell you, because you are from the Dangu tribe, I will not kill you, otherwise, those who question my decision will all die."

Hu Jiu's eyes turned cold, his whole body shook violently, and a murderous aura burst out from his body.

This murderous aura turned into substance, exuding a dark red light, making people daunting.

"Thank you, Miss Dan, for your kindness. Let me handle it myself."

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes and spoke abruptly.

He didn't want to involve some irrelevant people to come in and suffer with him. After all, the most difficult thing to pay back is the debt of favor.

Dan Feng'er looked at Jian Fengyun, hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said: "Junior Brother Jian, you have to be more careful."


Jian Fengyun nodded in response, his face still calm.

These people, being suppressed in the Nine Stars of the God Emperor Realm, are not a big danger to him.

(End of this chapter)

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