Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 305 Deterrence

Chapter 305 Deterrence

The Hunyuan spear blasted on the magic branch of the Demon Tree of Absolute Beginning, and a shocking wave erupted. The old Linghuang of Hunyuanzong and the magic branch both took a step back.

Evenly matched!

Seeing this scene, many warriors on the mountain couldn't help but widen their eyes in horror. This magic branch is something that even the Thunder Emperor was repelled. How strong the emperor is.

"I didn't expect that the emperor of Hunyuanzong is not weak!" Everyone said in shock.

At this moment, the primordial magic branch was pulled down forcefully again, with violent magic energy, countless magic lines lit up, as if it wanted to cut through the void.

"Hunyuan Spear, the second type of Hunyuan Huabaina!" Seeing this scene, the old Linghuang of Hunyuanzong suddenly flashed a bright light in his muddy eyes, and suddenly moved the imperial ancient spear in his hand. In an instant, another mysterious and incomparable supernatural power burst out.

The imperial spear behind the skinny old man merged with the imperial spear in his hand in an instant, and a powerful vortex of gun energy erupted, causing the surrounding void to faintly shatter.


The Imperial Dao Ancient Spear collided with the Primordial Demon Branch again, and a burst of dazzling light erupted from the sky. The black magic power collided with the yellow gun energy, and a deafening roar erupted instantly.

Everyone felt a tingling pain in their eardrums, and a terrifying force slapped on their faces, making them unable to back up.

The terrifying aftermath spread, only to see Hunyuanzong's old Linghuang and Taichu Demon Branch still standing side by side in midair, still equally divided.

"I blocked it for the second time. Could it be that Hunyuanzong is going to kill this monstrous young man?" the eyes of warriors from countless forces flashed.

At the same time, above the sky, seeing this scene, the powerhouses of all major forces couldn't help but frowned and said, "It's strange, compared to the time when we confronted Yin Daohuang just now, this magic branch has become so much weaker!" !"

"That's right, and the weakening of this magic branch is strange. If it hadn't reached our level to stimulate the detection of soul power, we wouldn't be able to see where the magic branch has weakened!" an elder guardian of the ancient white tiger country also said with Shen Mou. avenue.

On the mountain, the warrior of the Spirit King of Hunyuanzong saw that his elder had blocked two attacks in a row, he couldn't help but become bolder, his body surged with spiritual power, and he rushed directly to the warriors of the major forces on the ground, In a blink of an eye, they grabbed their Hunyuanzong disciples and fled outside the formation.

Seeing the disciples of his own sect succeed, the old Linghuang of Hunyuanzong couldn't help showing a sneer on his face, and said: "Young man, my Hunyuanzong is the emperor's sect, how can it be stopped by your mere crooked sects?" , I advise you to be obedient and get caught, otherwise"

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The magic light on the magic branch in the beginning shook, and it turned into a huge cage and appeared on the ground. In a flash, it trapped the old Linghuang of Hunyuanzong who opened his mouth. The tattoos bloom on the cage, directly blocking the void and suppressing the world.

Before everyone could react, the light of the magic formula in Jian Fengyun's hand had disappeared, he stood up straight, his gaze calmly glanced at the Hunyuanzong old Linghuang who was trapped in the cage, and said: "Otherwise, what will you do?"

The moment the words fell, the magic formula in Jian Fengyun's hand twisted again, and at the same time, a sword light piercing the sky and piercing the earth flashed.

On the mountain, everyone could feel the breath of a sharp sword sweeping across their faces, and they felt a faint tingling pain on their faces.

"Pfft..." Not far away, a stream of scarlet blood suddenly spewed out from the neck of the Hunyuanzong's spirit king, the head still had a tense expression on its face, it was thrown flying in response, and landed on the ground. After breathing, the headless corpse fell to its knees weakly, scarlet blood sprayed onto the head not far away, splashing his face.

All the Hunyuanzong disciples beside him who had been taken away by his spiritual power fell powerlessly to the ground at the same time.

"How dare you kill my disciple of Hunyuanzong, I want you to die!" The turbid eyes of the old Linghuang of Hunyuanzong burned with raging anger. extreme.

"The third form of the Hunyuan Spear, the universe gathers the gun energy!"

The next moment, a ray of light far surpassed the previous two attacks erupted from the imperial ancient spear. It was so powerful that it seemed to shatter the ground.


A powerful collision sound suddenly sounded, and the imperial spear fell on the cage formed by the magic branch of the primordial beginning, countless magic lines were aroused, and a strong shock wave scattered in all directions.

However, although the momentum was huge, the cage formed by the primordial magic branch was not damaged at all. On the contrary, the body of the Hunyuanzong old Linghuang inside was shaken and flew upside down, hitting the cage heavily, spitting out A mouthful of scarlet blood, obviously seriously injured.

"This...how is it possible!" The muddy eyes of the Hunyuanzong old Linghuang were full of disbelief. He endured the injury in his body, gathered a wave of spiritual power, and landed heavily on the place where the magic branch of primordial beginning was located. above the transformed dungeon.

"Boom" was another loud bang, his body was sent flying again, and fell heavily on the ground, opening his mouth again to spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

This scene fell into the eyes of many warriors around, but it made people stunned for an instant, and two extremely horrified eyes shot out from the bottom of their eyes.

"How is this possible? Didn't he block the two attacks of the magic branch just now? Why can't he even resist the counter-shock force!" Countless warriors said in amazement.

Jian Fengyun's eyes fell on the skinny Linghuang in the cage, and said: "I said before, an old man with a short lifespan and exhausted energy and blood really thinks that he is the peak Linghuang."

"You..." Hunyuanzong Linghuang who was in the cage, heard Jian Fengyun's contemptuous words, his chest was constricted with anger, and he couldn't speak.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved away from the cage, and swept towards the people of Wanyu in front, and finally landed on the people of Hunyuanzong.

"This half-immortal old thing will only sell a hundred spirit crystals. If you want the spirit crystals, you can let him go immediately!"

When Jian Fengyun's indifferent words fell, Hunyuanzong's disciples were immediately ashamed and indignant.

"Jian Fengyun..." Another elder of Hunyuanzong clenched his fists and squeezed out these words between his teeth.

Hunyuanzong Linghuang in the cage was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and because of his injuries, he passed out directly.

Just kidding, the Linghuang didn't know how many treasures he had to waste, but in the end he was sold at a price of one hundred top-quality spirit crystals, which was simply the greatest humiliation to him.

People from other forces around were also dumbfounded, they didn't expect Jian Fengyun to humiliate Hunyuan so much, wouldn't he be afraid of provoking Hunyuanzong's anger and being hunted down?
Jian Fengyun...

(End of this chapter)

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