Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 415 Zuo Xu's Addition

Chapter 415 Zuo Xu's Addition

"Immediately send a letter back to the sect and ask my father to bring someone over to take down that Jian Fengyun to avenge him!" Lin Jianfei said with a cold look in his eyes.

He was cheated of 16 middle-grade spirit crystals by people from No. [-] private room on the first lot, and he was worried about it, but he was afraid that the other party was a VIP on the third floor, so he didn't attack.However, the person who got the No. [-] private room at this moment turned out to be Jian Fengyun, the Jian Fengyun who used formations and disciples from various sects to trap their top-quality spirit crystals outside the Nangu Forbidden Area.

The most important thing is that Jian Fengyun took away the top-grade spirit crystals, and the sect disciples who were released back were all poisoned by a blood moon power, a poison that even imperial pharmacists could not do anything about, and those disciples failed to wake up , The disciples who spent the best spirit crystals to redeem were all the living dead, how could they bear it.

Just like Lin Jianfei's people who covered up his anger appeared in 80.00% of the private rooms in the auction house, and almost every faction let the strong come over, preparing to take down Jian Fengyun for revenge.

"Master Jian, my people told me that your identity has been exposed, and all the forces in the auction house are mobilizing experts to kill you outside the Wanbao Building." Zi Yuan was taken aback, as if his soul had received something The message immediately opened to Jian Fengyun.

"Is it finally here?" Jian Fengyun blinked slightly, and murmured to himself.

"Young Master Jian, why don't you stay in the Wanbao Building first, the royal family has an uncle who always supports me, so it shouldn't be a big problem to keep you!" Zi Yuan pondered for a moment, as if he had made a very difficult decision, road.

"No need, these are still within my expectations, so there is no need to worry." Jian Fengyun said calmly.

"But." Zi Yuan spoke again, trying to persuade him.

There was a loud knock on the door, interrupting Zi Yuan's words.

As soon as the door opened, Zuo Hai walked in with a strange expression, followed by a middle-aged man.

"Zuo Hai, what's the matter?" Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, looked at Zuo Hai and asked.

"Master Jian, this is the third elder of the Zuo family, Zuo Xu, he wants to see you, I can't refuse!" Zuo Hai said bitterly.

Obviously, he had no choice but to bring Zuo Xu to see Jian Fengyun.

"A direct descendant of the Zuo family, Zuo Xijian, has met the elder Zuo Xu!" Zuo Xijian saw Zuo Xu, got up quickly, and bowed to Zuo Xu.

"Oh, I didn't expect my Zuo family's children to be here, not bad!" Zuo Xu's old face showed a smile, and he smiled at Zuo Xijian.

Jian Fengyun stood up slowly, with a cold goblin glow in his eyes, he said, "Elder Zuo Xu, I don't know why you want to see me?"

"Zuo has taken the liberty to disturb you this time. If there is any offense, please forgive me, Mr. Jian!" Zuo Xu said politely to Jian Fengyun, with a polite smile on his old face.

"I want to know why Elder Zuo Xu is looking for me now?" Jian Fengyun said directly with too much nonsense.

"Mr. Jian, don't be so vigilant. This is 65 top-quality spirit crystals, which are the proceeds from your two lots. Since you are a platinum VIP guest of our Wanbao Building, we only charge half of the handling fee. The hundreds of thousands of elixirs provided for us have met the requirements of our diamond VIPs in Wanbao Building, here is the diamond VIP card, please keep it!" Zuo Xu took out a storage ring and a crystal card with a smile on his face. The clear diamond VIP card was handed to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, took the things that Zuo Xu handed over, and immediately said, "Trouble Elder Zuo with this little thing, it's really hard for Elder Zuo."

"Young Master Jian, you are being polite. Now that my business is over, I have a business to discuss with Young Master Jian. I wonder if Young Master Jian would like to talk about it?" Zuo Xu said with a smile on his face.

Jian Fengyun's eyes froze, sure enough, Zuo Xu couldn't have just come here to give him a spirit crystal and a VIP card, but had other things to do.

"Elder Zuo, but it's okay to say!" Jian Fengyun naturally wouldn't directly refuse, so he simply let Zuo Xu continue talking.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I heard that Mr. Jian has encountered threats from some outside forces recently. I, Wanbaolou, can resolve these people for you. I wonder if Mr. Jian needs it?" Zuo Xu continued with a smile on his face.

"Oh, is there such a good thing? There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Wanbaolou is a power in business, so you must pay for what you get, right?" Jian Fengyun narrowed his eyes, and said with deep meaning.

Zuo Xu's old face still maintained a smile and said, "Young Master Jian is indeed extremely intelligent. You know, Wanbaolou has always been a commercial force, and it is inconvenient to interfere with outside forces. As long as Young Master Jian agrees to join Wanbaolou and work for Wanbaolou, we will You can have a reason to protect Young Master Jian!"

"Oh, I don't know what position you want to take?" Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and said.

"Mr. Jian, don't worry. The position Wanbaolou gave you is a consecrated master. You only need to use the soul array to share and study the magical powers and pills you have obtained with other masters in Wanbaolou. There is nothing wrong with it. Special request." Zuo Xu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jian Fengyun's expression suddenly turned cold. The supernatural powers, alchemy formulas and cultivation results are equivalent to taking away all valuable things in his soul, and dedicating his whole being to Went to Wanbao Building.

"Hehe, Elder Zuo really has good intentions, but I feel that I am safe and don't need the protection of Wanbao Tower for the time being." Jian Fengyun sneered. Dry.

When Zuo Xu heard Jian Fengyun's words, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, his smiling eyes turned serious, and he said in a serious voice, "Young Master Jian, you have to think carefully, there are quite a few spirit kings who gathered outside. The strong!"

"It's okay, I'm lucky, I have my own destiny, don't bother Elder Zuo to worry about it." Jian Fengyun said coldly.

"Well, since Mr. Jian said so, I don't have much to say, but after the auction is over, at exactly midnight, Wanbao Building will be closed, and non-Wanbao Building people will not be able to stay in Wanbao Building at that time! " Zuo Xu said with a cold tone in his tone.

Jian Fengyun sneered and said, "Don't worry, I have something to do after the auction, so I will naturally leave Wanbao Building."

How could he fail to understand Zuo Xu's implication, which meant that after the auction, Jian Fengyun had to leave Wanbaolou to face those powerful people outside, and if he wanted to stay, he had to agree to his conditions and become a member of Wanbaolou .

Seeing Jian Fengyun's resolute refusal, Zuo Xu's tone suddenly became cold, and he said, "Then I wish Mr. Jian in advance, after the auction, your life is safe and the journey is smooth!"

(End of this chapter)

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