Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 301

Chapter 301
"how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, countless warriors around couldn't help rubbing their eyes, the elder Lei Huang from Wanyu was blown back by a branch.

Yin Daohuang himself was also a little shocked, and the palm of the hand holding Lei Huangjian trembled slightly.

Only he knew how powerful the slash just now was, it was comparable to the attack of a strong man in the spirit king realm.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun's figure had already walked into the mountain path, and almost at the same time, a beautiful figure suddenly jumped into his arms.

"Master, are you okay, Xue'er is really worried about you!"

Said, the girl poured spiritual power into Jian Fengyun's body with concern, wanting to help Jian Fengyun heal his wounds.

Looking at the girl's nervous and concerned eyes, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but a rare tenderness flashed in his eyes, he gently raised his hand and rubbed the girl's little head and said: "Don't worry, the young master is fine, let them look good now!"

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, a cold murderous look could not help spreading on his face.

"The magic branch of the beginning, the heaven and the earth connect to the secluded, the mysterious spirit Taoism, enlightenment!"

Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand directly, and hit hundreds of spells. In an instant, the formation patterns on the ground suddenly became brighter, and the formation light shot into the sky, and a powerful and oppressive formation instantly swept away towards the surroundings.

The magic branch in the beginning of time became huge on the mountain in an instant, and the magic patterns on the magic branch lighted up for bursts of faint light, as if to devour people's souls, and the magic nature attracted people.

"Holy Soul Sword Sect, 30 years ago, you deceived my parents in the imperial city. Three years ago, you deceived my parents again, and forced my parents into the forbidden area of ​​Nangu. The dead clansmen, take some revenge first!"

Jian Fengyun's cold voice diffused through spiritual power, echoed over the entire mountain, everyone could hear it clearly, dozens of words of hatred, every time he uttered one, the murderous aura in Jian Fengyun's words would increase one cent.

Until the word "revenge" fell, the murderous aura on Jian Fengyun's body had condensed to a substantial state, and the dark red murderous light was revealed from Jian Fengyun's side.

Behind Jian Fengyun, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword filled with silver sword light seemed to be summoned by something, and there were jet-black sword patterns lit up, and the silver sword energy slowly changed to pitch-black evil energy.

In Jian Fengyun's eyes, wisps of evil energy also slowly emerged.

"Master, what's the matter with you!" Seeing a strange aura exuding from her young master, Xue'er couldn't help but hurried forward, hugged his arm, and said with concern.

Jian Fengyun's eyes froze for a moment, and he immediately came back to his senses. The evil spirit in his eyes slowly faded away, and the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword behind him also turned back to pure silver white.

What happened to me just now?
Jian Fengyun felt that the killing intent in his heart seemed to be magnified countless times just now, if Xue'er hadn't opened his mouth, he might have lost his mind just now.

By the way, Cher!
Jian Fengyun came to his senses and looked at Xue'er's jade hand on his arm. Xue'er is the body of a holy soul. As soon as she touched him, the violent consciousness in his soul instantly came back to his senses.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of what Taoist Taishi said to him when he passed on.

"Apprentice, I'm leaving as a teacher. Before I leave, I can only help you with my last help. You have to remember that the sword of devouring heaven is divided into good and evil, and the path of martial arts is also divided into gods and demons. The sword of righteous thoughts is god, and the sword of evil thoughts is demon. Do it yourself!"

He didn't understand at that time, but at this moment he suddenly understood. It turned out that what he said was his true spirit. Losing his mind should be the manifestation of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword Transforming Demons.

"What a strange true spirit!" Jian Fengyun sighed secretly in his heart. He has practiced Taoism for two lifetimes, and his Taoist heart is stronger than many emperors and saints. If it wasn't for Xue'er's physique, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Master, what's wrong with you, don't scare Xue'er!" Seeing Jian Fengyun in a daze for a long time, the girl at the side couldn't help feeling a little anxious, gently pulled Jian Fengyun's sleeve, and said worriedly.

Jian Fengyun immediately came back to his senses, looked at the girl's concerned gaze, and couldn't help saying: "Young master is fine, but the young master is going to kill someone, if you are afraid, hide behind the young master!"

"Xue'er is not afraid!" the girl gritted her teeth slightly.

At the same time, the formula in Jian Fengyun's hand changed, and the magic branch of Absolute Beginning stretched instantly, turning into a ray of black light, and shooting towards the disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

"Vice suzerain save me!"

"Deputy Sect Master, save me!"

In an instant, those disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect who were lucky enough to escape the massacre by Jian Fengyun and others just now smelled a murderous aura. They felt the killing intent from the magic branch of the primordial beginning, immediately smelled the breath of death, and ran away in panic. stand up.

Most of the disciples ran in the direction Yin Daohuang was in, and ran all the time, calling Yin Daohuang for help.

In their minds, Yin Daohuang is a lofty legend, and they believe that their deputy suzerain can save them.

Yin Daohuang looked at the many disciples flying over from below, and then at the dreadful magic light approaching from far, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

"Deputy suzerain, deputy suzerain, save me!"

A disciple of the True Spirit Realm finally arrived in front of Yin Daohuang after a lot of hard work. His words were panicked, and he looked at him hopefully, as if he had seen the dawn of hope.

"I will settle your family well!" Yin Daohuang said coldly to the disciple of the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

The next moment, the figure flashed and rippled in the void, and Yin Daohuang's figure suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the body of the True Spirit Realm disciple froze suddenly, and the light of hope in his eyes suddenly shattered, turning into endless inconceivable, even desperation.

"The deputy suzerain gave up on me, the supreme deputy suzerain actually gave up on us!"

The faces of these disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect are as dead as death. At this moment, they can't help but face the death of their lives, and they even have to face the shattering of their beliefs. As disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect, the Holy Soul Sword Sect is their Faith, they are proud of the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

Yes, now that they are facing death, the deputy suzerain of the Holy Soul Sword Sect that they have always regarded as an example has actually given up on them. abandoned them.

There is nothing greater than heartbreak. At this moment, all the disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect were chilled.

boom! boom! boom!
The magic branch of Taichu blasted the bodies of the disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect into blood mist in the air, but the figure of Yin Daohuang appeared beside Yin Ba and others, his expression cold and motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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