Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1484 Chaoshen Star City

Chapter 1484 Chaoshen Star City
After a long time, he felt that his strength seemed to have calmed down a bit, and when he opened his eyes, both eyes turned red-gold.

The gaze shot out, turning into a golden beam, filled with terrifying fire attribute power.

I saw that on the Noah's Ark at this moment, runes lit up one after another, and unexpectedly condensed a prohibition to seal the surroundings of Jian Fengyun's body, blocking all the golden flames.

It is precisely because of the existence of this prohibition that Noah's Ark was not destroyed in the terrifying flames just now.

However, the essence of this prohibition is to protect the ark, and it does not help much outside the ark.

As a result, his eyes swept over, and saw a body burned by flames in the depths of the cabin, lying on the ground.

That body was almost covered with burns, as well as that face, the face was gloomy, and the corners of the lips turned white.

Jian Fengyun just glanced at it, then swept over.

Because that body seems to be naked
"See no evil, see no evil"

After a while, Jian Fengyun was still putting on a piece of clothing for himself, then he struggled a little, then stretched out his hand and threw a piece of his own robe over, covering the scarred body, and threw it away by the way A bottle of healing elixir passed by.

With his soul power, he could sense that the heavenly maiden didn't suffer too much injury. Her realm foundation is there, enough to protect her life. Medicine is enough to solve.

His gaze swept to the pile of storage artifacts, which had basically been cleaned up by him.

The seven or eight treasures that were not inferior to the blood essence of the Golden Crow were put away by him. At this moment, his eyes were facing forward, looking at the first city that he would pass through on this trip, Chaoshen Star City.

This star city is not big, and there are no powerful forces on it, but it is a city belonging to the Holy Land of Dao and Sword.

Daojian Holy Land controls such a star city and is responsible for trading with some nearby big forces. Of course, it also provides a place for trading for warriors from all walks of life in the galaxy.

The profit that this Star City can bring to the Dao Sword Holy Land every year is no less than [-] million top-grade divine crystals, which is an astonishing amount.

There are quite a few cities like Chaoshen Star City in the galaxy, but most of them are controlled by powerful forces from all sides, providing them with a steady stream of resources every year, making their foundations more solid.

On Noah's Ark.

"Beast! What did you do to it?"

The Holy Maiden of Heavenly Spirit woke up. She wanted to get up subconsciously, but she felt sore all over her body, as if she had experienced a great battle. Looking at the man's robe covering her body, her complexion changed, and she grabbed the robe and sat up. , screamed out loud.

"Hey, don't slander good people. I didn't do anything. I only gave you the robe and the medicine because I saw your injury."

Jian Fengyun turned his head, rolled his eyes, and said.

"You are not as good as a beast!" The saint of Tianling sensed her body, as if it was what Jian Fengyun said, she could only speak angrily.

"Whatever you say, the Ark is about to descend, you'd better get dressed quickly."

Jian Fengyun glanced at him and said calmly.

After saying that, he sat up cross-legged again, adjusted his state, and prepared to collect interest.

"Damn, bastard"

The saint of Tianling was extremely angry, and she gritted her teeth and stared at the calm and comfortable figure in front of her who was practicing.

She has never been angered like this since she was a child, so she simply doesn't take her seriously, no, to be precise, she should be treated like a maid.

Although she was cursing, her body was still very honest. She found a remote corner and put on her robe, and then swallowed the pill on the side, and sat on the side to start recovering.

It has to be said that Jian Fengyun's estimate was very accurate, just swallowing the healing elixir, the flesh wounds on her body scabbed instantly, but they healed immediately.

After finishing all this, she glanced at the figure on the deck with a strange gaze, she didn't expect that the elixir Jian Fengyun gave her was not bad, it was a gold-level healing elixir, and it was quite good among the healing elixir exist.

Now in the galaxy, alchemists are scarce, and high-level pharmacists are even rarer, which makes high-level elixir expensive.

This kind of gold-level healing elixir can be sold in the market for 100 top-grade god crystals or even more than one. There are ten pieces in such a bottle, which is more than [-] million top-grade god crystals.

He just threw it to me so casually?
She felt very strange.

In fact, she didn't know that Jian Fengyun hadn't been in the galaxy for a long time, and he didn't know much about the market, especially the pill market. Although the healing elixir was okay, it could only be regarded as below-average in his harvest, so he threw a bottle of it to the heavenly saint without feeling sorry.

If Jian Fengyun knew that this bottle of alchemy was worth millions of top-grade divine crystals, he probably wouldn't even give it to him if he was killed.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun has adjusted his state, and Noah's Ark is about to break through the boundary wall of the small star city ahead.

Chaoshen Star City is not too big, it is equivalent to one-third of the Holy Sky City, but there are millions of people in it, and because of the recent changes in the Galaxy, the number of people in this Star City has soared to more than 700 million level.

At this moment, the entire Chaoshen Star City is discussing the change in the galaxy.

On the streets, at the corners of the alleys, almost everywhere, people were talking about the seven major forces besieging Jian Fengyun.

The news in the galaxy was transmitted quite quickly. As one of the star cities closest to the Five Gods Realm, Chaoshen Star City knew in the shortest time that Jian Fengyun was besieged by the seven major forces, but he killed countless people and retreated completely. news.

"This Jian Fengyun is really daring, even dare to kill so many powerful arrogance, and even dare to provoke the existence of the sacred realm, what else in this galaxy is he dare not do?"

"Hundreds of years ago, there were four celestial arrogances from the lower realm who offended the three major powers including the Dao Sword Holy Land, but they were abruptly offered a reward by the three major powers for hundreds of years. So far, there has been no news of them. It is estimated that their heads are in different places. Come on!"

"Not only that, not long ago, the suzerain of a Shenzong offended an official of the Youhuang Dynasty, and as a result, the sect was directly wiped out, and the blood flowed like a river."

"The forces of all parties are like this. After all, they have big roots and strong roots. If they are offended, they will almost certainly die!"

"This Jian Fengyun probably has started to run away crazily at this moment. He probably didn't dare to show his face in the past few decades. Once he shows up, he will die."

(End of this chapter)

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