Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462
On the Taoyuan warship, there is actually a sacred existence with a cultivation base stronger than the holy lady.

The vice-holy master of the Sword Holy Land followed his prestige.

I saw that the disciples of Taoyuan Holy Land under Jian Fengyun's feet were evacuating, and it was obviously the result of careful calculation.

"I said to the Deputy Holy Master of the Sword Holy Land, return your anger to anger, but don't hurt the innocent." Jian Fengyun stood on the gate of space, looking at the Deputy Holy Master of the Dao Sword Holy Land, with an expression on his face. said with a smile.

"Jian Fengyun, you'd better pray that you don't fall into the hands of my Dao Sword Emperor, otherwise you will be unable to survive. You will not be able to die!"

The Vice-Holy Master of the Dao Sword Holy Land gritted his teeth angrily.

"Then I have to thank this senior from the Dao Sword Holy Land. If I survive today, I will definitely repay your Dao Sword Saint Emperor."

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled into a sneer, and he spoke slowly.

At the same time, a black and gold paper talisman fell from above again, silently, but it contained terrifying power.

Obviously, it was the national teacher of Youhuang God Dynasty who made the move, and he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to take Jian Fengyun down.

However, at the next moment, Jian Fengyun's figure flashed directly, and once again disappeared into the space gate of the five mysterious realms.

That piece of black gold talisman paper turned into a cage, imprisoning the void of tens of feet, but it was useless.

"How can this child's perception be so terrible?"

The national teacher of the Youhuang God Dynasty frowned, a dignified light shone in his cloudy eyes, and his old face was extremely solemn.

His black gold paper talisman is different from any divine weapon or true method, and it can be regarded as the most secretive attack method among the many methods in the galaxy. Many opponents of the same level as him have suffered from this method of his.

However, Jian Fengyun is only a martial artist at the Divine Origin Realm, not even at the Divine King Realm, yet he can sense the attack from his talisman paper.

If he is allowed to grow up, then he will definitely not be an opponent. With such a terrifying perception, it can be said that it is no exaggeration to crush all warriors of the same realm, and even a young god emperor can't achieve such a realm.

Thinking carefully and fearing, You Tianming's heart became heavy.

"He can even sense and avoid You Tianming's talisman paper technique. I didn't even notice this talisman paper just now. His perception is too scary."

"This evildoer must not be allowed to grow up, otherwise it will become a serious problem for our forces."

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses from all sides frowned and thought secretly in their hearts.

Their eyesight is not the ordinary fighters around them, when the talisman falls and turns into a cage to imprison the void, they know that You Tianming made a move just now, but Jian Fengyun dodged it.

"Old dogs of the Youhuang God Dynasty, look at your arrogance and powerhouse, they are also a pile of trash."

Jian Fengyun's figure flashed suddenly, and appeared outside the gate of space again, holding a group of strong men and disciples of Youhuang God Dynasty in his hands, of course, Lan You was not included.

"Shizier dare!"

You Tianming's old face darkened, and he let out angrily.

Jian Fengyun didn't respond to whether he dared or not at all, and directly stimulated the divine power, the terrifying power gushed out, crushing and exploding all the strong men and disciples of the Youhuang Dynasty in the hands of the divine power, burst open, and turned into a cloud of blood mist .

The bottom of the space gate and the ground were all dyed a uniform dark red.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the arrogances of all the forces fleeing below gathered their supernatural powers to block the blood mist, so as not to contaminate them and cause bad luck.


You Tianming looked at Jian Fengyun, and was so angry that his nostrils only let out air. The Dao sword wrapped in cloth strips buzzed behind him, and the terrifying sword power emanated from the long sword, which was terrifying and frightening.

"You, you, the great master of the Youhuang God Dynasty, let me tell you, today I only charge some interest, and what you have done to Mingyang Shenzong will definitely be returned to you tens of millions of times."

Jian Fengyun's face was calm, with a calm expression.

"We can't hesitate anymore, let's take action together, we must not let him escape."

The Deputy Holy Master of the Taoist Holy Land's eyes were cold, and he used his soul power to send a voice transmission to the powerful men of several major forces around him.

"Let's do it together."

These people seem to have made up their minds.

Led by You Tianming of the Youhuang God Dynasty, a field of hundreds of feet emerged behind them at the same time, like a small world, instantly covering the entire sky above the relics of the five gods.

"The sage knows the heaven and the earth, it seems that these powerful men of great power are going to make a real move."

At the same time, most of the Tianjiao in the five mysterious realms have escaped, and the remaining few will not be scrupled because the forces behind them are not strong at all, and they will directly let their lives die.

Behind You Tianming is a dojo of hundreds of feet. In the dojo, countless black long swords are suspended in the sky, and a piece of black talisman is pasted on the long sword.

I saw the magic formula in You Tianming's hand, and golden runes lit up in his eyes, and then the Baizhang Dojo behind him glowed brightly, as if it were real.

In the sky above the dojo, thousands of black long swords and pieces of black talisman paper were automatically separated.

On the black long sword, golden sword patterns lit up, and on the black talisman paper, golden curse patterns lit up one after another.

"Faxiang Tiandi, suppress and kill!"

In the hands of You Tianming, two formulas were pinched, one was to pardon the black talisman paper that filled the sky, and turned into a talisman array, surrounding the space around Jian Fengyun, and the other was to activate the black gold long sword that filled the sky, turning it into a talisman array. Make a sword array and keep spinning.

The terrifying aura seemed to shatter the entire world.

The rest of the powerhouses from all parties did not activate Faxiang Tiandi. Obviously, they might be afraid that they would move Faxiang Tiandi at the same time, which might make this space unbearable and shatter. It's not easy.

Of course, they didn't do nothing, one after another Dharma manifested in heaven and earth, without urging it, it enveloped the surroundings, in all directions, nine heavens and ten earths, cutting off any way for Jian Fengyun to escape to the surroundings.

If there is a change at that time, they will still have time to mobilize the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth.

"A bunch of old dogs, if I don't die today, I will repay you twice in the future."

Jian Fengyun stood outside the gate of space, his body's basalt martial arts had already been activated, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, he fought against the black spell that filled the sky for the first time, but he didn't have time to activate the Xuanwu method, so he suffered some shock injuries in his body.

The divine power in his body is constantly being consumed. If it weren't for the constant replenishment of the Nirvana Returning to Origin, he would probably be sucked dry.

However, even with Nirvana Returning to Yuan, he is still not enough, and needs to rely on the power of swallowing the body of the gods and the power of swallowing the dead warriors around to supplement it.

Fighting against Faxiang Tiandi, and just at the beginning, he is already about to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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