Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 344 Qing Emperor Sword

Chapter 344 Qing Emperor Sword

"Who is here, to disturb this emperor's meditation!"

A voice filled with imperial prestige suddenly sounded in the underground room, the voice was deafening, as if it contained endless anger.

Jian Fengyun felt his body sink, as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his back.


Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze swept down to the center of the underground cave, his face immediately returned to calm, and his footsteps were still walking down the steps of the Lihuo Yaoguang formation.

"Bold mortal, if you dare to come here, if you take a step closer, this emperor will blow your soul away!"

The voice full of imperial prestige sounded again.

As if Jian Fengyun didn't hear it, he walked down the stairs and walked towards the emperor sitting cross-legged in the center of the cave.

"Mortal, you... don't force me!" As Jian Fengyun approached, that voice suddenly became unconfident.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched into a faint smile, and he said abruptly: "Okay, I'll wait for you to blow my soul away!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, Jian Fengyun's hand had already fallen towards the emperor who was sitting cross-legged. When the palm fell on the emperor, the scene in front of him suddenly shattered. All the formations disappeared, and the entire basement was dark, only the faint candlelight was flickering, and a damaged ancient stone platform appeared in front of it.

Jian Fengyun glanced at the stone platform, and saw that the stone platform was broken, the ancient runes engraved on the stone platform were also a little worn out, some moss spread out on the stone platform, and on the stone platform, a lamp stained with On the rusty bronze lamp, a weak candle was slowly burning, and the light of the entire underground cave was emitted from the bronze lamp.

"How did you break free from the illusion woven by the Floating Underworld Fire!" A trembling voice of horror and fear suddenly sounded all around.

"Fu Shengyan, I didn't expect this kind of fire to exist in the world!" Jian Fengyun looked at the faintly glowing candle in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he ignored the horrified voice.

Fu Shengyan, the No. 12 flame on the list of ancient divine fires, even the Jiuyou Minghuo that Jian Fengyun broke into the wilderness and snatched from the Nine Man Palace in his previous life, only ranked No. 70 and third on the list of ancient divine fires.

From this we can see how precious Fushengyan is. According to legend, Fushengyan is a flame born with the legendary reincarnation.

"Unfortunately, the fire seed is too damaged, and it may not take a short time to restore it!" Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand to grab the bronze magic lamp.

At this moment, a beam of sword energy shot out from the stone platform in front of him, and rushed towards Jian Fengyun.

"Put down the Fushengzhan, or I'll be rude!"

The voice sounded again, Jian Fengyun dodged the sword energy, turned around, and saw a bronze long sword stained with copper rust impressively suspended in the void in front of the lamp containing Fu Shengyan.

The bronze sword was suspended in the void, exuding an icy sword majesty. The body of the bronze sword was stained with some thirsty bloodstains. Although it was already thirsty, the aura emanating from the bloodstains was very powerful. .

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun frowned suddenly, and said: "The inscription is 90.00% damaged and still has such power, it seems that you are not an ordinary sword!"

With the existence of his previous life, it is natural to see at a glance that the problem with this bronze sword is that 90.00% of the sword body is covered with copper rust, and those covered places, the inscriptions on the bronze sword itself, are all damaged .

"Hmph, even if the Qingdi Sword damages Nine Cities, it will be more than enough to kill you. I advise you not to act rashly!"

The bronze sword shook slightly in the air, as if a person was speaking.

"Hehe, really?" The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched into a faint smile, it seemed that the sword spirit of the bronze sword regarded him as an ordinary warrior at the peak of the true spirit realm.

The moment Jian Fengyun's words fell, a fiery red long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and a surge of imperial prestige suddenly spread out, exuding ice-cold devilish energy.

Hongxiu Emperor Sword!

In an instant, the entire underground cave became heavy, filled with surging imperial prestige and sword energy.

Although the sword spirit of the Hongxiu Emperor Sword has died with the death of Hongxiu Tianxiang, the sword is still a non-destructive imperial weapon. Losing the sword spirit will reduce the power of the sword, but with Jian Fengyun's current cultivation The full power of the Red Hidden Sword cannot be revealed.

The moment the red hidden sword appeared, the bronze sword trembled in surprise, as if seeing something incredible.

"You, a martial artist in the real spirit realm, how can you have the ultimate soldiers of the emperor's way!"

Jian Fengyun didn't answer its question, but said coldly, "Surrender to me, or be destroyed, now you have two choices!"

At the same time, a tyrannical soul aura suddenly erupted from Jian Fengyun's body. Cooperating with the emperor's prestige above the red sleeve sword, Jian Fengyun's robes moved without wind, as if the emperor descended.

The bronze sword froze suddenly. It couldn't imagine how such a powerful aura would erupt from the young man in front of him. This aura was not inferior to its master, but its master was the Qing Emperor at the pinnacle of the era. The young man in front of him But fifteen or sixteen years old, why compare with its owner.

Just when the sword spirit was puzzled, a cold murderous aura suddenly descended on it, making it tremble all over in fright.

"I surrender!"

As the sword spirit's voice fell, the red sleeve sword in Jian Fengyun's hand also disappeared in a flash, and the aura on his body suddenly disappeared.

He didn't scare the sword spirit just now. Since he broke through to the peak of the true spirit realm, the sword power in his spiritual mansion has been enough for him to activate a little bit of power of the Red Hidden Sword, and a little bit of power of the Emperor Sword is enough to kill the sword in front of him. If 90.00% of the sword is damaged, it will be destroyed directly.

"You won't regret the decision you made today!" Jian Fengyun said lightly, he cut his finger, and a drop of blood dripped on the bronze sword.

The blood dripped on the bronze sword, and instantly turned into a mysterious formation, instantly covering the entire bronze sword.

"The art of blood refining, how do you know the art of blood refining?" The shocking voice of the bronze sword spirit sounded again.

The art of blood refinement is a method of refining spiritual weapons researched by ancient monks. The spiritual weapons sacrificed through this method will be directly integrated into the blood and summoned at any time. The technique is very advanced, even their masters have not involved it.

This kind of high-level sacrificial alchemy technique is actually used by the boy in the True Spirit Realm who is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and judging by the technique, he is very proficient in using it.

At this moment, the Bronze Sword Spirit was completely stunned. Could it be that it has been dusty for too long, the outside world has changed drastically, these imperial soldiers.The high-level sacrificial alchemy technique is worthless, it's a rotten street!
(End of this chapter)

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