Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

"This set of battle armor is not bad. If the price does not reach [-] low-grade spirit crystals, I will take a picture of it. What do you elders think?" Wu Shan's eyes glowed, and he said.

Although Wushan is the lord of Wuling City, he is an upright person and has not accepted bribes from outsiders. In addition, the Wu family has been severely suppressed by the Yuan family in these years and there is no surplus of resources. armor.

Wuling City is located on the edge of thousands of miles of wilderness, it is very vulnerable to the attack of beast horde, a good armor can protect him from many injuries when fighting against the beast horde, that's why he opened his mouth this time.

"Well, Patriarch, I have no objection!" The three elders of the Wu family nodded one after another.

In recent years, the resources of the Wu family have been tight. As the head of the family, Wu Shan has never purchased a single spiritual weapon of his own. Now, under the guidance of Jian Fengyun, the Wu family has reached a cooperation with Wanbaolou, and has also earned a lot of spirit crystal income. The figure of [-] low-grade spirit crystals Not too big, not too small, totally acceptable.

"I will offer 5000 yuan for low-grade spirit crystals!"

As soon as Si Jianxue's words fell, someone called out a high price.

"I'll pay 600 yuan!"

"I will offer 8000 yuan!"

Everyone bid wildly, and some people even added two or 3000 yuan for spirit crystals, as if spirit crystals were worthless.

"I will offer 5000 yuan!"

The price broke through [-] in an instant, and it was still rising. Wu Shan, who was in the Accord, frowned suddenly. With this momentum, [-] low-grade spirit crystals might not be able to be sold.

"I'll offer 3 yuan for low-grade spirit crystals!" Wu Shan stood up and said in a deep voice, adding 5000 yuan at one time, doubling the price, instantly calming down the bidders in the venue.

The auction floor has also become quiet. Thirty thousand low-grade spirit crystals are not a small amount.

"Just [-] yuan is enough to win the first prize of the auction. Wouldn't that embarrass Miss Jian Xue?" On the second floor, a young voice sounded impressively, with no concealed admiration in the voice.

"I offer [-] low-grade spirit crystals, take this sword and give it to Wanbaolou. I hope Miss Jianxue likes it!"

The voice from the private room on the second floor immediately caused the auction house to move slightly.

"The first sect outside Wuling City, the eldest disciple of the Iron Sword Sect—Lin Jianfei."

In an instant, someone recognized the person sitting in this private room, and suddenly exclaimed, rich people are different.

Lin Jianfei raised the price to [-] yuan at one time, far exceeding the price of the best heaven-rank armor, making this lot enter the stage of dust-settling ahead of schedule.

In the private room on the third floor, Wu Shan saw this scene, sighed immediately, and said, "Forget it, the Iron Sword Sect is powerful, and the price of battle armor is too high, let's wait until later to see if there is any suitable one!"

The auction house was silent for a while, and no one made any more bids, which seemed to mean that Lin Jianfei would give Si Jianxue this armor as a gift.

"No one has bid yet, so thank you for your kindness, Mr. Jian Xue." Seeing the silent scene, Si Jianxue immediately bowed slightly towards Lin Jianfei's private room on the second floor, and was about to announce that the heavenly armor ultimate attribution.

"I offer one hundred thousand low-grade spirit crystals!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice resounded above the auction house, and the voice was heard again from the private room on the third floor where the bid was made before, but this time the bidder was obviously a young man.

"Young master below, since you want to give it to Miss Jian Xue to make her look bright, please continue to bid!"

Jian Fengyun said indifferently, one hundred thousand low-grade spirit crystals is nothing to him, he doesn't like Lin Jianfei downstairs very much, this kind of person slaps others in the face like this to please women, he is not Wushan, so this He couldn't bear the tone.

"Master Jian, you don't have to do this." Wu Shan said immediately after hearing Jian Fengyun's words.

Jian Fengyun lightly waved his hand, signaling that it's okay.

"Who are you? You want to fight against me, Lin?" When Lin Jianfei saw that his good intentions were about to be accepted by the beauty, a young voice suddenly came out to make trouble, which immediately made him lose face.

"What? You want to offer a gift here without money?" Jian Fengyun laughed suddenly.

In an instant, all eyes were on Lin Jianfei on the second floor. Lin Jianfei's expression darkened. One hundred thousand low-grade spirit crystals was already a considerable sum for him.

"I'll offer 11 low-grade spirit crystals!" Lin Jianfei gritted his teeth slightly and said immediately.

"Oh, I offer 15 low-grade spirit crystals. If Mr. Lin has enough admiration for Miss Si Jianxue, how about I make another bid and I will give it to you?" Come out so everyone can hear you.

"You..." Lin Jianfei was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth when he heard this voice, isn't this sentence obviously cheating him?

If he didn't pay out the 15 spirit crystals, it would definitely mean that the love he expressed for Si Jianxue before was like farting, but if he paid out the 15 spirit crystals, wouldn't it be obvious to everyone that he was being taken for a ride?

For a moment, Lin Jianfei's face became a little gloomy, wishing he could eat the person who spoke, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't do such a shameful thing, he could only grit his teeth.

"I offer 16 low-grade spirit crystals!"

"Mr. Lin's heroism, I admire you, then I will give you this sword!" Jian Fengyun smiled lightly, and said immediately.

"Have you offered a higher price? If not, this set of heaven-grade top-quality armor will be auctioned off by Mr. Jian." Si Jianxue was very satisfied with the price with a smile on her face.

In the end, the ownership of the top-grade heavenly armor was settled, and Lin Jianfei took a photo of it and gave it to Si Jianxue. However, with what Jian Fengyun said before, this move just made everyone think that Lin Jianfei was stupid enough.

Sitting in the private room on the second floor, Lin Jianfei was so angry that his face was ashen. Although the Iron Sword Sect is the first sect in Wuling City, it was cheated and taken away several times recently because of the trip to the Nangu Forbidden Area. The highest-grade spirit crystals, that is, millions of low-grade spirit crystals, the sect's savings are not much, he only brought 30 low-grade spirit crystals with him this time, he didn't expect to spend 16 low-grade spirit crystals just for the first lot crystal.

It's all the fault of that person in the private room on the third floor, don't let me touch you, otherwise I, Lin Jianfei, will definitely kill you.

Lin Jianfei said viciously in his heart, if he knew that the person who stole millions of low-grade spirit crystals from Iron Sword Sect outside the Nangu Forbidden Area and the person who cheated him with 16 low-grade spirit crystals just now were both Jian Fengyun, probably at this moment He couldn't help but go up to fight Jian Fengyun directly.

"The second auction item, the highest-grade wind demon gun, is the weapon of the wind demon general who died in the battle of the Tianxuan royal family in Beicheng 100 years ago. With the wind demon warrior, he drank countless blood, and there is still the wind demon warrior's body in the gun body. The killing spirit is a sharp weapon, enough to sweep away thousands of troops! The starting price is [-] low-grade spirit crystals!"

(End of this chapter)

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