Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1498 Thinking and Reality

Chapter 1498 Thinking and Reality

Above the city tower, pairs of eyes stared straight at what was about to happen in the distance to the west.

On the yellow sand all over the ground, the three seven-star powerhouses of the Shenzong Realm who didn't seem to feel the approach of the demon tree were still absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the underground mine veins.

Around it, the aura of heaven and earth has turned into a mist-like state, and anyone who takes a sip will feel their minds fluttering.

This aura of heaven and earth is too pure, like nectar from the sky, any warrior will be addicted to it.

"No wonder!"

The three absenteeists of the seven stars of the Shenzong Realm who were walking ahead had a gleam of light in their eyes, looking at the demon tree about ten meters high in front of them, they knew something.

Such a rich aura of heaven and earth has a fatal attraction not only for humans, but also for monsters. Therefore, this demon tree is probably indulging in this aura of heaven and earth, forgetting about the dangers around it.

Although they already had a conclusion in their hearts, they stopped slightly when they were about to approach, and became vigilant.

To be able to live on Jiuxuan Mine Planet for so many years, and become the existence of the team leader, they not only rely on their own strength, but also extremely high vigilance, because there are no rules on this planet.

As long as the interests of the two major spirit races are not touched, they will not care.

Therefore, if they want to be on this planet, they may be assassinated by people who covet their position at any time, but they still survive to this day, and they have gained a lot of fame, which shows that they are not ordinary people.

They released a wave of divine power from their hands and attacked the demon tree.

Three divine powers rushed out from three different directions, flashed red, blue, and blue lights in the void, and then landed on the branches of the demon tree.

The divine power fell on the branch, causing the branch to sway immediately, but soon the three strokes of divine power were dissolved by the golden runes on the branch, and there was nothing left.

After being attacked, the speed at which the demon tree absorbed the aura of heaven and earth seemed to be a little slower, like a person who was in a dream suddenly awakened, and most of the feeling in the dream would disappear in an instant.

"It turned out to be a little demon in some corner, and it's only now that I wake up, it's too late!"

"One hundred thousand top-grade god crystals, here I come!"

"I'm here too!"

Seeing this scene, the three warriors from the Seven Stars of the Divine Sect Realm felt a chill flash across their rough faces, divine power rose from their bodies, and runes appeared on their arms, and they grabbed them out with one palm.

Three beings of the Seven Stars of the Divine Sect Realm shot at the same time, and there were three forces of different attributes on the palm.

Although they felt that they had seen through the demon tree, the lion fought the rabbit with all its strength, and all of them activated a gold-level true method, which was rewarded to them by the Nine Profound Mine Star Spirit Clan .

The power on their bodies became stronger after urging the true method, and the ground under their feet was directly sunken, and cracks appeared one after another.

A terrifying aura surged out instantly, causing all the sand and rocks around the demon tree to fly up.

A strong gust of wind rushed out from their bodies, fused with divine power behind them and turned into a phantom.

If a warrior wants to break through the realm and become a god sect, he needs to cultivate at least one familiar law to the extreme, to a level above the law, and that is the profound truth that many people know.

In the spiritual sea, evolve the profound meaning of the law, and then carry the whole body's cultivation base on the profound meaning. In the future, you will use this profound meaning to break through the realm and become a saint.

For some talented Tianjiao, when they are in the Shenzong realm, they will continue to replenish the secrets of the law, and they will practice multiple secrets of the law at the same time. The quality and quantity of the secrets of the law determine the level of combat power of the warrior in the same realm.

Behind these absenteeism is the manifestation of their profound principles of law, mobilizing all their combat power.

Ordinary fighters will not release the secrets of the law when they fight. On the one hand, it is because the secrets of the law are not perfect, and the release may not be as powerful as imagined.

Once the law and profound meaning condensed by the warrior is destroyed, then the whole body's cultivation base will be affected. In severe cases, the cultivation base will be completely abolished, and one needs to practice from scratch.

Moreover, the profound meaning of the law is in the body, and its power can be exerted through some powerful true methods, so warriors with high inheritance will never release the profound meaning of the law in battle.

However, these absenteeists in front of them should not be able to reach the level of those warriors with inheritance. The most powerful true method they master is the gold-level true method rewarded by the spirit clan on the Nine Profound Mine Star, which cannot carry their profound meaning at all. Out of power.

Therefore, at this moment, they directly released the profound meaning of the law in their bodies.

The mysteries of the laws behind these absenteeisms were solidified and turned into irregular shapes. With their urging, those mysteries of the laws caused China to drop beams of brilliance, falling on them, and letting their palms of power Worse.

On the tower not far away, all the warriors watching this scene frowned slightly.

"What, it's a bit too much of a fuss to deal with a broken tree and release the mystery."

"I think it's the same. From the beginning to the end, the demon tree didn't release any dangerous messages."

"Stop talking, watch"

Countless eyes focused on this scene on the western plain.

Above the city tower, the strong Spirit Race man who was in charge of ringing the bell, and several people from the Spirit Race beside him also paid attention to this scene.

They have a strong sense of the demon tree, and they feel a very dangerous aura on the demon tree. However, they are about to be attacked at this moment, but the demon tree is still harmless to humans and animals, motionless.

Could it be that the perception is wrong?

Just when they were wondering, the attacks of the three Shenzong Realm Seven Stars rushed out of their hands and slapped towards the root of the demon tree.

Obviously, they wanted to directly destroy the roots of the Demon Tree and resolve the battle directly.

They seemed to see one hundred thousand top-grade god crystals beckoning to them. At the same time, they were almost thinking about how to solve the demon tree for a while, how to get rid of the two around them, and swallow the one hundred thousand top-grade god crystals all by themselves.

What's more, they also thought about how to use the [-] top-grade god crystals, and whether their status in Lingji City would be higher after the demon tree was destroyed, and even wondered whether they would be The people of the Spirit Race were favored and then reused.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

The momentary thoughts in their hearts have no chance to come true.

Before their palms landed on the tree trunk, a blue rhizome rushed out from the branch, turning into a green glow, piercing through the void, and appearing between their hearts and brows.

boom! boom! boom!
(End of this chapter)

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