Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1436 The Strongest Showdown

Chapter 1436 The Strongest Showdown

"you wanna die!"

Jian Fengyun turned around, with blue lights shooting out of his eyes, and grabbed the Heaven Devouring Sword in his hand and rushed towards the Nine Swords Demon.

On his body, the Xuanwu method was activated, and the Xuanwu phantom emerged, and the figure was galloping like lightning.

There was a strong man of the Golden Crow tribe who happened to be on the path of Jian Fengyun's charge, and was cut off by Jian Fengyun's sword, and he was directly locked on by the sword's energy.

The next moment, he heard a terrifying roar, and all the flesh and blood in his body exploded, completely shattered, and turned into a bloody mist.


On the side, the elder Golden Crow who was transformed into a giant Golden Crow bird also moved, roaring and shaking the void, turning into a blazing golden light, rushing over, bringing a gust of wind, sweeping the terrifying monster power, constantly fighting with Jian Fengyun collision.

"Damn it, this old man has made a move."

At the rear, everyone in the Taixu Temple saw this scene, and their complexions changed drastically.

When Jian Fengyun threatened to eat him before, they had already expected that he would strike sooner or later.

This is an extremely powerful existence of the Golden Crow clan, ranking eighteenth on the peak list of the five domains, an existence that is close to transcendence and holiness, compared to some unborn elders of the Holy Academy.

Even if there are five mysterious realms to suppress his cultivation base, but he has many means.

The moment he started, golden runes lit up on the tens of feet tall monster body, resisting the order of this world and keeping his realm at one star of the Shenzong realm.

Although its size is huge, its speed is not dissatisfied at all. It is like a ray of golden light, bringing up a huge wind, rolling up hundreds of thousands of catties of stones and flying in the dust.

Facing such a terrifying existence, Jian Fengyun didn't wait to stop.

It collided with Jian Fengyun one after another, the claws clanged against the silver sword, runes flew, and the surrounding boulders flew into the void, smashed under the huge aftermath, and shot in all directions.


The giant golden crow opened its mouth and let out a roar, emitting a ray of light like a vast blazing sun, with a murderous aura.

Jian Fengyun's whole body glowed and blocked him, but behind him, the rocky mountain collapsed, and then exploded, turning into dust.


A big golden claw landed, Jian Fengyun dodged it, the ground under his feet was instantly shattered, split open, and several deep ravines appeared, black holes, very scary.

The giant golden crow bird was powerful and attacked fiercely. It was covered with weapons. Even when its back was facing Jian Fengyun, if it flapped its wings, the golden wings swept over, and it could instantly shatter a boulder weighing tens of thousands of catties to pieces.

This tyranny shocked everyone!
"It's worthy of being an existence that is about to become a saint. Even if it is suppressed by the order rules of the five mysterious realms, it can still display terrifying combat power."

All around, whether it was the people in the Taixu Temple, or the parties involved in the battle, or other warriors from all sides watching the battle, all felt a chill behind their backs.

Jian Fengyun swung his sword to resist, burst out endless sword energy, and drowned the giant golden crow bird, and his blood was boiling with passion.


The giant golden crow croaked, spewed out a piece of golden runes, and transformed into a crimson flame, meeting the sword energy in mid-air, a blazing light erupted between the two, and there was the sound of divine weapons clashing, all the sword energy was blown away. Block them all.

According to legend, in ancient times, the Golden Crow was a fierce bird conceived by the legendary immortals. With the sun as its source, its flames could burn the sky and boil the sea.

At this time, it spewed out crimson flames, which seemed to verify this point, penetrating the sky and piercing the earth, blocking the extremely terrifying Heaven Devouring Sword Qi.

"The energy and blood on your body is really tempting. It seems that today I can have a good taste of you, the arrogance of the human race."

The giant golden crow spit out human words, its eyes were like two scorching suns, it soared into the sky, and attacked and killed it again.

The sound was rolling, like thunder.

Not only is it extremely powerful in realm and means, but also its physical body is tyrannical, comparable to a strong person in the Shenzong realm, so it is not afraid of Jian Fengyun's physical body, and uses the true method of the Golden Crow to attack and kill Xiang Jianfengyun.


Jian Fengyun activated the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword, and slashed forward with one blow.

Both bodies shook violently, and the runes gushed out like a tide. This world seemed to be coming to an end, and the four directions were shaking violently.

"Soul Slayer Claw!"

"Dragon Transformation Technique!"

"Eastern Emperor's Palm!"

A top-notch true method, as if without divine power, continuously emerged from Jian Fengyun's hands, attacking the giant golden crow bird.

"Golden Gang Body Protector!"

"The sun swallows the sky!"

A series of terrifying true techniques were revealed on the monster body of the Golden Crow Giant Bird, with power reaching heaven and earth, unparalleled in terror.

In a round of confrontation, the Golden Crow Giant Bird and Jian Fengyun retreated at the same time, and then urged the true method again, and the battle came together.


The giant golden crow roared angrily, and 36 long swords appeared behind it, shining golden light. With the rotation of the monster power, a golden sword energy burst out into the sky, and the light flourished.

These 36 long swords are all made of divine gold, and each of them is a low-grade black diamond-level artifact, forming a set that is comparable to the best black diamond-level artifact, with a sword that reaches the sky.

The sword energy swept out, evolving into a sky-filled golden sword energy, covering the sky and covering the earth, giving people a powerful, astonishing and shocking feeling.

These long swords are too dazzling, they are the most powerful weapons of this old man of the Golden Crow tribe, they spread all over the surrounding world in an instant after being activated, and strange phenomena began to appear, every long sword was stained with blood, the scene was terrifying.

"The four directions are dead!"

The giant golden crow roared and attacked forward. The 36 long swords turned their blades in an instant, all pointing forward, arranged around its body, and attacked Jian Fengyun from different directions.

This kind of attack makes one's heart tremble. The Golden Crow Giant Bird has the strength comparable to one star of the Shenzong Realm, and then activates such a powerful artifact. Who can resist it in this Five Mysterious Realm?

The giant golden crow bird overwhelmed the sky, and 36 long swords fluttered beside it, as if rushing out of the sun, with the breath of endless scorching sun, the terrifying sword aura came to the eyes.

Jian Fengyun's complexion changed slightly, this is definitely the strongest among the opponents in front of him, if he is eliminated, there will be no more problems.

He directly poured [-]% of the divine power in his body into the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword. On the edge of the sword, the sword pattern was slightly clear, and the sword energy was several feet long.

Horrific visions also emerged in the light of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword, evolving into the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, stars and sea, like a weapon to suppress the era.

With the help of this Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword of unknown strength, he activated the Great Void Sword.

In an instant, dense sword energy rushed out of the void, and each jet-black sword energy was attached with an astonishing silver sword light, and its power rose.

The black and silver sword energy collided with the sky-filled golden sword energy.

At the same time, he himself was overwhelmed by the turbulent demonic power. He activated the Xuanwu method, activated the Tuntian sword body to the extreme, and faced the Golden Crow giant bird with peak combat power, launching the strongest duel.


(End of this chapter)

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