Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 385 Xie Tian's Plan

Chapter 385 Xie Tian's Plan

"Let's go, the formation is broken, let people go out." Under the horrified gazes of all the Linghuangs, Jian Fengyun pouted his lips and said immediately.

"Oh!" Everyone nodded instinctively, and then followed what Jian Fengyun said.

Indeed, at this moment, they can only react instinctively. After all, seeing a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in the true spirit state unscathed swallowed up a force that made their hearts tremble. This simply refreshed their worldview. .

Soon, the people trapped in the dungeon were released. With the help of the ten great spirit emperors, everyone adapted to the environment and began to recover. After being swallowed by the power of demon devouring for so many years, their bodies basically reached limit.

At the same time, in the Demon Realm thousands of miles away, in the depths of a dark Demon Palace
"Someone actually dispelled my soul-devouring power." The black-robed man sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall suddenly opened his eyes, and a dark light flashed in his eyes. Thousands of pairs of eyes.

"Evil Emperor, my family is about to wake up, I hope you don't get into trouble!"

In the demon palace, a pair of golden eyes suddenly appeared, descending with the majesty of the supreme emperor.

Xie Tian raised his head impressively, his pitch-black eyes met the golden eyes in the void, and he said immediately: "Don't worry, it's just that a ray of demon-eating power has been dispelled, and it doesn't affect my layout. Come on, let's take care of the trouble there."

"That's good. The Evil Emperor still needs us to take down the Profound Sky Upper Territory. I believe you will do your best!" Those golden eyes moved slightly, and an aura full of majesty resounded in the demon hall.

"Emperor Huang can rest assured, in troubled times, I still need you to help me win the destiny, I will arrange everything properly, you just need to be at ease and prepare to be born." Xie Tian responded with his black eyes flashing.

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the good news from the evil emperor." Those golden eyes swept slightly and closed slowly.

At the same time, thousands of eyes in the void also disappeared at the same time.

Feeling the fading of the powerful aura in the demon palace, Xie Tian frowned immediately. Since that person left, almost no one dared to touch the power of devouring demons in Wanyu. Today, it was mysteriously dispelled. It's not an ordinary thing.

The game he arranged was proceeding at a fast pace, and no mistakes were allowed. Soon, Xie Tian waved his hand, and a ray of magic light broke through the sky and turned into a ray of comet, flying towards the direction of the upper region of Tianxuan.

Not long after, a ray of pitch-black light streaked across the sky of Profound Sky City, and Xuanmu Mozhen, who was in Profound Sky Imperial City, opened his eyes impressively, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

"I'm a demon. I feel that the demon-eating power of a city in the northern part of the Profound Sky Upper Territory has been dispelled by someone. Go and find out everything, and arrange everything in the Profound Sky Upper Territory. I don't want the layout to be repeated this time." fail."

The next moment, a deep voice sounded in Xuanmu Mozhen's ear, and Xuanmu Mozhen cupped his hands towards the void when he heard it, and said yes in response.

In front of Xuanmu Mozhen, a half-human, half-snake young man was sitting. Seeing Xuanmu Mozhen's strange appearance, he immediately opened his mouth and said.

"What's the matter, Lord Mozi, where will our warriors come from? You know, this sky has sealed our clan for tens of millions of years. If you don't explain clearly in advance, when the time comes, our warriors will descend from the sky. The prosperity of the land will no longer exist."

"Special envoy of the Snake People, I have already found out about the place where the Snake People descended. The nobles are just north of Tianxuan City. This North Ridge and Ten Thousand Valleys is coming. When the time comes, I will ask the nobles to help us take this Tianxuan City. "Xuanmu Mozhen returned to his senses slightly, and said abruptly.

"Okay, the emperor of our snake-human race values ​​friendship the most. You, Lord Evil Emperor, help our clan break the seal of heaven. Our clan will naturally keep our promise and help you take down the Tianxuan Upper Territory!" the male tail of the snake-human clan Swaying slightly, he immediately opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, the special envoy of the snake-human clan, if you have nothing to do, I will leave first." Xuanmu Mozhen said impressively.

"Oh, what are you so anxious about?" The young man of the Snake Race lowered his head slightly, looking at Xuanmu Mozhen and asked imposingly.

"To tell you the truth, Master just sent the news that someone in the northern part of Tianxuan Upper Territory destroyed his arrangement. Master was worried that someone would destroy the plan for the arrival of friends from all races, so he sent me to check it out, just in case. !” Xuanmu Mozhen responded.

He was also quite surprised by this. He had seen the power of devouring demons before. It is difficult to completely destroy even the strong emperor. Even if it could be eliminated, no one would dare to destroy it. Wanyu's status is supreme, no force or emperor will provoke his master for no reason.

However, this extremely difficult to destroy the power of devouring demons was actually eliminated. The most important thing is that since the power of devouring demons can be eliminated, it is very likely that he is a strong emperor. With his strength, even in the past, it was estimated that he could only be To die, so at this moment, apart from surprise, there is also helplessness and entanglement in his heart.

"Oh, since someone wants to destroy the great skill of our ten thousand races coming, no, this matter is of great importance, why don't you let me go with you, Lord Mozi?" The young man of the snake-human race said with his eyes cold.

"Oh, isn't this bad?" Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes froze, pretending to be hesitant.

"What's wrong, my snake-human race is one of the great clans of ten thousand races, and I have the obligation to contribute to all races. Don't worry, if the evil emperor blames you, I will explain it to you." The young man of the snake-human race said impassionedly.

"Then, all right!" Xuanmu Mozhen's face was dull on purpose, and he reluctantly agreed.

Although his face looked very hesitant, his heart was suddenly overjoyed. The special envoy of the snake-human race in front of him was a real king-level powerhouse, and he saw with his own eyes a king-level monster being pierced by the snake-human spear. , Grilled and grilled meat.

With this kind of help, there will be [-]% more protection at critical times. Even if he encounters a strong emperor and cannot beat him, the snake-human race in this monarchy should be able to resist for a while, enough for him to escape.

"It's okay, we snake people mean what we say, this time I will go with Master Mozi, and we will definitely solve all the problems." The young snake people laughed impressively.

Seeing the smile on the face of the snake-human youth, Xuanmu Mozhen also smiled, but secretly ridiculed in his heart, this snake-human is really stupid, he is ready to sell him, yet he is still smiling so happily.

Wuling City, outside the Yuan Family
"Thank you for saving my life, son. I don't know your surname. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay today's kindness!"

"Yes, sir, please leave your name. After I go back, I will definitely ask the Yuanling Chamber of Commerce to repay your life-saving grace."

A group of spirit emperors and spirit kings surrounded Jian Fengyun and expressed their thanks one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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