Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1465 The Prestige of the Dharma Book

Chapter 1465 The Prestige of the Dharma Book
The orthodoxy of the Tianling clan is also a very mysterious existence in the galaxy, since he made a move, he must be sure.

The next moment, two more terrifying battles unfolded within a thousand miles.

On one side is the confrontation between the enshrinement of the Taixu Temple and the powerhouses of the Seven Kills Holy Land and the Dao Sword Holy Land, and on the other side is the confrontation between the Taoist nun from Suiyueya and this terrifying existence from the Tianling Clan.

Although the battle situation between the two sides was not as powerful as the confrontation between the Holy Academy and the Poison Spirit Clan, Golden Crow Clan, and Lingsen Holy Land, their destructive power was not inferior in the slightest.

In the past, the existence of the sacred realm, which was rarely seen in a thousand years, actually started here at the same time.

This kind of situation should be recorded in books and passed on to future generations.

"Boy, I have to say that you are very lucky. There are so many forces willing to fight for you, but that's all for now. Today I will kill you, the pride of heaven."

You Tianming's face condensed slightly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at Jian Fengyun.

The dharma phases around the world rotated, and the terrifying black gold sword energy and black talisman paper shot out instantly, attacking Jian Fengyun.

"Is it?"

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth suddenly curled into a sneer.

If he had no idea in the face of so many holy realms before, then now, he is almost [-]% sure that he can leave.

"Is it right? Try it and you'll know."

You Tianming's tone was cold and stern, and the attack fell hard, as if he was going to drown Jian Fengyun directly.

"So many seniors have offered to help me. If I were to stay here today, I would be living up to their expectations."

Jian Fengyun watched these attacks, his figure remained motionless, and even the Xuanwu method was directly withdrawn by him.

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

When You Tianming saw this scene, his face showed anger. A Dao sword pierced through the air behind his back, and unexpectedly aroused a sword energy, soaring straight into the sky, with a height of millions of feet, like a towering mountain peak reaching the sky. It fell down.

"What a terrifying momentum, can this Jian Fengyun block it?"

Outside the ruins of the Five Gods, countless spectators raised their heads, their mouths opened wide, and they spoke absent-mindedly.

This momentum is too terrifying, it simply opened the eyes of these audiences.

The existence of the sacred realm is worthy of being transcendent and holy, and there are not many in the galaxy.

Their power is too terrifying, no one knows whether Jian Fengyun can resist it, but most people feel that Jian Fengyun is hopeless.

At the same time that the sky-filled black paper spell and the black gold sword energy fell, the million-foot sword energy also fell.

"go with!"

Regarding Jian Fengyun's response, he just gently stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and placed them across the front of his body. A thin book sticker was sandwiched between his two fingers, and the letter was gently thrown out.

The Dharma book of God Emperor Taixu Jiang, which could not be opened in the past, just scattered in the air like this.

The signature was opened, and tens of thousands of black characters were shot out of it.

This black character pierced through the air and spread to the surroundings. In an instant, it was imprinted on the void, emitting a terrifying black light, covering a space with a radius of hundreds of miles.

seal up!
A huge word with the word 'seal' emerged from the void of a hundred miles.

And in the next second, Jian Fengyun's figure disappeared within the space of a hundred miles.

The millions of meters of sword energy, as well as the sky-filled black gold paper talisman and black gold sword energy, were all trapped within that hundred-mile space.

The huge sword energy dissipated directly when it touched the place beyond the hundred-mile space, and the black gold talisman paper and black sword sword energy were directly shattered by the huge word 'seal'.

The terrifying saint's dharma image was directly crushed under this dharma book.


You Tianming vomited blood directly up to the sky, retreated tens of feet, and black runes appeared around his figure, locking him firmly in the void.

At the same time, the book thrown by Jian Fengyun began to burn slowly.

The bright black flames are very dazzling in the void.

At this time, the sky was getting closer to noon, and the burning of the black flames actually made the sky in that space darken, as if it affected the laws of that space.

"I made it!!!"

Surrounding the ruins of the five gods, the strong men who watched the battle from all sides showed wonderful and astonished expressions on their faces when they saw this scene.

Some are shocked, some are unbelievable, and more are unimaginable.

Of course, many people saw the scene where the book sealed Baili Void, and their minds went blank.

That is the old national teacher of the Youhuang God Dynasty, who challenged the existence of the head of the Holy Academy, how could he be severely injured by a letter, and the whole person should not be imprisoned in that void.

"That is Taixu God Emperor Jiang's dharma book. I never thought that Jiang Shendi's last dharma book was on Jian Fengyun's body!"

"The Emperor Taixu Jiang God left thirteen Dharma books. All the major powers know that the first twelve are owned by others. Only No. 13 has no trace. I didn't expect it to be on Jian Fengyun's body."

"Could it be that God Emperor Jiang had already anticipated today's scene in the last era. Does he want to keep Jian Fengyun?"

The crowd was completely ebullient, and countless people dropped the things in their hands in surprise.

"Don't let him go, take him down."

At this moment, the strong men who were fighting each other suddenly came back to their senses, saw Jian Fengyun who had left the space of a hundred miles, and shouted loudly.

Within a thousand li radius, the powerhouses from all sides froze for a moment, and then gathered towards Jian Fengyun like a tide.

The first to block Jian Fengyun were more than a dozen nine-star powerhouses of the God Emperor Realm.

Their eyes were fixed on Jian Fengyun's figure.

"Those who stand in my way, kill—"

In the silence of the air, the corners of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled up, and he let out an incomparably cold voice, he didn't turn his head to look at You Tianming with cold and angry eyes, his gaze was now only directed forward.

Almost at the moment when the word "kill" fell, everyone only saw a monstrous black sword light flashing past.


In the next instant, the heads of the seven or eight God Emperor powerhouses standing in front of Jian Fengyun were cut off, and the smooth incision took half a breath to spurt out scarlet blood. The head with eyes closed instantly fell from the neck, rolled three times on the ground, and the body fell limply on the ground.

Seven or eight god emperor powerhouses stared wide-eyed, and did not believe it until they died. How could Jian Fengyun suddenly cut off their necks with a single sword strike? No matter how strong a martial artist in the Shenyuan realm is, he can't kill him instantly with a single sword strike. Seven or eight God Emperor powerhouses.

"how come."

Keeping this inconceivable mouth shape, the seven or eight God Emperor powerhouses felt the world spinning for a while, and finally saw their bodies limp and knelt down, blood gushed out, and their consciousness slowly disappeared amid endless unwillingness.

Follow up
(End of this chapter)

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