Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 365 Platinum VIP

Chapter 365 Platinum VIP
In the early morning of the next day, Jian Fengyun walked out of Wu's house. Wu Ling'er was going to introduce Wuling City, but Jian Fengyun thought that he had already got a general understanding of Wuling City yesterday and had to do something today, so he immediately went out alone. up.

In Wuling City, people come and go, warriors come and go, it's just a rumor that spread wildly in the alleys of teahouses.

"You heard that the Yuan family brought hundreds of spirit kings in the city to provoke the Wu family yesterday, but they were directly thrown back. I heard that the Wu family was not damaged, but the head of the Yuan family fled in despair!"

"That's right, I heard that Mr. Yuan Dan had an arm broken by a mysterious young man in the City Lord's Mansion!"

"What, is this impossible? Mr. Yuan Dan is a genius alchemist of the Dan Yuan League. He was able to refine mid-grade earth-level pills at a young age, but someone broke his arm!"

Jian Fengyun was walking on the road, he didn't care much about these rumors, for him, neither the Yuan family nor the Wu family would pose any threat to him.

Stepping into Wanbao Tower, Jian Fengyun walked directly to the counter.

"Help me call your principal to come out!" Jian Fengyun said directly to the boy who was in charge of welcoming him at the counter.

"Guest, if you have any needs, you can tell me directly. Ordinary people are not qualified to meet our principal!" The servant glanced at Jian Fengyun, guessing that the person in front of him didn't know the rules of Wanbao Building, and said immediately.

"Well, what if it's a platinum VIP guest of your Wanbao Building? I don't know if it's qualified to meet your principal?" Jian Fengyun swept his eyes, and took out a platinum card from the depths of the card. The word "Wanbao" is captivating.

The boy's face turned green from fright at the moment, he knelt down, and kept kowtowing, "I don't know if it's the honored guest coming, please forgive me!"

"Get up, don't disturb other people." Jian Fengyun said very low-key, he did not expect that a mere platinum VIP order would have such an effect.

Jian Fengyun didn't know that the Platinum VIP Token could only be obtained by spending at least [-] million spirit crystals in Wanbao Building, and it was not necessarily obtained. This Platinum VIP Token symbolized a very high status in Wanbaolou. Only the emperor of Tianyang in the Qingyun domain has one, and the emperor of a domain has one. From this, it can be seen how amazing this platinum VIP order is.

"Yes! Your Excellency, you are very respected. I am not qualified to serve you. I'd better go and inform the principal!" The servant changed his previous disdain and said respectfully.

"Go ahead, tell him not to publicize, I don't like excitement." Jian Fengyun said lightly.

The boy backed away, and the customers of Wanbaolou who saw the scene just now were completely dumbfounded. Who the hell is this young man who can make the people of Wanbaolou kneel down? He must be a VIP above silver!

You know, in the entire Wuling City, only the city lord, Wu Shan, has a silver VIP card, and he is at least a silver VIP card at such a young age, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

All of a sudden, everyone around couldn't help but cast reverent glances.

Jian Fengyun's face was flat, and he didn't regard this status as any honor at all. With this token, he could get some convenience in Wanbao Building, which was much more than the so-called 'platinum VIP'.

After a while, a middle-aged man in elegant clothes ran out quickly, looked at Jian Fengyun with a puzzled expression on his face, and somewhat doubted whether the status of the so-called 'Platinum VIP' was true or not.

"Young master, don't you know your name? I haven't been notified by the higher-ups yet, and I don't know that there is a platinum VIP in the Tianxuan Upper Domain. I wonder if I can show the VIP card to someone from Zuo again?"

Zuo Hai is the principal of Wanbao Building located in Wuling City in the upper Tianxuan region. He is very powerful, but he still dare not insult the platinum VIP of Wanbao Building.

Jian Fengyun was indeed too young, anyone would doubt him, so Zuo Hai's attitude did not displease Jian Fengyun, he took out the VIP card and threw it to him.

"Jian Fengyun, from Qingyun Domain, this token was given to me by Zuo Xijian." Jian Fengyun said flatly.

"Zuo Xijian?" Zuo Hai was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something. Zuo Xijian is the young master of the Zuo family. Although he seems to be down and out, he is also the direct line of the Zuo family. He was appointed to be in charge of Qingyun domain, so he is naturally qualified to give a platinum VIP card , each one is extremely precious.

Zuo Hai looked carefully at the platinum card, and found that it was indeed made of the unique spiritual material of the Zuo family. A token carried a direct descendant of the Zuo family. Even if he had no real power, his status was very respected.

"I have met Mr. Jian, the chief deacon of Wanbao Building in Xiawuling City, Zuo Hai, you can call me Xiaohai." Zuo Hai respectfully handed the VIP card to Jian Fengyun, and said with a bow.

"Hai Deacon, you're welcome. I came to Wanbao Building just to buy and sell some things." Jian Fengyun put away his VIP card and shrugged.

"I don't know what Mr. Jian wants to buy and sell?" Zuo Hai asked with his fists clasped, "Platinum VIPs can enjoy the purchase of Lingbao Pavilion items, and only charge the cost price, [-]% off!"

[-]% off!

Jian Fengyun's heart moved, it seemed that he was right in agreeing to help Zuo Xijian, and he would be rewarded so soon.

"Okay, first help me buy a thousand copies of the spiritual materials above this prescription, ten copies of this prescription, and one copy of this prescription!" Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand and threw out three pill prescriptions.

"Okay, you will pack it for you later." After Zuo Hai finished speaking, he asked the servant to start preparing, but led Jian Fengyun into the private room.

"Mr. Jian, if you have urgent matters in Wuling City, or it is inconvenient to handle them, just tell Xiao Hai, and I will do my best to handle them for you." Zuo Hai said respectfully.

Jian Fengyun looked at Zuo Hai who was full of shrewd eyes, and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, if there is any trouble, Deacon Hai will definitely help!"

At this moment, the servant brought the elixir, Jian Fengyun took the storage ring, glanced at it and found that the elixir was of good quality, and asked, "How many spirit crystals in total?"

"These elixirs will be my meeting gift. Mr. Jian is young and talented, and he must have a bright future. If there is a chance, I hope to promote more young ones." Zuo Hai smiled.

"Deacon Hai is being polite. If there is a chance, Deacon Hai will naturally repay Deacon Hai's enthusiastic help today!" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, knowing that he might be trying to curry favor with the Zuo family's direct descendant behind him, so he immediately accepted the storage ring naturally, and said politely He replied, "Deacon Hai, Fengyun still has something to do, let's go first!"

"I don't know where Mr. Jian lives? If it's inconvenient, come to the cultivation pavilion of Lingbao Pavilion. There is a spirit-gathering formation in it, which can speed up the cultivation speed." Seeing that Jian Fengyun was about to leave, Zuo Hai immediately expressed his kindness again.

(End of this chapter)

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