Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 417

Chapter 417
"Master Zun, don't you want to take the final auction?" In Zuo Zun's private room, an ethereal voice resounded impressively.

"No need, let that Jian Fengyun take pictures, and when the time comes, take him down and get the two finale pieces directly." Zuo Zun picked up the wine glass in his hand, sipped the blood-red wine in the glass, and there was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. Killing intent.

All of a sudden, a reddish devilish energy surged in the private room, instantly filling the whole private room with a bloody aura.

The auction hall was extremely quiet. Obviously, like Zuo Zun, most people wanted to let Jian Fengyun take the picture, and then snatch the token of the Holy Court from Jian Fengyun.

The corners of Jian Fengyun's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "I'll produce one hundred thousand top-grade spirit crystals!"

Si Jianxue was slightly taken aback, and cast her eyes on No. [-] private room. She loosened her tightly clenched little white hands and said, "The distinguished guests of No. [-] private room bid [-] top-quality spirit crystals. Has anyone offered a higher price? ?”

After Si Jianxue's words fell, the scene was silent. After coming over for a while, under Si Jianxue's strange gaze, he made the final announcement.

"If no one bids, then the [-] top-quality spirit crystals once, the [-] spirit crystals twice, and the [-] spirit crystals three times, congratulations to the distinguished guest of No. [-] Private Room for winning the token of the Holy Court!" Si Jianxue's pretty face flushed, obviously , such a low transaction price made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, this is the end of today's auction. After the auction, Wanbao Building will be closed. Anyone who is not in Wanbao Building will not be allowed to stay in Wanbao Building. Please go slowly!" Si Jianxue seemed to accept. Seeing some sound transmission, his face straightened slightly, and he immediately opened his mouth to announce.

Third floor, secluded private room

"My lord, everything is ready, just wait for the person concerned to come out, and everything will be settled!"

"The show is about to begin." Zuo Zun pursed his lips and drank the bloody wine in the glass in one gulp, a hint of magic flashed in his eyes.

Second Floor, Tiejianmen Private Room
"Young master Jianfei, the deputy sect master and all the elders of the sect are here. As soon as that person leaves, everything can be resolved."

"Okay, let that Jian Fengyun know in a while how miserable the fate of cheating me on Tie Jianmen is!" Lin Jianfei smiled coldly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He was deceived by Jian Fengyun and spent 16 middle-grade spirit crystals to buy a high-grade top-grade battle armor. He couldn't swallow this hatred.

[-]rd Floor, Room [-]

With a "click", the door of the private room was pushed open, and Zuo Hai appeared at the door with a black gold box in his hand.

"Young Master Jian, at this time you took the token of the Holy Court!" Zuo Hai opened the box of mysterious gold, and a simple and mysterious hexagonal token appeared in the center of the box. The token was made of a mysterious metal and engraved with A series of mysterious lines, these lines are intertwined with each other to form an ancient character.

Jian Fengyun recognized the meaning of the characters on the token at a glance. On the holy characters, traces of obscure light flowed on the characters, revealing a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

"This is one hundred thousand top-quality spirit crystals, here it is!" Jian Fengyun accepted the token, waved his hand, and took out a storage ring containing one hundred thousand top-quality spirit crystals and handed it to Zuo Hai.

Zuo Hai took the top-grade spirit crystal, a sigh flashed in his eyes, then he regained his composure, turned and left.

"Young Master Jian, Zuo Xu is a strong man in the monarch realm, and he just left the Wanbao Building with twelve strong men in battle armor."

Zuo Hai's sound transmission sounded in Jian Fengyun's ear, and seeing Zuo Hai's back going away, Jian Fengyun obviously felt a powerful soul power enveloped all around.

Obviously, someone was watching him the whole time.

Zuo Hai was willing to risk this kind of danger to tell himself the information, this feeling, Jian Fengyun secretly remembered it in his heart.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in a timely manner. At this time, you dare to disclose information to yourself, which is tantamount to giving charcoal in a timely manner.

"Let's go!"

Jian Fengyun and his group slowly left the private room on the third floor, and walked on the public corridor of the Wanbao Building. There was a huge auction room. Thousands of pairs of eyes glanced at him at the same time. One after another, strange eyes seemed to be looking at a monster. .

"Is this the young man who cheated [-]% or [-]% of the power in the Tianxuan Upper Territory? Why do I feel a little rubbish?" Lin Jianfei walked out of the private room and looked at the white-clothed young man who was slowly coming down from the corridor on the third floor, with a flash of contempt in his eyes color.

"Jian Fengyun, it's really you!" Yin Ba said with a cold look in his eyes.

Countless strange eyes fell on Jian Fengyun, if it were an ordinary boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, he would be paralyzed from fright at this moment.

However, Jian Fengyun's face was still calm, and he walked on the corridor calmly.

"Jian Fengyun, the one that was inherited by Emperor Fengyun?" On the third floor, several strong men in the monarchy realm also frowned, their attention was attracted by Jian Fengyun. After all, they could offend so many forces at once. In memory, not many people can do it.

In an instant, several tyrannical auras of the Sovereign Realm suddenly descended from the sky and landed on Jian Fengyun's body.

The warriors at the bottom of the auction house felt a majestic aura, and they couldn't help but gather their gazes. Suddenly, they saw a young man in white walking down the corridor down the stairs with that real majestic aura.

click ~ click ~ click ~
The aura of the monarch is like towering mountains pressing down, even the corridors made of good black wood on the Wanbao Tower seem to have a few cracks.

"Bang!" There was a soft sound, and the black wood handrail on the corridor seemed to be shattered, turning into sawdust flying all over the sky, and the wood chips flew horizontally, and a fresh and refreshing woody fragrance seemed to waft around.

As the monarch's aura intensified, the dark red mysterious wood corridor under Jian Fengyun's feet was finally overwhelmed, and with a "bang" it completely turned into pieces of wood and fell to the ground.

The sky filled with sawdust instantly submerged Jian Fengyun, and everyone in the auction site shrank their pupils. Jian Fengyun might be seriously injured this time.

How could it be possible for a warrior at the peak of the True Spirit Realm to be unscathed in the face of the coercion of the powerful King Realm.

However, the next moment, the sawdust fell, and everyone saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw that there was a faint silver light emitting from Jian Fengyun's body, no matter how powerful the monarch was, it couldn't affect Jian Fengyun's figure.

A white robe swayed slightly, and the silver glow added to his body, like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath.

Everyone was stunned, beside Jian Fengyun, Wu Shan was struggling to protect Wu Linger and Wu Fengting, looking at Jian Fengyun with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How is it possible?" This idea emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.

As for Jian Fengyun, ignoring the surprised gazes, he stepped forward in the air, with a calm face and calm steps, and walked down slowly.

The Junjing powerhouse on the third floor frowned when he saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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