Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 412 Take the essence and blood, reveal your identity

Chapter 412 Take the essence and blood, reveal your identity

"Young Master Jian, what's the meaning of this?" Zi Yuan wrinkled his face slightly, and said to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and immediately said, "My meaning is very simple, since the promise made by Young Master Zuo to me at the beginning has not been fully fulfilled, then my help to Young Master Zuo can only be to help him pass this first test .”

first round!
Zi Yuan's face changed slightly, his expression darkened slightly, and he began to think.

"No, Master Jian, please help me. I failed to fulfill my promise at the beginning, so please forgive me. Now the Jian family in Bei'an is unbreakable. If you still have any conditions, you can directly mention them to me." Zuo Xijian Without even thinking about it, he directly vetoed it.

If he loses Jian Fengyun's support, even if he wins the first test, he will not be able to pass the next two tests.

"Young Master Jian, everything is easy to discuss. If we have done something wrong, please tell us and we will correct it!" Behind Zuo Xijian, Old Pan said with a serious expression.

In the beginning, they decided to participate in the battle for the heir of the Zuo family because of Jian Fengyun's strength. If they lost Jian Fengyun, they would have almost no chance of winning against the direct descendants of the Zuo family.

Seeing the instant refusal of Zuo Xijian and Pan Lao, Zi Yuan couldn't help but frowned. Is Jian Fengyun, a warrior in the true spirit realm, so important?It deserves such respect from the direct descendants of Wanbaolou.

"Young Master Zuo, be safe and don't be impatient. I didn't say that I would not continue to cooperate with you, and let me pay back the favor I owed to Young Master Zuo." Jian Fengyun said lightly with a corner of his mouth.

"This..." Zuo Xijian and the two showed hesitation on their faces.

"Don't worry, I'll guarantee you to pass the first test. If you want to cooperate later, you can discuss it in detail at the Alchemist Association in three days!" Jian Fengyun gave Zuo Xijian a confident look, and then he didn't pay attention to them.

"Fifty thousand top-grade spirit crystals!"

At the auction, the man in black finally quoted a high price of [-], and the audience was shocked.

This price is already equivalent to the value of the entire Wuling City, and someone actually paid the price of a city to buy the blood essence of the Dragon Clan.

In the remote private room on the third floor

"Fifty thousand top-grade spirit crystals? You really are my good cousin!" Zuo Zun frowned, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.

The [-] top-grade spirit crystals already exceeded Zuo Zun's price for the blood essence of the dragon clan.

The scene is silent with dozens of breaths

Obviously, the people in the remote private room on the third floor gave up bidding.

"[-] top-quality spirit crystals, is there anyone who can offer a higher price? If not, then the blood essence of the dragon clan, which is rare in a thousand years, will go to the black-robed guests in the auction!" Si Jianxue blushed, Excited and authentic.

Fifty thousand top-quality spirit crystals, this has greatly exceeded her pre-bid price, she was already very satisfied, and the last question was just out of the auctioneer's instinct.

There was silence in the auction field. Even though the blood essence of the dragon race is rare in a thousand years, [-] top-grade spirit crystals are definitely enough to buy better treasures.

"I'll offer 1000 yuan for the best spirit crystal!"

Jian Fengyun opened his mouth impressively, and the indifferent voice resounded through the auction hall. Everyone was stunned, thinking that the person in the remote private room on the third floor had bid again. Unexpectedly, Wei Wei sensed that the bidder was not the remote The person in the private room was the No. [-] private room that everyone thought had run out of money.

"Who are the people in the No. 1000 private room? They are so fierce. [-] yuan is the best spirit crystal to buy the essence and blood of the dragon clan!"

"Haoqi, the people in the No. [-] private room are too rich!"

In an instant, the people in the auction house couldn't help but start whispering.

"5 top-quality spirit crystals!" On the auction site, the black-robed man's aura froze, and a cold gaze shot directly at No. [-] private room through the mask.

Jian Fengyun was sitting by the window, and instantly noticed this gaze, with a sense of threat, and his tone was extremely indifferent.

"Fifty-five thousand top-quality spirit crystals!" Jian Fengyun showed no sign of weakness, a stern light shot out from the bottom of his eyes, meeting the gaze of the man in black robe.

Between the two, an invisible momentum collided and rubbed in the void.

Afterwards, the black-robed man withdrew his gaze and fell silent for a moment.

"I didn't expect there to be such a genius outside the holy courtyard!" Zuo Aolong's mouth under the mask hooked slightly, and then he said.

Across the formation on the third floor, he didn't see Jian Fengyun's cultivation clearly. At that time, he had already regarded Jian Fengyun as a strong man whose strength was not inferior to his own.

"Master Zun, Master Aolong will not bid anymore, should we bid?" Beside Zuo Zun, the figure in the void sneaked back again.

"No, you can't waste so many top-quality spirit crystals because of one lot. You go and check his news, report it to me immediately, and arrange someone to keep an eye on him for me. If you have the opportunity, kill him and take away the blood of the dragon clan." Come back!" Zuo Zun said with a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

In the auction field, no one bid, and under everyone's horrified eyes, the blood essence of the Dragon Clan was auctioned off by Jian Fengyun.

"Who is the person in the No. [-] private room? Check it out for me. They have such a lot of money!" Yin Ba of the Nine Man Palace narrowed his eyes, and immediately ordered a guardian of the Holy Soul Sword Sect to arrive.

"Yes!" The Guardian of the Holy Soul Sword Sect retreated in response.

"Three celebrities, please help me find out who is in the No. [-] private room. I'm a little curious!" Hong Chang looked at the window of the No. [-] private room and said hesitantly.

"Tie Guardian, call our Tie Jianmen's eyeliner in Wanbao Building, and check the people in the Accord No. [-]!" Tie Jianmen Lin Jianfei saw Jian Fengyun spending a lot of money, a greedy look flashed in his eyes, and he said immediately.

In an instant, all the big and small forces in Wanbao Building were shocked by the arrogance of the person in No. [-] private room, and began to investigate this person.

After a long time, Zuo Hai hastily pried open Jian Fengyun's door.

"Young Master Jian, this is the blood essence of the Dragon Clan. Your enemies in Wanbao Building have already started investigating you. Within a quarter of an hour, your identity will be exposed." Zuo Hai said with some concern.

"Oh!" Jian Fengyun replied with a calm expression on his face.

"Young Master Jian, don't you worry, Wanbaolou can only guarantee your safety today, and those people will attack you at noon tonight, and even warriors in the Spirit King realm may not be able to escape unscathed!" Zuo Hai thought that Jian Fengyun didn't know the seriousness of the matter, so he said emphatically.

"Don't worry, after tonight, I will naturally leave Wanbao Building." Jian Fengyun said calmly, as if he didn't take Zuo Hai's words to heart at all.

Looking at Jian Fengyun's indifferent face, Zuo Hai couldn't help sighing, and then walked out the door with his hand.

Obviously, he felt that it was impossible for Jian Fengyun to survive under the siege of those forces.

(End of this chapter)

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