Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 419 All powers gather, enemies everywhere

Chapter 419 All powers gather, enemies everywhere

The road of Baizhang is not long, but there are many people who are interested in it. Jian Fengyun has so many spiritual crystals and treasures in his body, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will report the thought of reaching the sky in one step. Of course, most of the dead are warriors sent by those forces to explore the way .

"Jian Fengyun, you must give me Tie Jianmen an explanation. That day I received the highest-grade spirit crystal of Tie Jianmen in the Nangu Forbidden Area, but sent back my disciple who was poisoned with strange poison."

At this moment, the auras of more than ten Dao Linghuang realm quietly appeared in front of Jian Fengyun, the leader was the elder of Tie Jianmen.

"Jian Fengyun, hand over the Lei Jun Sword of the Holy Soul Sword Sect." Yin Ba appeared in front of Jian Fengyun in a flash.

"Jian Fengyun, I, Xuanyue Sect, was in the Nangu Forbidden Area that day."

"My Spirit Treasure Sect."

In an instant, hundreds of voices filled with imperial prestige resounded, and Jian Fengyun almost offended everyone from ordinary sects to extreme powers.

The aura of hundreds of spirit emperors seemed to gather in the sky above Wuling City, and even a few auras of the king's realm descended, and everyone kept their eyes on Jian Fengyun.

The tyrannical momentum caused cracks to appear in the buildings on the streets of Wuling City, and some ancient houses collapsed instantly, and the tiles rushed to the ground.

"Everyone, you keep saying that Jian Fengyun cheated you, do you have evidence?" In this tense atmosphere, a woman's coquettish voice resounded impressively.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on the source of the voice.

Among the crowd, two beautiful figures in red clothes stepped out impressively.

"From the ancient country of Suzaku, what do you mean? Although he didn't cheat you at the beginning, you should have seen it when he trapped our disciples with formations and threatened us." Among the crowd, a Lingbao sect who went to The Linghuang who had passed the Nangu Forbidden Area spoke out loudly.

"Oh, this elder, when a blood moon appeared in the Southern Ancient Forbidden Land, the disciples of various sects were almost wiped out by the power of the blood moon. If it weren't for Mr. Jian, those disciples of yours would have died. As for you The poisoning of his disciples is due to the power of the blood moon, and even the imperial medicine refining masters cannot solve it. You say that Jian Fengyun was poisoned, but there is no distinction between right and wrong!" Hong Lian said with hatred on her pretty face.

Honglian is not as thoughtful as Hongshang, and has a more straightforward temper, so she just opened her mouth when she couldn't get used to it.

"Ancient Suzaku, no matter what you say, this kid has become a public enemy. If you want to stop us, you can try!" Among the crowd, Yin Ba said with a gloomy look.

"You..." Honglian's pretty face swelled with anger, and she was about to argue.

"Young Princess, don't talk too much, these people are looking at the interests of Jian Fengyun now, no matter how reasonable Jian Fengyun is, they will take action." An old woman from the ancient country of Suzaku grabbed Honglian's lotus root arm and said road.

"Everyone, I, the ancient kingdom of Suzaku, support Young Master Jian. If you want to take action against Young Master Jian, you must pass our test first!" Hong Chang's beautiful eyes moved, and she opened her mouth and said.

Compared with Honglian, Hongshang is much more mature as a sister, and her concise words explain their purpose.

"Hmph, although the ancient country of Suzaku is powerful, it is not in the upper region of Tianxuan. The two princesses should not seek danger!" Yin Ba of the Holy Soul Sword Sect said in awe.

The power of the ancient country is self-evident, but it is not in the upper domain of Tianxuan, and it cannot quench the thirst of the near. The threat in Yin Ba's words is extremely strong.

"Is Mr. Yin threatening the princess of the ancient country of Suzaku? Don't you think that the Holy Soul Sword Sect can compete with the ancient country of Suzaku?" Beside Hongshang, an old man said abruptly, and the breath of a strong man in the spirit monarch realm gushed out, turning into The billowing flames rolled towards Yin Ba.

"The Holy Soul Sword Sect will naturally not threaten the princess of the ancient country of Suzaku, but the enemies of the Holy Soul Sword Sect must be killed!" Yin Daohuang raised his hand slightly, waving the flames of the monarchy. The prestige was resolved, and then he spoke lightly.

The three famous Suzaku figures in the ancient country of Suzaku frowned. Daohuang Yin was able to wave his hand to dispel the power gathered by the strong men in the monarch realm.

"That's right, the ancient country of Suzaku wants to bully others, and I, Lin Tiejian, don't agree with that!"

Just when the atmosphere was delicate, a vicissitudes of life sounded from the direction of the Iron Sword Sect, and a sword force of the spirit king landed in front of everyone in the ancient country of Suzaku.

"My God, Lin Tiejian, the originator of the Iron Sword Sect, who was promoted to the Iron Sword Monarch in 3000, is a veteran powerhouse in the Monarch Realm!" A young warrior looked in the direction of the Iron Sword Sect in horror.

"I owe Mr. Sword a favor, and I have to pay it back today!" At this moment, in the direction of the Nine Man Palace, a long sword pierced through the void, and a figure in black with blue eyes suddenly appeared from the void.

The newest son of the Nine Man Hall——Baili Hanjiang!
The crowd was shocked, they didn't expect the Nine Man Palace to appear suddenly at this time, standing beside Jian Fengyun.

"Master Jian!" Baili Hanjiang nodded slightly to Jian Fengyun, but Jian Fengyun seemed to be in a strange state and did not respond.

Behind Baili Hanjiang, Wang Jing in red looked at Jian Fengyun, her delicate body trembled heavily, and her beautiful eyes became moist instantly.

From Bei'an City to today's Wuling City, although she could only practice in the Nine Man Palace, she never stopped hearing about Jian Fengyun's deeds.

For more than two years, she missed this figure many times in the Nine Man Hall, but now she saw it but was speechless for some reason.

When she left Bei'an City, she asked Wang Yu to send a letter to Jian Fengyun, but Jian Fengyun returned her a jade scroll.

It took only two and a half years for her to reach the Linghuang Realm, and she was proud of the jade scroll that Jian Fengyun gave him back then, the jade scroll that surpassed all the secret techniques of the Nine Man Hall.

Although Jian Fengyun rejected her at that time, but after two and a half years, that affection has not disappeared with the passage of time.

"Jing'er, you are the saintess of the Nine Man Hall, and there is an elder following you, don't lose your composure!" Baili Jingwen looked at Wang Jing, whose eyes were wet with tears, and stretched out her hand to gently pat her on the shoulder. , faint voice transmission.

Although she knew that her apprentice had feelings for Jian Fengyun, she didn't expect to lose her composure like this.

"Since the people from the Nine Man Palace want to get involved in this matter of Jian Fengyun, we of the Ancient Dragon Elephant Clan can't just sit idly by! This kid killed many members of the Ancient Elephant Dragon Clan, and he is going to pay the price today!"

At this moment, a deep voice resounded from the sky, and several tens of feet in size war elephants stepped through the void and appeared in the sky above Wuling City.

"Ancient Dragon Elephant Clan, I didn't expect that Jian Fengyun would even provoke the Ancient Dragon Elephant Clan!" Someone in the crowd said in surprise.

"Everyone, if you want to kill this kid, hurry up, I'm getting impatient!"

(End of this chapter)

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