Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 341 The Breath of the Treasure

Chapter 341 The Breath of the Treasure

The forest is hundreds of miles long, and many warriors are hunting and hunting for treasures. This place is close to the periphery of the thousands of miles of wasteland. Although the monsters are powerful, there are almost no monsters in the depths. This is a paradise for casual cultivators.

Jian Fengyun walked in the forest, and while he was on his way, he asked the dog to use his bloodline magical powers to search for nearby treasures, collect some elixir and spiritual materials, and save them for going to Wuling City.

Zhanxiong Adventure Group, five people, four true spirit realms and one Lingwangjing, the leader is Zhanxiong, a middle-aged man, as strong as a bear and lion, more than two meters high, holding a Take the heavy hammer and lead the team to do tasks in this forest. Five men, except Zhan Xiong, are all around 20 years old.

In the middle of the team, sitting on a silver wolf was a beautiful girl in white fox fur. The girl had an exquisite figure and held an exquisite long sword in her hand. She was majestic and extravagant.

Obviously this woman is the employer of this team.

A violent howl of a tiger shook the mountains and forests for dozens of miles, and followed the sound of the tiger howling wave after wave in all directions.

The faces of Zhan Xiong and others changed drastically, and they quickly put down the barbecue in their hands, and formed a pentagonal battle formation with their backs facing each other. Looking around, they found two huge black tigers, surrounding them from both sides.

Black Flame Tiger!
There are two black flame tigers, one big and one small, but even the little tiger has reached the top level of the earth rank, which is equivalent to the existence of the peak of the human true spirit realm. As for the big black flame tiger, it has reached the middle rank of the heaven rank, quite Existence in the middle stage of the human spirit king state.

"It's over, we are surrounded!" A young man exclaimed in shock.

"Keep calm and hit me hard!"

In Zhan Xiong's hands appeared three fire-attribute earth-level magic talismans, the fiery talisman, activated by spiritual power, and instantly turned into three fireballs and swept outwards.


Those team members also made their moves one after another, took out the magic talisman and urged it, the fireball pierced through the air, and with the power of the raging flames, it rushed towards the two Heiyanhus that were rushing towards them, but the speed of the Heiyanhu was faster than they imagined. One dodge to avoid them all.

The big black flame tiger seemed to be enraged by the actions of the humans in front of him, and directly launched an attack.

Zhan Xiong waved the hammer in his hand and instantly went up to him. Zhan Xiong was in the middle stage of the Spirit King Realm, and the Great Black Flame Tiger was also a mid-level heavenly rank. However, monsters were inherently stronger than humans, so Zhan Xiong was caught in a fight. Among the disadvantages, he was suppressed by the Black Flame Tiger everywhere, and some wounds soon appeared on his body.

The remaining four real-world warriors mutually exclusive each other, and desperately fought against the other top-grade Black Flame Tiger. Although none of these four had reached the peak of the True Spirit Realm, they joined forces to leave a mark on this top-grade Black Flame Tiger. It made some small wounds, but this also angered the Black Flame Tiger. It instantly activated its demonic power and spit out black flames. A young warrior was directly burned by the black flames and fell to the ground. At the same time, the Black Flame Tiger turned towards A nearby warrior in the Real Spirit Realm rushed forward, with one pounce, one cut, one tear, forcefully dismembering that warrior.

A scream sounded, and the warrior's body was separated, Li's legs were bitten off, and a huge gap appeared in the throat, almost breaking his head.

Hei Yanhu chewed the blood food in his mouth, and turned his eyes to the two warriors at the side of the True Spirit Realm, which immediately made the two warriors tremble, and they almost cried out.

"We are doomed, Uncle Xiong, I don't want to die, help, Uncle Xiong!"

"Uncle Xiong, what shall we do?"

Those two young warriors backed away tremblingly, their faces were pale, looking at the fierce Hei Yanhu who was about to attack them, their eyes were full of despair.

At this moment, they even forgot that they gave up the employer sitting on top of the silver wolf, and didn't care to protect it.

"Protect Miss Wu, hurry up!" Seeing this scene, Zhan Xiong swung his hammer to repel the Heaven-ranked Black Flame Tiger, his expression sank, and he shouted at the two warriors behind him, "If something happens to Miss Jing, no one can come back alive!" To Wuling City!"

Jian Fengyun frowned, looked to the southeast, heard the roar of the tiger, and decided to take a detour.

"Master, there is a treasure in that place, the aura is very strong, why don't you go and see it?" Shengou said hastily.

Hearing this, Jian Fengyun thought for a moment. With his current strength, the heavenly monsters were not a threat to him. If there were really good treasures, it would be reasonable to waste some energy.

The road of several li arrived at Jian Fengyun's feet in an instant, but he didn't know that there was a tragic scene happening here at this moment.

The ground-level Black Flame Tiger finally launched an attack, and the heads of the two True Spirit Realm warriors were directly bitten off, blood staining the spot.

As for Zhan Xiong, even though he was at the Spirit King Realm, he seemed to have underestimated the power of the Heavenly Tier Black Tiger. As soon as the monster power moved, the Black Flame spat out and severely injured him in an instant. The cry immediately disturbed him, and accidentally, his thigh was bitten by the Black Flame Tiger, and it was instantly torn apart, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The five-person team was directly wiped out, one of them was already bloody, and most of his body was in Hei Yanhu's stomach.

Soon, the woman riding the silver wolf was also caught up by two black flame tigers, one in front of the other, trapping her instantly.

However, this girl was not as unbearable as she imagined. On her pretty face, a pair of beautiful eyes focused on the Black Flame Tiger in front of her. When the Heaven Rank Black Flame Tiger rushed towards her, the girl let out a soft drink.

"Yinling, kill me!"

The moment the words fell, the girl soared into the air, and the exquisite long sword in her hand suddenly unsheathed, and the silver wolf she stepped down also moved accordingly, darting towards the black flame tiger in the air.

The silver wolf was no more than a mid-level earth-level wolf, and when it collided with a white tiger of a mid-level sky level, it was instantly slapped to the ground by a tiger claw. The tiger claw scratched a bright red wound on the silver wolf's leg, which was extremely scarlet.

At the same time, the sword of the girl in white also landed on Hei Yanhu's head, and the sword energy slashed down, but the defensive power of the sky-level Hei Yanhu seemed to be underestimated by her, a warrior at the early stage of the Spirit King Realm. Cut it open.

The sword qi only scratched a small wound on Hei Yanhu's eyelid, and then lost its follow-up power.

It seemed that due to the injury, the Heaven Rank Black Flame Tiger in front of him became even more violent in an instant, his eyes turned red, the tiger roared angrily, and its demon power surged, and it directly slapped the girl with its claws.

Although she tried her best to dodge, the monster power above the tiger's claws still scratched her robe, and the white robe was torn, leaving a shallow wound on the fat jade back under the robe.

Without giving the girl time to react, the Black Flame Tiger charged again, this time with an even more ferocious attack.

When the girl in white saw this scene, her complexion finally changed drastically. She gritted her silver teeth, and a magic talisman appeared in her hand, which was crushed impressively.

(End of this chapter)

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