Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 367 Wu Linger's Request

Chapter 367 Wu Linger's Request
"Oh, Mr. Sword can make alchemy, what kind of elixir is it?" Wu Shan said slowly, his face slightly startled.

In Wuling City, there are not many alchemists as young as Jian Fengyun.

With doubts in mind, Wu Shan opened the storage ring, and was taken aback for a moment.

Among the storage rings, there are ten jade bottles, each of which is filled with elixir, exuding an irrepressible elixir, densely packed, innumerable.

"Earth-level top-grade spirit blood pills, a total of [-] pieces, can increase the cultivation speed of warriors, even under the spirit emperor." Jian Fengyun said lightly.

The best spiritual blood pill?One thousand pieces!

Wu Shan was shocked. The strongest family of their Wu family enshrines alchemists who are only mid-level, and they still make shots from time to time. Their status is extremely high. In the Wu family, it can be said that they are under one person, above everyone, even in Wuling City. It is extremely high, which shows the dignity of a pharmacist.

The selling price of a ground-level top-grade elixir in Wuling City is at least [-] low-grade spirit crystals. The average family cannot afford to use it. Although the Wu family has a ground-level middle-grade pharmacist to enshrine, they cannot afford a large amount of elixir For the cost, he can only be asked to refine a few pieces for a while.

However, the young man in front of him was only over sixteen years old, and he could easily refine a thousand pieces of top-grade elixir. Feeling the temperature remaining in the jade bottle, he could be sure that these elixirs were just out of the oven.

All the elders of the Wu family in the back, when they heard Jian Fengyun's words, their minds went blank for an instant, their cloudy eyes were full of shock and inconceivable, and they were speechless for a while.

Is it true that such a young top grade pharmacist?

If it was true, wouldn't it mean that the rank of alchemist of the young boy in front of him was higher than that of their martial arts alchemist?

Thinking of this, Wu Shan couldn't wait to take out a jade bottle, not caring about losing his composure in front of Jian Fengyun, he gently opened the seal of the jade bottle, and in an instant, a dazzling pill light shot out from the mouth of the jade bottle, the rich pill The fragrance turns into a substantial fragrance, which spreads around.

Wu Shan quickly closed the jade bottle, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

The fineness and fragrance of this elixir absolutely surpassed the elixir enshrined and refined by their martial arts, and even surpassed his understanding of elixir.

At this moment, Wu Shan felt a wave of spiritual power in his body, which seemed to be on the rise.

This is!
Wu Shan's eyes lit up, and after careful perception, he immediately discovered the situation in his body, which turned out to be a tendency to break through. It seemed that as long as he practiced for a while, his realm could break through to the middle stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm.

Danxiang, yes, it is the function of Danxiang.

He just took a sip of the elixir fragrance just now, but he didn't expect that the realm that had been trapped in his body for many years was about to break through. The effect of this spirit blood elixir is too strong!
It is because his realm is a little lower than Yuan Qi's that the Wu family has been suppressed by the Yuan family for so many years. If he breaks through, the deadlock of being suppressed will be broken, and the Wu family will usher in a new era.

At this moment, Wu Shan became excited, his eyes were filled with unspeakable joy, he looked at Jian Fengyun, and said: "Young Master Jian, for such a great favor, the Wu family really don't know how to repay it!"

Jian Fengyun smiled lightly, and said: "No need to repay, but this batch of pills should be good in Wuling City, in order to avoid causing trouble, please don't leak it out, Master Wu!"

"Of course, the Wu family will definitely keep this secret!" Wu Shan responded firmly.

Just kidding, if you don't keep this secret, is it possible to disclose that the martial arts family in the whole city has a thousand top-level top-grade pills? Isn't this courting death?
One must know that the preciousness of the top-grade earth-level pills would make even a strong Linghuang fall in love with them. This batch of pills is the hope of the Wu family's rise, and even if they try their best, they will let the secret of this pill rot in their hearts.

Jian Fengyun left under the horrified eyes of all the senior members of the Wu family.

Jian Fengyun returned to Fengting Bieyuan and began to meditate, calming down, preparing to adjust his state and take the Heaven Rank Yaoxue Pill to break through to the Spirit King Realm.

However, just as Jian Fengyun was in samadhi, Wu Ling'er's figure stepped into the Fengting courtyard impressively.

"What's the matter, Ling'er, what's the matter?" Jian Fengyun slowly opened his eyes and asked immediately.

"I'm fine, I just want to see Brother Fengyun!" Wu Ling'er said hesitantly, obviously she had something on her mind.

Seeing Wu Ling'er's elegant alchemy that doesn't know how to pretend, Jian Fengyun couldn't help smiling, and said, "What's on Linger's mind?"

"No, no!" Wu Ling'er responded naturally, but then she shook her head and said no.

"Let's talk if you have something to say!" Jian Fengyun glanced at Wu Ling'er, and said immediately.

Obviously, Wu Ling'er has something on her mind, but it seems that she has some concerns, and she dare not say no to herself. Jian Fengyun's gentle tone directly touches people's hearts.

"Brother Fengyun, are you the platinum VIP guest of Wanbao Building?" Wu Linger hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"Well, what's the matter?" Jian Fengyun nodded slightly and asked.

"Ling'er wants to ask you one thing, I hope Brother Fengyun will promise me!" Wu Ling'er gritted her teeth, and then said.

"Let's talk!" Jian Fengyun smiled faintly, he also had the urge to care for this immature girl in front of him.

"Ling'er wants you to help me check Brother Fengting. He has been to Tianxuan Taoist Temple for several years. He should have returned a few days ago, but he didn't come back, and the natal jade pendant left to me is also dim. , I am worried that something will happen to him!" Wu Linger said.

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant from her little hand, and her delicate eyes were full of worry.

"Oh?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he asked immediately, "Ling'er, why didn't you ask City Lord Wu to help you find someone?"

"Father sent someone to look for it, but there was no news. The elders of the family objected to me being with Brother Fengting. In order to isolate us, they forced Brother Fengting to live alone in another courtyard. This is where I haven't seen for several years. It's Brother Fengting, I miss him so much!" Wu Ling'er bit the corner of her moist lips, sparkling in her clear eyes, how pitiful, how pitiful.

"Oh, it turned out to be the owner of this courtyard!" Jian Fengyun murmured in his heart, then raised his head, swept towards Wu Linger, and said, "Linger, why didn't the elder Wu Patriarch let you stay with Fengting?"

"Because brother Fengting is my father's adopted son, the elders said that he is not from a famous family, so he would not agree to my marriage, but brother Fengting has always worked hard, and my father appreciates him very much, but the elders of the family just don't agree, it is best for brother Fengting Being oppressed by the Wu family has no choice but to enter the Tianxuan Dao Academy for further study, I haven't seen him for several years!" Wu Ling'er couldn't help but shed tears as she spoke.

"Don't cry, brother Fengyun will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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