Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

The Alchemist Association, this is a huge building, with courtyard pavilions at the back, covering an extremely large area, and a hall in front, where alchemists wearing various robes come in and out.

Although the pharmacist sounds a bit down now, from this magnificent building complex, one can imagine how glorious the pharmacist association was back then.

In Wanyu, pharmacists have a more complete division of ranks. Huang rank, Xuan rank, Earth rank, Tian rank, Zun rank, Huang rank, Monarch rank, Saint rank, Emperor rank, a total of nine ranks, each rank The grades are divided into four grades: low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and extreme-grade.

The nine ranks of alchemists symbolize the strength of the alchemist civilization, but in the alchemist association, the robes of these nine ranks are also different.

White-robed alchemists, Huangjie, Xuanjie, and Dijie wear white robes.

Master Zipao, the Heaven Rank, Zun Rank, and Huang Rank wear purple robes.

The gold-cloaked masters, the emperor ranks, the holy ranks, and the emperor ranks wear gold robes.

Generally, those who enter and leave the Alchemist Association are white-robed alchemists, purple-robed alchemists are very rare, and occasionally there are one or two people, who are also extremely distinguished, surrounded by many white-robed alchemists asking for advice.

After entering the Alchemist Association, Jian Fengyun carefully recalled that the Alchemist Association is divided into four levels of management: Dan Pavilion, Danhui, Dancheng, and Danyu. The scale of this Alchemist Association should only be at the Danhui level. At the guild level, there should be six purple-robed masters sitting in town. Not surprisingly, one of them should be an imperial pharmacist. As for the golden-robed master, there should not be a pharmacist association of this scale.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A little girl in a gray robe came over and asked, she was the person in charge of the lobby of the Alchemist Association.

In the Alchemist Association, there is another color of robes, the gray robe, which is the robe worn by apprentice alchemists.

"I want to take a test to become a pharmacist." Jian Fengyun looked at the quiet little girl in front of him, smiled lightly, "I don't know what to call the girl?"

As soon as Jian Fengyun's words fell, many pharmacists around him looked sideways. Hearing Jian Fengyun's voice, they were extremely young. In recent years, the Alchemist Association has declined, and almost no young alchemists are willing to join, let alone someone who is willing to join Here is the pharmacist training.

The pharmacists who can come to the pharmacist association for examination, probably have already failed the examination at the alchemy alliance.

This kind of thing still happens frequently in the Alchemist Association, most of them dress up like Jian Fengyun and cover their heads, they don't want to show their true colors.

When they saw Jian Fengyun wearing a black robe, they classified Jian Fengyun as that kind of person.

"The young people nowadays, dressed in weird ways, really think they can do anything."

"Isn't it? I think some people don't have the ability to come here to pretend to be capable."

"That's right, I would like to advise some people that the pharmacist is not something that ordinary people can pass the exam, and it is impossible for the Alchemist League to pass, and it is even more impossible to pass the pharmacist's association."

The alchemists in white robes around him began to criticize without hesitation, acting as if they were superior to others, as if they already knew Jian Fengyun's bottom line.

Jian Fengyun didn't pay attention to the intentional or unintentional sarcasm of these people around him, because he swept over with his soul power, most of these people were alchemists of Huang rank and Xuan rank, they were not of any standard at all, and he didn't bother to waste his saliva.

"You can call me Xiaoyun. You are going to come to the Huang-rank pharmacist. Have you prepared before coming? The Huang-rank pharmacist needs to be familiar with dozens of books on the basics of pharmacists!" Xiaoyun smiled slightly, and the dozens of books arrived. The foundation of a pharmacist with millions of words has already discouraged many people.

However, there is no way to do this. If you want to become a pharmacist, if you don't even have the most basic pill configuration and the principle of elixir, you will die.

"Oh, did you make a mistake? I'm not here to take the exam for Huang rank pharmacist." Jian Fengyun was slightly taken aback, then said immediately.

He felt a little bewildered that the other party believed so firmly that he was here to take the Huang-rank pharmacist exam.

Seeing the expression on Jian Fengyun's face, Xiaoyun showed a relieved expression. Sure enough, at such a young age, how could it be possible to have the level of a Huang rank pharmacist? The smile just now was just a professional instinct, and the surprise in her heart was not in the slightest. It is inferior to those white-robed alchemists who are commenting around.

"Then you are here to test the pharmacist's apprenticeship. In the pharmacist's association, apprentices do not need to be tested. As long as you find a suitable master, you can learn from the master and become a pharmacist's apprentice." Xiaoyun smiled slightly.

"I said, so I came here to be an apprentice. What did you say to test for the rank of a pharmacist? I can't even speak clearly. How can I become a pharmacist?"

"Hehe, another rookie apprentice. It's understandable for young people to want to become a distinguished alchemist, but you have to be talented, otherwise it's useless to learn."

The people around were ridiculed again. These people thought they were alchemists, and they all felt superior to others in their bones. When they heard that Jian Fengyun was just an apprentice, they immediately released their nature.

With Jian Fengyun's spiritual sense, he could naturally hear the amplified voices of these people clearly. At this moment, he was not angry, but felt a little sad for the Alchemist Association.

The members of the Alchemist Association that dominated Wanyu back then turned out to be this kind of trash who pretended to be lofty and didn't know how to be humble.

It is not difficult to understand why the Alchemist Association has declined. With these people, it is difficult for the Alchemist Association not to decline.

"Miss Xiaoyun, I'm here to take the exam for a celestial pharmacist." Jian Fengyun looked at Xiaoyun and said calmly.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "My lord, are you kidding me? The Heaven Rank Alchemist is a big figure in the Alchemist Association. If you just read those Impossible to pass."

This time she really couldn't control her emotions. She has been working in the Alchemist Association for several years, and this is the first time she heard that someone came to take the exam for a heavenly alchemist. The amount of knowledge that a heavenly alchemist needs to know is definitely like a mountain , at Jian Fengyun's age, it is impossible to finish reading those things, let alone understand them proficiently.

In her consciousness, the sky-rank alchemist, that is Master Zipao, is several hundred years old and looks old, how could he be as young as the boy in front of him?

"Hahaha, is there something wrong with my ears, heavenly alchemist, this kid is probably going crazy because he wants to be famous."

There was a burst of laughter all around, how could a celestial pharmacist need to come to the pharmacist association for assessment, that would require the pharmacist association to invite him.

Everyone concluded that Jian Fengyun was whimsical.

Jian Fengyun.
(End of this chapter)

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