Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1448 Physical Perception

Chapter 1448 Physical Perception
"Okay, let's go in, the test on the fourth floor is not so easy."

Devouring glanced at it and said.

He watched Jian Fengyun's figure slowly step into the door of light.

A silver light flashed in front of my eyes, surrounded by clouds and mist, I walked into the clouds and mist, and saw the familiar stone tablet again for a while.

I don't know where the clouds are!
After glancing at the stele, Jian Fengyun then stepped inside.

Seeing the familiar ancient bronze hall, the Hall of Rebirth, and the three ancient characters engraved on the plaque of the main hall, when you walk here, your eyes will be attracted unconsciously.

Pushing open the hall door, above the empty hall, only a bronze lamp on the ground behind the hall can be seen.

The wick of the bronze lamp was made of unknown material, and the ignited flame emitted a light green halo.

At this moment, he heard the words of Devourer again when he first entered here.

From the fourth floor to the seventh floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, the test of each floor was set by him personally. There are seven lamps in the Hall of Rebirth on the fourth floor, and there is a strand of light in each lamp. The soul power left behind by Devouring Heaven.

These seven strands of soul power respectively memorize the seven moves of the Heaven Devouring Sword Move. After passing the seven levels, one can only enter the fifth floor and obtain the Sword Sacrifice Jue after comprehending the Heaven Devouring Sword Move.

The Sword Sacrifice Jue should be the secret skill that Devouring said can take away the luck of others.

All he has to do now is to pass the test from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, the seven passes of the Hall of Rebirth.

He focused his eyes, but saw at the end of the hall, above the passing away lamp, the light green light flickered slightly, and a figure in black robe appeared in a flash.

"The first form of the Heaven Devouring Sword - Devouring Shang!"

Jian Fengyun saw the black-robed figure floating in front of him, and in an instant, a cross sword energy engulfed him with endless silver light.

The breath of death came instantly!
Jian Fengyun didn't hesitate, and directly activated the Xuanwu method.

His Heaven-swallowing Divine Body has broken through to the fifth stage, the first turn to enter the Dao Realm, and the power of qi and blood is comparable to that of a strong person in the Shenzong Realm. Turning into divine power to activate the Xuanwu method, he can resist a sword qi more than before breaking through.

However, even though he resisted an extra sword qi, everything only happened in about two seconds.

He felt that the power of Qi, blood and divine power in his body had been exhausted.

With a soft sound, everything disappeared before his eyes.

A moment later, his figure appeared in the fourth floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, as if waking up from a dream, and thinking about it carefully, he was still killed by the sword energy of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

If it is a real enemy, he is already dead at this moment.

"Even if you can block one more sword qi, you still can't see how that black shadow made a move."

Jian Fengyun secretly said in his heart.

Before that, the strength on his body was only enough for him to resist one sword qi. At that time, he couldn't see how Qing's black-robed figure made a move. Now, since he could resist two sword qi, he still couldn't see clearly.

It can be said that the speed has more than doubled, and it is impossible to even see how to do it.

With this in mind, he began to quickly recover the depleted divine power and blood power.

After a while, his figure slowly stood up, and with a single step, he stepped into the light gate again.

Pushing open the gate of the Palace of Rebirth, at the same moment, the divine fire of Youhuang suddenly lit up in his eyes, and the divine eyes of Youhuang were directly activated, trying to see through it the movements of the man in black.

The figure of the man in black emerged, appeared in front of him, and then walked aside, and then a cross sword aura emerged in the void.

This sword energy seemed to have nothing to do with the black-robed figure, he didn't even move his arm, and walked by, like an outsider, without even looking at Jian Fengyun.

There was another sound of two sword qi colliding, and the phantom condensed by the Xuanwu method was chopped into pieces, and then all perceptions disappeared.

His figure reappeared in the fourth floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower.

Looking up at the bright brilliance in the tower, he felt a little restless in his heart, and even used the Youhuang Divine Eye, but still couldn't see why, that sword energy was really powerful, so powerful that there was no warning, and the speed Almost without a gap.

"Boy, I shouldn't have reminded you, but seeing that you don't have much time, I'll make an exception and tell you once, that you will never be able to see through the move of the Heaven Devouring Sword with your eyes."

On the side, Ling Chee, who was sitting at the mouth of the Sky Devouring Pagoda's gate, looked at the scene in front of him, moved slightly, and said aloud.

"If you don't use your eyes to see, then what do you use to see?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, and said: "Do you want to use soul power to perceive?"

"I can't tell you what to use, you have to feel it yourself." Devouring glanced at it, then retracted it, leaving behind a faint sentence.

After his words fell, Jian Fengyun immediately fell into deep thought.

He thought for a moment, finally closed his eyes, and began to quickly recover his divine power and blood power.

After some time, he stepped into the light gate again.

Walking into the unknown place of Yunshen, pushing open the gate of the Palace of Rebirth, and seeing the black-robed figure again, Jian Fengyun's soul power surged out, Youhuang's divine eyes opened, and he began to observe carefully.

Two more sword qi fell, and he once again felt that his strength was exhausted, and he lost all perception of his surroundings.

His perception of soul power didn't play a role, and he still couldn't detect when the sword energy would appear and descend, let alone predict and avoid it in advance.

His figure reappeared in the fourth floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, his eyes flashed with light of thought.

If it is not the soul power, nor the eyes, then the only thing that can be relied on is the physical body.

If the physical body has a sense of the danger around it, it must be able to make a corresponding reaction one second before the danger comes.

He seemed to have figured it out, and couldn't wait to enter the Light Gate to try again.

So, he sat cross-legged on the ground, directly swallowed some loot recovery pills to speed up recovery, then got up, and walked towards the light door.

Once again, he pushed open the door of the Palace of Rebirth and walked in.

This time, Jian Fengyun directly closed his eyes, he didn't use his divine power, he didn't use his black martial arts, he didn't use his soul power, etc.

He just relied on his own body, every inch of skin and flesh was exposed to the air, as if he could hear his own heartbeat.

In the next second, his eyes opened, and the cross sword energy appeared in front of his eyes, but his figure also took a step towards the front left in the next second. It was only a small step, but it made him dodge dangerously. After the sword energy.

Another two bursts of sword energy followed, Jian Fengyun didn't dodge this time, was hit by the sword energy and disappeared directly into the Palace of Rebirth.

"So that's how it is. It's so incredible."

Jian Fengyun's figure appeared on the fourth floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower.
(End of this chapter)

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