Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1490 The Destruction of One City

Chapter 1490 Annihilation of a City

"Please, kill me."

Daomu knelt down on both knees, blood gushing out of his head, he felt like he was going crazy.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were cold, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a faint blue fire lotus was condensed to directly cover Daomu in it.

The Youhuang divine fire activated it, but it didn't hurt his body, but it continued to burn his soul.

"What on earth do you want!!!"

Dao Ming's eyes widened, with bloodshot eyes spreading, he felt that under this kind of torture, it would be more enjoyable to let himself die directly.

"I want to use you to tell the Dao Sword Holy Land and the seven major forces that anyone who attacks me will have to pay the same price!" Jian Fengyun stood proudly in the sky with cold eyes, scanning his surroundings.

He knew that everything that happened in Chaoshen Star City would definitely be recorded, so this scene must also be recorded.

His words were addressed to the people of the Seven Great Influences.

If he hadn't managed to escape in the Ruins of the Five Gods, then he was the one who ended up in this situation at this moment.

"The people of the Holy Land have enmity with you, and I have no enmity with you, why do you torture me like this!" Dao Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"Because you are from the Holy Land of Dao and Sword. From today onwards, I will intercept and kill all the people from the seven major forces who attack me as long as they are outside. Unless you leave the seven major forces, then this grievance has nothing to do with you."

A cold light flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes, looking down at the surroundings, his tone was cold and authentic.

After the words fell, his palm was slightly raised, and suddenly pressed down towards the void in front of him.

Under this pressure, a shocking black handprint suddenly emerged from the sky.

Donghuang Palm was activated.

But this time, the moment the big black handprint appeared, Jian Fengyun squeezed a formula in his hand, and the soul power in the soul sea surged out, turning into a blue flame that filled the sky, and attached to the huge handprint .

On top of the black big handprint is burning a faint blue flame, carrying an indescribably terrifying coercion, like a big hand from a god emperor, rapidly growing in size in the void.

The frightening power of Qi and blood poured out from Jian Fengyun's hands as if a gate had been opened, consuming [-]% of his divine power and soul power in an instant.

The terrifying big handprint in the void grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, instantly covering the sky and the earth. From a distance, this big hand actually completely covered the entire Chaoshen Star City.

In the city, looking up, I saw a huge shadow pressing towards the ground, with a throbbing aura like the destruction of the world.

"Let's go!!"

Among the crowd in Dao Sword Holy Land, some strong men roared immediately when they saw this scene.

Without him saying a word, all the people in Dao Sword Holy Land knew to go quickly, because the target of this palm was exactly them.

In the blink of an eye, the massive Tao-sealing formation quietly disintegrated before, and no one was still standing there, wishing that their parents didn't give birth to two extra legs, and they ran wildly, pushing the power in their bodies to the extreme, pouring all of them into their feet superior.

However, even though they tried their best, they still didn't escape very far.

Chaoshen Star City is still too big for them.

The palm above the void boomed, breaking all the restrictions in the city, and suppressed thousands of strong men from the Dao Sword Holy Land in the void to the ground with a bang.

All the pavilions within a radius of tens of thousands of feet collapsed and shattered at this moment. Not only the thousands of strong men from the Dao Sword Holy Land, but also the tens of thousands of people from the Dao Sword Holy Land below, all of them were tightly suppressed in this place. under the palm.

All of a sudden, there were countless casualties, and the entire city was stained a layer of blood red.

Of course, most people survived under this palm. After all, it was only one palm. They could still save their lives with all their strength, but even if they survived, they would not live long. penetrate into their bodies.


"What fire is this, my soul my soul"

Countless people below just stood up, but found that their souls were burning little by little, and a sharp pain came from the depths of their souls, wailing everywhere.

At this moment, they finally knew what kind of pain their Elder Daomu was enduring in Jian Fengyun's hands.

A moment later, a horrifying scene appeared below. Those who did not die actually waved their hands, slapped their own heads, and died by suicide.

Daomu's eyes were already blood red, and he stared at Jian Fengyun, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed: "Jian Fengyun, you must die!!!"

It was clear that his life was coming to an end.

"Chaoshen Star City is just my first stop. In the galaxy, I will destroy all the seven major forces." Jian Fengyun turned around, not looking at Daomu.

Let him die, the news here has already spread.

His footsteps fell from the void, and with a wave of his hand, terrifying golden flames gushed out from his hand, igniting the entire building in the city.

And he walked towards Daojian Pavilion amidst the flames.

From today onwards, on his path of cultivation, all the cultivation resources will be on his own, so the resources of this city cannot be wasted.

A moment later, his figure walked out of Daojian Pavilion and harvested several storage rings.

On the city tower, countless people watched the scene in front of them.

The white-clothed man resolutely, with black hair dancing lightly, walked calmly and calmly, walked out of the city from the sea of ​​flames, walked towards the boundary wall and stepped on a flying artifact, which turned into a silver light and disappeared into the starry sky.

Everyone watched this scene, no one stopped, not even a voice to speak.

It's not that they don't want to stop Jian Fengyun, but because they know that it's useless even if they are blue, and they will even risk their lives.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Tell the family that the loss is huge this time, and all the stores arranged by the family in the seven major forces should be withdrawn."

"This time the Seven Great Influences have encountered an evil star. It is important for us small forces to avoid the edge for the time being. We should not cooperate with the Seven Great Influences in the near future, so as not to suffer unnecessary losses."

"Hurry up and send a message to tell Zongmen to stop making friends with the seven major forces, so as not to be hurt by Chi Yu."

People from all sides reacted impressively, and hurried to send a message.

Everything that happened in Chaoshen Star City today made everyone here clear that Jian Fengyun is not an ordinary young genius, he is a young genius who has grown up, and his combat power is no less than that of the various forces in the galaxy. The older generation is strong.

Before Jian Fengyun was executed, any city of the seven major powers might be destroyed by Jian Fengyun just like Chaoshen Star City today.

If the branch properties of other forces were placed in their city at this time, they might be destroyed together.

Safeguarding one's life wisely, no one wants to take risks at this time, after all, they are all inside the real divine crystal.

As for when the seven major forces will be able to kill Jian Fengyun, in their opinion, it should be impossible in the short term. The five gods ruins have such a good opportunity that Jian Fengyun escaped. The galaxy is vast, and it will be even more difficult to win Jian Fengyun. .

among the stars
(End of this chapter)

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