Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480
Obviously, the Youhuang Divine Fire shattered the light curtain she condensed just now, and affected her soul so much that she couldn't even maintain the most common charming eyes.

"I want a star map of Xinghe, the more complete the better."

Jian Fengyun looked at the woman, and opened his mouth calmly when the tricks on his body disappeared.

For some things, it would be faster if you had to do it. If you talk nonsense with her, it might take a long time.


The red-clothed white-haired woman, seeing Jian Fengyun's calm expression, was so angry that she gritted her teeth fiercely.

Is this man really a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old? Why does it feel like he has no interest in women, or is it because I am not attractive enough?
"Is this business going?"

Jian Fengyun glanced at her, ignored the anger in her eyes, and said rationally.

"Yes, why not do the business of black diamond VIPs, but the star map of the entire galaxy is quite precious, which covers the five major star regions and even some places in the chaotic star region outside the five regions. The Great God Sect may not even have it, and many holy places do not have as many star maps as we do."

The red-clothed white-haired woman gritted her teeth, looked at Jian Fengyun angrily and said.

She wanted to kill Yi Yi Jian Fengyun, this man is too hateful, he dared to be so rude to her, and she entertained him so warmly, but he did it without saying anything, it made her angry to think about it.

"Take it, I wonder if this sword is enough?"

Jian Fengyun glanced, and a wide long sword emerged in the palm of his hand. It was the Heavy Water Dao Sword he had obtained when he killed the second holy son of the Dao Sword Holy Land in the past.

Although this sword is not of a high level, it is rumored that it contains the inheritance of the Dao Sword Holy Land. Jian Fengyun has also spied on it, and it does contain some rather advanced sword inheritance, but these inheritances are still quite different from the inheritance of the Heaven Devouring Sword. The gap, so it is not of much use to him.

In fact, Jian Fengyun also has Shenjing and Xianyu, and even a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures, which are all contributed by the talents of various forces in the five mysterious realms.

It's just that he is running out of time now, and he doesn't have the time to toss around the spoils. He gets the star map first and then leaves, and then checks it slowly when he is in a safe place.

"Chongshui Dao Sword, is it really an extraordinary treasure?"

The red-clothed white-haired woman's purple eyes lit up, and the anger on her face turned into slight excitement.

"Is it enough to be worth the star chart?"

With a glance at Jian Fengyun's eyes, the value of Xinghe's star map is definitely not cheap, but according to some rumors about this heavy water sword from the outside world, he can judge that the value of this sword is not cheap.

Of course, he wasn't sure if the heavy water sword was worth the star map, but if it wasn't enough, he still had a Qingfeng sword in the Heaven Devouring Tower, which he got when he killed Dao Qingfeng in the secret realm.

If people from Dao Sword Holy Land found out that Jian Fengyun actually paid for their inherited Dao sword, he would probably turn into a pig's face with anger, and fight Jian Fengyun on the spot.

"Enough, the value of the two is about the same, but you are sure to pay for this heavy water sword. Let me tell you, once it enters the treasure of the Netherworld Chamber of Commerce, it will not be long before it will be auctioned in the Galaxy. The Holy Land will not let you go."

The red-clothed white-haired woman glanced at Jian Fengyun with her purple eyes and asked.

"It's already immortal, I don't need them to let go." Jian Fengyun said calmly and coldly.

"Okay, then I'll accept it, and I'll give you the star map right now."

The white-haired girl in red stretched out her hand, put the heavy water sword into her hand, and put it into the artifact of storage. Then she turned around, swaying her exquisite body, and walked gracefully to the bookshelf beside her.

She twitched a bit, took out a jade slip from the bottom of the bookshelf, and handed it to Jian Fengyun.

"This is all the star maps of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce so far, covering the five domains and the chaotic star domain, and even some unknown stars are recorded. It is not comparable to the garbage from the outside world."

The white-haired woman in red stretched out her hand, lazily handing the jade slip to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand, and divine power surged out to grab the jade slip into the palm of his hand.

In the next moment, his soul power surged and poured into the jade slip. Suddenly, a huge star map emerged in his soul sea. The star map was vast and all-encompassing, which made him lose his mind for a moment.

After a while, he came back to his senses, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

The star map of the Netherworld Chamber of Commerce is indeed huge and detailed. Compared with the part of the Southern Star Region star map he got from Weng Yijing in Taoyuan Island, it is simply a sky and an underground, and there is no comparison.

The next moment, the jade slip in his hand quietly shattered. Obviously, this star map can only be viewed by one person once, so as to prevent rumors, but it doesn't matter whether the jade slip is good or bad, the star map has been firmly engraved in Jian Fengyun's soul sea. on the line.

"Thank you, farewell!"

Jian Fengyun glanced at the white-haired girl in red at the side, and slightly cupped his hands and said.

After he finished speaking, he turned around, his footsteps were crisp, his figure was resolute, without the slightest sloppiness.

"Hey, let's go now?"

The white-haired girl in red was a little dissatisfied when she saw that Jian Fengyun was about to leave.

What kind of reaction is this? Is he so ugly? Just after reading the star map, he wants to leave so resolutely, as if he is unwilling to stay for a quarter of an hour, which hurts people's self-esteem.

"I thank you."

Jian Fengyun's figure stopped slightly at the side of the door, and said lightly.

In this extraordinary period, she didn't confess herself, and even traded the star map with herself. Obviously, she didn't have any malice towards her, and even had a hint of kindness, so Jian Fengyun was willing to stop and say something more .

"Hey, I mean you don't know my name yet." The white-haired woman in red was a little annoyed.

She is a beautiful woman, and she is not being hugged by men wherever she goes, but when she meets such a strange woman, she leaves without even asking her name. She seriously doubts this man's sexual orientation.

"Why do you need to know?" Jian Fengyun asked casually.

"Because we will meet again soon." The red-haired woman in white clothes smiled with a hint of meaning.

She seemed to know something, but she didn't intend to tell Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun frowned upon hearing this, then opened his mouth and spit out two words.

"not see."

After the words fell, he pushed the door and walked out. His figure flashed and disappeared above the third floor.

"Hi, my name is Wang Yan."

The white-haired girl in red opened her mouth and said hastily, looking at Jian Fengyun who had disappeared and the empty door, the corners of her mouth were inexplicably angry.

This man, if it weren't for the four young men who have the same temper as the guy, begging repeatedly, she would definitely not have anything to do with him.


(End of this chapter)

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