Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 309 Reappearance of the Red Hidden Sword

Chapter 309 Reappearance of the Red Hidden Sword

With the first one, there will be newcomers. In an instant, most of the forces on the mountain have taken action. Millions of low-grade spirit crystals, people died for money, and birds died for food. How could they be willing to give up these spirit crystals? What about people?

What's more, so many forces have taken action, if Jian Fengyun is killed, the spirit crystal on his body will definitely not have the share of those forces who did not make a move. The purpose of sending disciples into the Southern Ancient Forbidden Land is to find chance and adventure. If Qiyu didn't find it, who would be willing to lose millions of spirit crystals to get in.

In an instant, countless warriors gathered in the sky, surrounding Jian Fengyun's hundreds of feet so tightly that not even a bug could fly out.

Jian Fengyun glanced at the crowd, and then at the mountain not far below, only to see that almost all the forces on the mountain had taken action except for a few forces.

"Jian Fengyun, I advise you not to pretend, as long as you kneel down and kowtow to my Hunyuanzong to apologize, and then hand over our Hunyuanzong's best spirit crystal, I will let you die more happily, otherwise don't blame me! This seat makes your life worse than death!" Hunyuanzong elder Hunchan had a cold smile on his face, looking at Jian Fengyun who was tightly surrounded, as if he had already stepped on Jian Fengyun under his feet.

"Jian Fengyun, as long as you hand over the top-grade spirit crystal of our Xuanjianzong, our Xuanjianzong will not make things difficult for you!"

"Jian Fengyun, hand over the top-quality spirit crystal of our Lingbao Sect!".
In an instant, the leaders of the major forces around spoke out one after another.

Jian Fengyun looked at this scene in disbelief, glanced at everyone, and asked: "I returned your disciples to you intact, and you are also willing to exchange spirit crystals, those people are about to die In the Nangu Forbidden Land, I brought them out, are you going to avenge your kindness?"

When Hun Chan heard this, his eyes moved, and a sneer appeared on his face, and he said, "Revenge for kindness? When you trapped my Hunyuanzong elder with the help of formations and beheaded my Hunyuanzong Lingwang, you were already I am the enemy of Hunyuanzong. But now, as long as you call out the living space spirit weapon that brought those disciples out, I promise to make you die more quickly!"

When Jian Fengyun heard it, he seemed to be shocked, and couldn't help taking a few steps back, looking at Hun Chan in horror, then moved his eyes away from Hun Chan's face, and looked around.

"What about you, I didn't offend you, don't you think your disciples are not worthy of those spirit crystals?"

"Jian Fengyun, you are too naive, let alone those spirit crystals, what do you think we are here for, isn't it just for your inheritance, and letting you get the spirit crystals is just for you temporarily, after killing you , I still have to take it back!" Long Xing said coldly, his eyes fell on Jian Fengyun's face, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Besides, you have offended me a long time ago, and since you offended me, you are doomed to die!"

"That's right, people die for money, and birds die for food, not to mention that you took my Xuanjianzong's spirit crystal, even if you don't take it, we will come to kill you, and you can only blame yourself for being in trouble." Inheritance of the Great Emperor, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!"

"That's right, as long as you hand over the spirit crystal of my Spirit Treasure Sect, and then share all the inheritance on you with everyone, we will give you a happy death!".
In an instant, the ugly faces of these people were all revealed.

Everyone was chattering, but no one noticed that Jian Fengyun, who was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, quietly dissipated the panic in his eyes, his eyes returned to calm, and he glanced around, saying: "Oh, you are right! rational!"

Seeing this scene, Hun Chan thought that Jian Fengyun was frightened, so he laughed and said, "Haha, Jian Fengyun, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, just hand over Emperor Fengyun's skills, otherwise I will Please enlighten me!"

"Jian Fengyun, obediently hand over the inheritance of Emperor Fengyun, otherwise I will ask you to teach me well!" Long Xing said with a cold expression on his face.

Jian Fengyun's face returned to calm, and he said lightly: "The weeds need to be removed by the roots, and all of them have gathered here, saving me from having to clean them up one by one!"

"What, Jian Fengyun, I didn't hear what you said just now?" Hun Chan frowned slightly, and a surge of imperial coercion erupted from his body, and he said coldly.

Facing the emperor's majesty, Jian Fengyun's expression did not change, and he said lightly: "I said, since you want me to teach you, it's hard to turn down the kindness, so I have no choice but to make a fool of myself!"

Jian Fengyun's faint words fell, but they clearly spread to the ears of everyone present.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Jian Fengyun, have you been frightened into stupidity to say such ridiculous words!" Long Xing said with a blunt smile.

Facing the ridicule from everyone in his eyes, Jian Fengyun did not change his face, he squeezed out a formula in his hand, and a faded and simple sword box unexpectedly appeared in the void behind him.

Amid the ridicule of the crowd, the sword case opened automatically, and a red light shot out from the sword case.

A blood-red long sword appeared in the void, the red light rippling from the sword body, and the circles of red ripples turned the void into a sea of ​​red like a heart-stopping one.

Jian Fengyun was in the Red Sea, like a supreme god, floating like a god, about to become a fairy.


Everyone heard a crisp sound of the sword, the sound of the sword reverberated across the world, captivating people's hearts and souls, and an invisible sword intent bloomed in everyone's hearts.

The blood-red long sword suddenly made a soul-stirring sound, countless lines on the sword body lit up, the sword energy was like water, evolving into sun, moon, mountains and seas, flowers, insects, birds and animals, and a supreme coercion spread from the sword body.

"The red sleeve dances to overwhelm the world, and adds fragrance to the world with a sword!"

All of a sudden, a peerless figure appeared behind Jian Fengyun. The beauty in the red dress stood with her sword vertically. That peerless face seemed to be transformed into a sword spirit, overflowing with a bit of spiritual light, as if she wanted to make the whole world eclipse.

Qianqianyu, the peerless beauty, held the blood-red long sword in her hand, and the red light shot up into the sky, as if she wanted to break the world,

With a slight blink of her eyes as bright as stars, a movement of her white jade hand, she swung a sword, and her red dress fluttered, as if she wanted to overthrow the world.

Looking at the familiar figure behind him, Jian Fengyun couldn't help revealing a deep meaning in his eyes, as if looking at an old friend, he sighed heavily: "I owe you again, hey~"

Thinking of a sky-reaching sword cry, before the smile on Long Xing's face disappeared, he heard a bone-piercing sword cry, which was chilling.

At the same time, in mid-air, everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened.

"Dragon Star Emperor, be careful!"

Long Kun's voice resounded impressively, and Long Xing's consciousness just recovered, and he subconsciously turned to one side. At the same time, he heard the sound of blood gushing out, and a sharp pain came from the root of his left arm instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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