Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 307 Dead?

Chapter 307 Dead?

"Okay, the big gift I prepared for you has been given, if there is nothing else, I will go back!"

Jian Fengyun took the last pile of spirit crystals, and immediately let out a deep voice with spiritual power.

"Hehe, Jian Fengyun, do you want to leave like this, kill the disciples of my Holy Soul Sword Sect, and take away the spirit sword of my Holy Soul Sword Sect, if you don't save your life today, wouldn't my Holy Soul Sword Sect You will be ridiculed by Wanyu!"

Yin Daohuang's voice suddenly sounded and echoed in all directions, as if responding to Jian Fengyun's words.

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a wave of fluctuation in his eyes. He felt a sense of danger, but soon his eyes became calm again, and he said lightly: "Vice Sect Master Yin is worrying too much, you Holy Soul Jianzong is nothing more than a speck of dust compared to Wanyu, so few people will laugh at you!"

As the faint words spread, Yin Daohuang's complexion turned slightly cold.

Yin Daohuang sneered: "What a sharp-mouthed boy, although my Holy Soul Sword Sect is dust, but today I still want to discipline and discipline you for your dead parents!"

The moment Yin Daohuang spoke, a thunder sword and true spirit suddenly appeared behind him, and a three-color divine wheel suddenly rose behind him. The divine wheel represented the cave of Tao, and the three colors of the divine wheel represented that he had comprehended the power of the three laws .

Seeing this round of divine wheel, Jian Fengyun's face suddenly revealed a dignified look.

The power of the three laws, the three laws of thunder, sword, and soul, are the same as the previous Yin Ba, but there is one thing that is different from Yin Ba. On this divine wheel, countless lines are densely engraved, exquisite and beautiful , as if it contains countless mysteries.

In the previous life, Jian Fengyun naturally cultivated the wheel of the gods. When the warrior reached the spiritual realm and opened up the cave, the cave was only a seed of law at the beginning, which contained the law of Tao. Only then will it evolve into a god wheel, and when the god wheel is formed, warriors can break through the realm of the spirit emperor. The god wheel of the spirit emperor warrior is smooth. Carve an inscription on the top and the next one, and comprehend the profound meaning of the law to perfection, and the Linghuang can break through the Lingjun. At this time, the god wheel will be covered with lines, and a shrine will be reflected. This shrine is the warrior of the Lingjun realm. of Junting.

In front of Yin Daohuang, the divine wheel is already covered with lines, which is extremely mysterious. It is obviously a divine wheel that only a spirit king can have, but his divine wheel does not reflect the emperor's court, which means that he must have used a secret technique to turn the divine wheel One's own cultivation is forcibly suppressed at the Spirit Emperor Realm, and this kind of secret technique of forcibly suppressing one's cultivation without retaliation is definitely not something that a small Holy Soul Sword Sect in the Tianxuan Upper Region can possess.

Could it be that there is any powerful force behind the Holy Soul Sword Sect?
Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun's dignified gaze moved, and he struck out hundreds of formulas in his hand, and the formations under his feet changed instantly, forming a series of formation force shields, resisting all around.

"Holy Yuan Sword, cut!"

Almost in an instant, a heaven-reaching holy sword appeared in Yin Daohuang's hand. The sword light was dazzling, like the scorching sun descending, and a tyrannical holy power burst out from the sword body.

In the sky not far away, the strong men of all major forces couldn't help showing surprise when they saw this scene.

"Holy soul sword sect's holy artifact——Sacred Yuan sword!" said an older emperor whose face changed color.

The Holy Yuan Sword is the weapon of the founder of the Holy Soul Sword Sect - the Holy Yuan Sword Master. It is a soldier of the ancient saints. It has unpredictable power. For an ancient saint, a strand of hair is enough to collapse the sky. Cracking the ground, you can see how strong their weapons are.

The major forces in the sky are all shocked. The soldiers of the saints are placed in the upper domain and even the holy domain. They are all things that suppress the sect's energy. The Soldier of the Saints, the Holy Soul Sword Sect actually invited out the Saint Yuan Sword, which shows how murderous he is towards Jian Fengyun.

Behind Daohuang Yin, a phantom of a saint in white suddenly appeared. The saint in white held a magnified Saint Yuan sword in his hand. Following Daohuang Yin's movements, he waved it lightly, and a ray of peerless sword light fell into the void. , falling directly on top of Jian Fengyun's formation.


With a loud noise, Jian Fengyun's formation was shattered, and a huge crack appeared on the ground.

Countless rocks shattered, the mountains shook suddenly, the sky was filled with dust, the earth and rocks splashed, and the sky was filled with wild sand. Ancient trees were lifted up in the wind of the sand, flew into the air, and were broken by the powerful wind. , a wisp of extremely sharp sword intent swept through the wind and sand.

On the mountain, everyone stared blankly at the same time. One second, the conversation was still calm, and the next second, the landslides and the ground cracked, the sky was full of wind and sand, and there were faint cracks in the void, overflowing with strands of turbulent air.

Jian Fengyun is dead!

This idea almost popped into everyone's mind, such a powerful sword energy, even a strong Linghuang couldn't resist it, no matter how strong the Sword Wind and Cloud Formation was, it would probably be crushed .

The wild sand swept across the sky for nearly a quarter of an hour, and then the sword energy in the air subsided slowly. The broken trees, gravel, sand and even a few monsters hiding in the forest all turned into corpses at this moment. fell on the ground.

The yellow sand dissipated, revealing the appearance of a mountain. To be precise, it should not be a mountain. The whole mountain was broken in half under the sword energy. With the formation formed by Jian Fengyun as the boundary, the mountain almost turned into a small cliff.It's just that this cliff is covered with broken rocks, broken numbers, dead monster corpses, and the corpses of some former disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

Among the messy cliffs, there was almost a dead silence, and Jian Fengyun's previous formation was not even left behind.

Jian Fengyun is dead?
Everyone couldn't help being a little surprised. Although they had already guessed the result, it was still unbelievable. He died before his powerful magic branch appeared. Could it be that the super magic branch was also destroyed in the sword energy?

With doubts or the purpose of searching, countless eyes swept towards the collapsed cliff.

In the dust, there was no standing figure, not even a single person's robe.

Just when everyone thought that Jian Fengyun had been chopped down to nothing by the sword energy, an indifferent voice came into everyone's ears clearly.

"Is this the means in your holy soul? That's all!"

An indifferent voice sounded at the entrance of the Nangu Forbidden Land, and everyone couldn't help but turn around to look at the entrance of the Nangu Forbidden Land, only to see a figure in white standing in the void, and the terrifying magic branch under his feet was shattered. Stepping on.

(End of this chapter)

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