Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 392 Level 1 Passed

Chapter 392 Passing the First Level
About half of an hour passed, Jian Fengyun put down his pen, stood up, and said to the two masters in purple robe above him, "Masters, I have finished my answer."

The two purple-robed masters raised their heads, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes. They could clearly see the young man's answering process in front of him. He didn't stay on each paper for more than 2 minutes, and even some papers were only used It took a few seconds to turn over, how could it be possible to finish the answer?
Soon, they took the papers handed over by Jian Fengyun, a hundred paper rolls were neatly placed in front of them, and the two Zipao masters began to size them up.

"The first question is about the ten uses of Heavenly Moon Spirit Grass. Hey, that's a pretty good answer. I've written down every single one!"

"The second question is about the process and precautions for refining the Heavenly Rank Moon Spirit Pill. The 36 steps have been written out in a concise manner, and all of them have been answered to the key point, which is completely correct!"

There are 100 papers, each with two to four questions, and each question is some difficult problems, even a true heavenly alchemist may not be able to answer all of them [-]%.

After a while, as the last test paper fell, they came back to their senses and looked at the hourglass. Three quarters of an hour passed, and before an hour was up, the hundred test papers were finished.

The two gray-haired purple-robed masters looked at each other, and were even surprised. Their first reaction was that Jian Fengyun must have cheated. How could a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy answer all the questions of these heavenly alchemists? The answer is still so thorough.

But these one hundred paper scrolls are clearly the latest assessment questions integrated by the Alchemist Association. The examination questions in Tianzi No. [-] Room have not been answered for hundreds of years. How could it be leaked, and someone will know all the answers.

Moreover, Jian Fengyun has answered all the questions in the [-]-chapter scroll. If Dangdang selects a few of them to count, the difficulty of the questions is not very high, but answering all of them involves tens of thousands of elixir, thousands of The knowledge of thousands of pills, what profound knowledge does it take to be able to answer these questions fluently?

One is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old young lady. Even if she started to study various alchemy classics from the mother's womb, it is impossible to finish studying so many classics, and she happened to study so comprehensively.

The two purple-robed masters smiled wryly. Is there really a peerless genius with wisdom beyond ordinary people in this world?Geniuses are not uncommon, but those who can complete ten test papers at this age are already geniuses, and those who can complete all of them are simply peerless geniuses.

The two masters began to check the papers, and as the papers fell from their hands, they found to their horror that there was not even a single mistake in the hundred papers, and the answers to some questions were even more exquisite, surpassing the alchemy classics. The records made them amazed.


Peerless genius!
The two purple-robed masters were grading the test papers, amazed and excited, some of Jian Fengyun's answers simply surpassed their comprehension, and they had to think for a while before they could determine the correctness of the answer.

After a while, the one hundred papers were finally read in the hands of the two purple-robed masters.

"Two masters, how are you doing? Can we start the next round of assessment?" Jian Fengyun glanced at the two masters in front of him and asked immediately.

"Of course, I don't know what to call your son?" One of the old men put down the test paper, and said kindly to Jian Fengyun, "My name is Jing Huo, and his name is Qi Yue, both of whom are top-grade alchemists of the heaven rank!"

At this moment, he changed his attitude of belittling Jian Fengyun, just kidding, if he can have such an amazing knowledge of Alchemy at this age, if he grows up in a few years, it will be okay?

They can almost confirm that, in terms of knowledge, almost only the president of the Wuling City Alchemist Association can compete with Jian Fengyun.

How dare they underestimate such a peerless talent.

Seeing that the two masters in front of him were so polite, Jian Fengyun was not restrained, he knew that it was his answer that successfully shocked the two old men in front of him.

"The two masters can just say the name below. My name is Jian Fengyun." Jian Fengyun slightly cupped his hands.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, both Jinghuo and Qi Yue's eyes narrowed. Jian Fengyun's address and attitude made them elated. They are so knowledgeable at such a young age, and they have such a humble heart, without arrogance. , This is definitely much better than some alchemy geniuses outside.

"Fengyun, I don't know where you are from, but are you interested in being my disciple and directly joining the Alchemist Association?" Jing Huo thought for a while, and then asked immediately.

"I come from Qingyun Region, Master Xie Jing kindly wishes, I have no plans to become a teacher for the time being." Jian Fengyun declined politely.Just kidding, he is a majestic medicine god, if the word "change it" is accepted as an apprentice by a heavenly alchemist, wouldn't it make people laugh.

"Okay." Jing Huo replied with a slight nod. He had already guessed that Jian Fengyun would refuse. After all, how could such a knowledgeable genius casually ask someone to be his teacher? He just asked casually out of luck.

"Then let's start the second round of assessment. In the second round of assessment, you need to refine any heavenly elixir, and the elixir needed will be provided by the Alchemist Association for free."

"Heavenly Spirit Grass, Purple Spirit Ginseng, these two elixir medicines are the main medicines, and the supplementary medicines need the highest grade Xuanling Nuts and Bailing Ye." Jian Fengyun looked at Jinghuo, and slowly announced the names of a series of elixir .

Hearing the Sky Spirit Grass and Purple Spirit Ginseng, Jing Huo and Qi Yue nodded slightly. These two kinds of heaven-level elixir are relatively common ones, suitable for refining the sky-level spirit recovery pill, and can help people in the spirit king state There is no real effect for warriors to speed up the recovery of spiritual power.

Tianhui Pill is also more suitable for breaking through the sky-rank alchemists.

But when Jian Fengyun talked about the auxiliary medicine, the two couldn't help frowning, the crane feather pen in Jinghuo's hand paused slightly, looked at Jian Fengyun, and said: "Fengyun, the auxiliary medicine of Tianhui Pill is not these, you Did you remember wrongly?"

Jian Fengyun met the dubious gazes of the two, and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Master Jing, what I want to refine is not the Tianhui Pill, but other heavenly elixir, the elixir is right."

"Oh? Apart from Tianhui Pill, are there other pills that use Sky Spirit Grass and Purple Spirit Ginseng?" The two purple-robed masters were slightly puzzled, looking at Jian Fengyun with some surprise.

They have been immersed in alchemy for decades, and apart from Tianhui Pill, they have never heard of any other heavenly elixir that requires the use of Sky Spirit Grass and Purple Spirit Ginseng.

However, it is Jian Fengyun's freedom to choose the elixir, they can only make suggestions, and the real decision is still in Jian Fengyun's hands.


(End of this chapter)

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