Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 395

Chapter 395

"By the way, this is the elixir you chose. Here, I wonder if you need the alchemy room of the Alchemist Association. There is a special alchemy formation there, which can improve the success rate of alchemy." Shi Yan took out a storage ring , and handed it to Jian Fengyun.

"No need, I can refine without external objects!" Jian Fengyun said casually.

As soon as these words came out, the three people around were slightly taken aback for a moment, then nodded and sighed.

Refining heavenly elixir is not an easy task, even if some new celestial pharmacists try to refine celestial elixir, it is impossible to refine 100% heavenly elixir, the only way is through Foreign objects, such as alchemy auxiliary formations, good alchemy furnaces, and even good fire sources are used to increase the alchemy rate of heavenly alchemists.

The actions of the three of Shi Yan fell into Jian Fengyun's eyes. The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, and then he waved his hands directly, and scattered more than a hundred kinds of elixir in front of him into the air.

In an instant, a silvery-white sword essence gushed out from Jian Fengyun's hand, supporting the hundreds of kinds of elixir in the air, with a touch of his fingertips, one after another faint blue flames fell on the hundreds of elixir burn up.

This scene stunned the three alchemists around.

"What kind of alchemy is this?"

Sprinkling hundreds of elixir directly into the air, urging the flames to start refining, it looks like acrobatics.

The hearts of the three of Shi Yan are broken. There are hundreds of elixir, each elixir has different attributes, and the fire temperature required is also different. How could someone be able to refine hundreds of elixir at the same time? Isn't it obvious that the elixir will be burned to ashes by gunpowder?

The timing and order of refining elixir are very important for alchemy, especially heavenly elixir, which can only be refined by people who are extremely cautious.Refining elixir like Jian Fengyun looks gorgeous, but it doesn't have any substantial effect. The end result is that a large amount of elixir must be burned to ashes.

Jian Fengyun focused on his face, his eyes were firm, and he was dressed in white without any wind. His eyes swept over the hundreds of elixirs in front of him without the slightest pause.


A wave of heat was released from his body, filling every corner of the room.


There was a sound like fried beans, and hundreds of elixirs were all engulfed by the raging blue flames.

Seeing this scene, Shi Yan and the others couldn't help but sweat on their foreheads. Jian Fengyun's knowledge of alchemy is very profound, but now it seems that he is only knowledgeable, and the actual alchemy is not in line with common sense at all.

As a pharmacist, he knew that refining the essence of the elixir needs to be done step by step, and the flame cannot be condensed to the extreme in an instant, otherwise the elixir will be burned directly without leaving ashes.

Jian Fengyun's gaze was still focused on the blazing blue flame in front of him, no one noticed that this blue flame seemed to be burning violently, but in fact the elixir inside was extremely well preserved.


With a soft shout, Jian Fengyun quickly shot dozens of formulas in the void, and the blue flame instantly shrank into a blue pill furnace, and then the entire Alchemist Association could see the sky A vortex of wind and cloud suddenly condensed on it, and instantly evacuated the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles, turning into a ray of golden light, piercing through the room of Tianzi No. [-] room, and rushing into the Youlan Dan furnace.

The Youlan Pill Furnace inflated suddenly, and the Youlan flame turned into a swirl and spread out to the surroundings. The flames spread and seemed to be on the verge of exploding.

The three of Shi Yan were dumbfounded again.

If Jian Fengyun was really doing alchemy, then they definitely had never seen this kind of technique.

The refining of heavenly elixir is not easy, every step of the process needs to be handled with care, like walking on thin ice.

Jian Fengyun is so rude, as if the heavenly elixir is not the same thing in his eyes, he can do whatever he wants, whatever he likes, whatever he likes.


With a wave of Jian Fengyun's hand, the faint blue flame disappeared instantly, and a jade bottle appeared directly, and with a light wave, three elixirs glowing with silver light were put into it.

how can that be? .
The two words Jian Fengyun said were simple and to the point, Shi Yan, Jing Huo and Qi Yue could all understand them, but no one dared to believe them.

When they looked up, they saw Jian Fengyun's hand slowly lowered, took a few steps forward, and put down the jade bottle that was full of hot air in his palm.

Did it fail?

The three of Shi Yan looked at the jade bottle, and there seemed to be no sign of the elixir except the heat, so they immediately took a few steps forward and were about to ask.

Suddenly, the jade bottle was opened, and a refreshing and refreshing medicinal fragrance rushed to the face.

Silver-white light bloomed from the jade bottle, and after taking a few mouthfuls of the medicinal fragrance, I felt that my body seemed much lighter.

"Oh My God!"

The mouths of the three of Shi Yan couldn't help opening their mouths wide at the same time, and their pupils contracted violently.

"This is not an illusion, is it?"

If Jian Fengyun hadn't been refined in front of them, they would even have suspected that Jian Fengyun had cheated.

Danguang and Danxiang fully demonstrated that the heaven-rank elixir has been successful, and it is not low-grade, but the best quality of heaven-rank.

"I, I'll take a look!"

Shi Yan walked forward tremblingly, holding the jade bottle in both hands, a ray of horror flashed in his eyes.

What's happening here?The heavenly elixir can be practiced in 1 minute!

Shi Yan looked at the three flawless top-grade heavenly elixirs in front of him, his silver beard and hair trembled, and said: "Could this be the alchemy technique created by the legendary alchemy god - borrowing the hand of heaven?"

Borrowing Heavenly Hands is a kind of alchemy technique recorded in the ancient classics of the Alchemists Association, and it is a peerless alchemy technique created by the legendary Wanyu God of Medicine.

Borrowing the hand of the sky, borrowing the hand of the sky, to refine the elixir, means to use the power of the heaven and the earth to refine the elixir, get rid of the shackles of one's own soul power, and be able to surpass time and quality, and quickly refine the best elixir.

Jian Fengyun's technique just now completely conforms to the record of Borrowing Heaven's Hand.

"How is it, President Shi Yan, did I pass the examination of this day-rank alchemist?" Jian Fengyun opened his mouth slightly and said.

"Pass. Of course it passed!" Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said pleasantly.

Three shocked gazes looked at Jian Fengyun, they were in a weird mood, Jian Fengyun's technique had surpassed their cognition, even Shi Yan, a high-ranking pharmacist, could not do Jian Fengyun's technique.

"Well, thank you three!" Jian Fengyun politely cupped his hands and said immediately.

"Uh, Master Yun, you don't have to be so polite. From now on, you will be a heaven-rank alchemist certified by the Alchemist Association. I'll send someone to bring your purple robe and the token of a heaven-rank alchemist right away." Shi Yan pointed at Jian Fengyun. smiled.

"Okay, but now, I have something I want to cooperate with the Alchemist Association. I wonder if President Shi Yan is interested?" Jian Fengyun had already guessed the result, so he was not too surprised, just smiled lightly, road.

(End of this chapter)

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