Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 377 The Terrible Speed ​​of Making Money

Chapter 377 The Terrible Speed ​​of Making Money
"That's right, your previous realm should be at the peak of the Spirit King Realm. Later, the meridians were abolished, causing the spirit sea to collapse and the spirit mansion to disappear. Although the "Nirvana War Sutra" can restore your body, the twelve main meridians are difficult to recover." You've recovered, if you don't have secret techniques, you won't be able to practice in this life." Jian Fengyun said.

"Senior, please help me." Wu Fengting gritted his teeth.

"Listen well, I want you to swear an oath to never spread this secret technique, otherwise I will pass it on to you." Jian Fengyun said solemnly.

"I, Wu Fengting, swear by the heart of heaven and earth that I will never let this secret technique go out. The world is a mirror, if I violate this oath, my soul will fly away and I will die." Wu Fengting swore without hesitation.

This kind of top secret technique, as long as it is an individual, it will not be spread to the outside world. Wu Fengting is not a fool, so he naturally chose to swear the heart of heaven and earth.

The Heaven and Earth Heart Oath is more powerful than the Martial Dao Contract. The Martial Dao Contract only affects one's martial arts, while the Heaven and Earth Heart Oath is connected with the Heaven and Earth Dao. Once it is issued, if it is violated, it will be executed by the Heaven and Earth Dao. Can't escape punishment.

Seeing Wu Fengting making the oath of the heart of heaven and earth, Jian Fengyun immediately felt relieved and said.

"Okay, listen carefully, this secret technique is called Fengyun Ni. A practitioner needs to cut off all his meridians, and then practice the secret technique, and his cultivation will increase several times. This secret technique is against the sky. This technique, a warrior can only use it once in a lifetime, if he uses it again, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

"The wind and cloud turn against each other, the clouds form a big sun, the wind forms a cloudy moon, and the sun and moon rotate and move."

A series of formulas resounded in Wufengting's soul sea, Wufengting's attention was focused to the extreme, for fear of missing a sentence or half a sentence.

Soon, Wu Fengting fell into deep thought, and a strange force began to appear in this person's body.

Feeling the changes in Wufengting's body, Jian Fengyun's heart couldn't help but move slightly. This Wufengting's talent is extremely good. Fengyun Ni is a secret technique created when he became the emperor in his previous life. After this secret technique was created, it was unacceptable to heaven and earth. , but was blocked by him.

Fengyunni, let yourself become a useless person first, and then restore your strength through secret techniques. After recovery, the warrior's strength will inevitably more than triple, and stand upright after breaking through, and evolve yin and yang with Fengyun Dao. Although it is simple, it is very against the sky.

The reason why Jian Fengyun asked Wu Fengting to make an oath to keep it secret was because many people knew about this secret technique in his previous life, if it was leaked out, it would be difficult not to attract enemies from his previous life.With his current strength, he still can't deal with those Emperor Zun saints, and the situation will definitely be out of his control by then.

"Young Master Jian, what's wrong with you?"

Jian Fengyun vaguely heard calling voices, and his thoughts moved, and he suddenly came back to his senses, only to see not far away, a figure of a middle-aged man suddenly appeared.

"Zuo Hai, what's the matter?" Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and he asked immediately.

"Young Master Jian, are you okay? I'm here to give you the [-]% of the profit. The Wanbao Building just went on sale today, and the Spirit Blood Pill was sold out. I wonder if you can still refine it?" Zuo Hai took out A storage ring, handed it to Jian Fengyun respectfully, and then said with a worried look on his face.

Jian Fengyun took the storage ring, and saw more than 1000 top-quality spirit crystals lying in it, the aura was so strong that it glowed with purple light, which made people obsessed. Leng.

Seeing Jian Fengyun's serious face, Zuo Hai thought that Jian Fengyun was in a daze because of the pressure of refining the pill, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Young master Jian, if refining the spirit blood pill is too tiring, you You can refine less, your body is more important."

Although the price of a Spirit Blood Pill from the outside world has been skyrocketing, and the orders from Wanbaolou can become a hill, he still said that, not to say that those customers are not important, but that he knows that Jian Fengyun is all of this If over-refining causes problems in his body, and he can't refine the elixir, all this will really be broken, and he doesn't want to exhaust the resources.

"Ah?" Jian Fengyun raised his head and made a sound in doubt.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's voice, Zuo Hai's expression turned ugly, and he said immediately: "Young Master Jian, if you feel really unwell, you can stop alchemy first, it's not good to be exhausted."

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words clearly, Jian Fengyun immediately realized that he took the fact that he taught Wu Fengting through the soul secret technique that he was overworked so he was in a daze.

"Haha, Deacon Hai, don't worry, everything will continue as usual, as many pills as there are, I, Jian Fengyun, will do what I say!" Jian Fengyun laughed loudly, and said immediately.

More than 1000 top-grade spirit crystals are equivalent to billions of low-grade spirit crystals. You must know that one top-grade spirit crystal is equivalent to 100 million low-grade spirit crystals, and one top-grade spirit crystal can cause the reaction of most forces. I coveted it, I just randomly refined thousands of top-grade earth-level pills, and I didn't expect to earn more than 1000 top-grade spirit crystals.

At the beginning, he worked hard in the Nangu Forbidden Land, offended so many high-level forces, and collected more than 1000 top-quality spirit crystals from them. As a result, he casually made a few pills here, and got more than [-] top-quality spirit crystals.

Hence, Jian Fengyun couldn't help sighing, pharmacists really make money, no wonder so many people in previous lives desperately wanted to become a pharmacist.

In his previous life, Jian Fengyun was revered as the god of medicine, which symbolized the peak of Wanyu's way of medicine, and the resources he needed were continuously sent up, and he didn't feel anything. But in this life, he started to practice again. Now when the resources are most scarce, this practice Medicine gave him a lot of resources.

With this speed of making money, Jian Fengyun probably won't be able to own wealth comparable to that of the entire Wuling City in a short time.

If you don't make money, you're a bastard, not to mention that Jian Fengyun still needs a genius treasure with strong blood power. Based on his previous life experience, this type of thing will definitely not be cheap, so even if it is to improve his strength, Jian Fengyun Also earn more spirit crystals.

"My lord, are you really alright? If not, you still have to put your body first!" Zuo Hai looked at Jian Feng and suddenly laughed, and couldn't help showing a strange look on his face, a little worried.

"Deacon Hai, you can rest assured, I won't do anything I'm not sure about!" Jian Fengyun said calmly with his eyes moving.

Looking at the confidence in Jian Fengyun's eyes, Zuo Hai finally handed out another storage ring and said, "My lord, here are [-] pieces of heaven-level demon blood pills and [-] pieces of earth-level top-quality spiritual materials. There are some elixirs that are not Spirit Blood Pills, but you can try to refine some other elixirs, it doesn’t matter if you can make them or not.”

(End of this chapter)

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