Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 314 Battle Holy Spirit Talisman

Chapter 314 Battle Holy Spirit Talisman
"Can't hold it anymore?" Huang Wu asked himself, a gleam flashed in his pair of Hunyuan's eyes, and he said again: "In this case, let's use Yun Shao's arrangement!"

When Huang Wu's voice fell, Wang Chuyuan's body was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Huang Wu, didn't the boss come back, did he leave anything behind?"

"Young Master Yun didn't come back, but he asked Miss Xue'er to bring back some things, which are enough to turn the tide of the battle." Huang Wu said lightly, and with a hand, a storage ring suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Turn the tide of battle!" Wang Chuyuan showed shock, and then turned his eyes to the woman in white at the isolated city. Jian Xue'er has been going to Bei'an city every day to look at the sky since she came back, waiting for Jian Fengyun's return.

Thinking of this, Wang Chuyuan suddenly felt a "thump" in his heart, looked at Huang Wu nervously, and said: "Huang Wu, the boss will be fine, he said that day that he will be there soon, but it has been seven days, and the boss is still missing. , and he also handed over all the arrangements that can turn the tide of the battle to sister-in-law Xueer, what... what should I do?"

As he said that, Wang Chuyuan's expression became flustered, and his eyes became confused. He couldn't imagine what would happen to him if the boss died.

Seeing Wang Chuyuan's complexion suddenly changed, Huang Wu smiled faintly on his old face, patted Wang Chuyuan's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, Young Master Yun is fine."

"But, boss, why does he want to hand over the arrangements for retreating the enemy in Bei'an City to Sister-in-Law Xue'er to bring back, and Sister-in-law Xue'er comes to Bei'an City Tower every day, will this be possible?" Wang Chuyuan's face turned pale. genuine concern.

"Young Master Wang, don't worry, Young Master Yun will be fine. Even if everyone in Qingyun Region is dead, Young Master Yun will be fine!" Huang Wu said lightly, with a relaxed tone, as if he was narrating an ordinary matter. Things are normal.

Listening to Huang Wu's words, Wang Chuyuan's face softened a little, and he glanced suspiciously at Huang Wu beside him and said, "Huang Wu, you are really so confident, the boss is only in the real spirit realm after all, you don't know, outside the Nangu Forbidden Area , those are all very strong fighters and many powerful monsters, when we left, those people even surrounded the boss!"

"Hehe, even if it is a million-strong man, a saint emperor, or a transformed monster, it is impossible to keep Yun Shao. As long as Yun Shao wants to leave, no one can stop him in Qingyun Domain!" Huang Wu smiled lightly, There was a look of contempt in his eyes.

Listening to Huang Wu's words, Wang Chuyuan couldn't help frowning, and asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Because he is, the sword, the wind, and the cloud!" Huang Wu opened his mouth, each word in a heavy voice, with a light of incomparable reverence in his cloudy eyes.

Jian Fengyun!For people of his generation, this name is not a god-like existence.

Jian Fengyun, the number one sword god in the world, Endless Sea, in order to obtain an endless water, he used the realm of the Spirit Emperor, to go deep into the sea, one man and one sword alone, fighting hundreds of thousands of sea soldiers, and finally retreated unscathed; The Youfengtianhuo of the ancient tribe, killed the entire wilderness with a single sword, and all tribes dared not stop him; in the extreme northern snowfield, he killed nine evil emperors in a row, wiped out all the foundations of the evil cultivators of the Wanyu, and was killed by the people of the Wanyu. Respected as Emperor Fengyun Jiansheng Qianzai Zhengdi, the way of medicine is supernatural, after ten thousand years, he broke through the gods, and was plotted against by the ten emperors when he crossed the catastrophe of the gods. In this situation, he took the lives of six emperors and severely injured four emperors. The world thought he was dead However, after three thousand years, he was reborn again!
May I ask, how could those who came to Qingyun Region kill such characters?
Looking at Huang Wu's admiring gaze, Wang Chuyuan couldn't help being taken aback, frowned at Huang Wu and said, "Huang Wu, your strength seems to be very strong, why do you respect the boss so much?"

Huang Wu moved his eyes and said: "Of course it is to follow Yun Shao. The era will be catastrophic, and the heroes will fight for hegemony. I am already in my twilight years. Fortunately, Yun Shao thinks highly of him. Naturally, I have to respect him!"

"Oh." Wang Chuyuan responded with a half understanding.

"Send out these holy spirit talismans. Each of these talismans contains a gun qi, which is equivalent to a full-strength attack by a martial artist in the spirit king realm. Let the warriors defending the city throw the talismans out of the formation. Good!" As soon as the storage ring in Huang Wu's hand lit up, stacks of golden talismans suddenly appeared, and a faint blue rune was drawn on each talisman, as if it contained endless power of thunder and lightning! "

"Yes!" Wang Chuyuan replied, then took the talisman and handed it out.

Looking at Wang Chuyuan's back, Huang Wu's cloudy eyes flashed a hint of thought, and he muttered at the corner of his mouth: "The power of the soldiers of the War Saint is sealed in the talisman, and Yun Shao is really powerful, even the War Saint of the Temple of War Soldiers can get it!"

As the former great emperor of the Nine Man Palace, Huang Wu of course knew how the War God Palace existed. He never thought that Jian Fengyun would be able to get the soldiers of the Battle Saint now that he was only in the True Spirit Realm.

Outside the formation of Bei'an City, groups of warriors in black clothes and groups of warriors in red clothes held spiritual weapons, each forming an attack formation and bombarding the defense formation of Bei'an City.

Behind this group of siege fighters, a huge chariot stands impressively. The entire body of the chariot is engraved with powerful inscriptions.

On the chariot, two figures, one black and one red, stood on it.

If Jian Fengyun was here at this moment, he would definitely be able to recognize that the black figure was Xuanmu Mozhen, and the one standing beside Xuanmu Mozhen was the blood-killing emperor of the blood-killing building.

"Master Mozi, the defense formation of Bei'an City is so difficult to break through. Our disciples have been attacking for seven days, but they haven't been broken yet!" A sense of irritability.

Seven days ago, according to the agreement with Dan Yuanzong, he came to attack the city together. He thought that the defense of the city in the lower domain would not be very strong, but he did not expect that when their formation was opened, they would block them for seven days. Day, let them have not even touched the city gate for seven days, such a strange situation can't help but make him extremely irritable.

Xuanmu Mozhen's black eyes moved, and he said lightly: "This sword Fengyun's way of formation is inherited from Emperor Fengyun. The strength of this formation does not mean that the people inside are strong. As long as the formation is broken, Everything is much simpler!"

"That's true!" The blood-killing emperor nodded slightly, and calmed down.

For him, as long as Bei'an City can be conquered, the key is to win the inheritance of Emperor Fengyun. As for the others, it is meaningless to ask more.

Seeing that the blood-killing emperor didn't ask any more questions, Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes suddenly flashed a solemn look.
(End of this chapter)

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