Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

"The ancient spirit-gathering formation has been completed, Teacher Zuo can check it out." Jian Fengyun put down his hand and said calmly.

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, there was an eerie silence, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, because what Jian Fengyun did was completely beyond their comprehension.

However, Zuo Sitong heard it clearly and clearly!

Her beautiful eyes narrowed suddenly, and a look of horror flashed in her eyes, and she said: "It turns out that there are really people in this world who can arrange the ancient spirit gathering formation."

Zuo Sitong stretched out his fair and fair hands, looking at the aura of heaven and earth that had turned into a thick mist in front of him, he was speechless for a long time.

All the students in the class opened their mouths wide and looked at Jian Zuo Sitong in astonishment.When did their knowledgeable, frosty and arrogant tutor Zuo show such a surprised look on his face?

Jian Fengyun still had a calm expression on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he said to Zuo Sitong: "The gathering of spirits has been multiplied, the ancient spirit gathering formation has been completed, I will accept this Golden Crow Beast Crystal."

The next moment, Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand, and put the golden beast crystal into the storage space under everyone's envious eyes.

"Golden Crow Beast Crystal, it was only the monsters of the Golden Crow clan in ancient times that possessed the Beast Crystal, which contained all the monster power of a Golden Crow, and it just fell into Jian Fengyun's hands." Everyone felt envious.

Jian Fengyun put the Yaodan into the storage spirit weapon, then turned his eyes to Yu Xin who was aside, and said indifferently: "Didn't you say that if I can arrange the ancient spirit gathering formation, you will arrange the emperor formation? Do you want to arrange one for Tutor Zuo to see?"

"You..." Yu Xin's eyes turned cold, and she clenched the corner of her clothes tightly with her fists. Looking at Jian Fengyun's indifferent expression, she wished to tear him to pieces.

Jian Fengyun's words were like an invisible slap, slapping him heavily on the face. As the most powerful young man in this class, when had he ever been so angry? The hatred is strong to the extreme.

Jian Fengyun looked at Yu Xin, and instantly felt the killing intent in Yu Xin's eyes.But he doesn't care, his real enemy in Wanyu is the evil emperor Xietian, and those tyrannical enemies on his martial arts path, Yu Xin is not yet qualified to be his opponent.

"Xue'er, let's go." Jian Fengyun turned around, took Jian Xue'er's little hand beside him, and then stepped out of the practice room.

"This Jian Fengyun unexpectedly has such a high talent for formations. He was able to arrange an ancient spirit-gathering formation that no one in the entire Holy Academy could arrange."

"That's right, it seems that Pill Peak will become well-known this time."

"I asked why the beautiful girl next to Jian Fengyun has been following him intimately. It turns out that she is not blind, but has good eyesight."

In an instant, the attitudes of all the students towards Jian Fengyun changed drastically. After all, being able to arrange the ancient spirit gathering array already surpassed all the talents in the Holy Academy.

Zuo Sitong was still in great shock at this moment, although she had heard that Jian Fengyun's martial arts talent was a god, but no matter how high the martial arts talent was, it had nothing to do with formation.

Moreover, she heard that Jian Fengyun was a disciple of the Pill Peak, and because of the eye-popping deeds before the Pill Peak, she didn't have much hope for Jian Fengyun. , the most important thing is the state of mind.If you want to be proficient in the way of formation, you must have an extraordinary state of mind to arrange a powerful spiritual formation.

With such a strong state of mind, its future is much brighter than that of practicing martial arts. How can such a student be treated by ordinary students?

For a moment, Zuo Sitong couldn't help blaming himself secretly. As a Taoist teacher, he blindly taught in one way without even discovering the characteristics of the students.

"Well, where is Jian Fengyun?" Zuo Sitong came back to his senses, looked at the four empty seats in front of him, and asked with a frown.

"He just left. Didn't you say that if he can set up an ancient spirit-gathering formation, the disciples of the Pill Peak can freely choose whether to take the Dao class?" A student gritted his teeth and said immediately.

Zuo Sitong's eyes were fixed, and he said: "Okay, then you should practice the spirit-gathering array first in this class, and I will go find him."

After the words fell, Zuo Sitong didn't wait for everyone to react, and the beautiful figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"What? Teacher Zuo gave up giving us Dao lessons in order to find Jian Fengyun?"

In the practice room, all the students were dumbfounded, looking at the outrageous scene in front of them, as if they had seen a ghost.

"My God, the frosty and glamorous Tuo Zuo actually took the initiative to find a male student. I heard that Zuo Tuo didn't even invite those high-ranking geniuses on the Holy Academy's Gold List. This time, he took the initiative to find a spiritual student." A student of Wangjing."

Everyone's heart is broken, it's like eating food for half a lifetime, and then one day finds out that it's not food, it's shit.

"Jian Fengyun, I will definitely snatch everything from you, what's so great about arranging a formation, I want to let you know that in this world, strength is the most important thing." Yu Xin clenched his fists, his eyes burning with jealousy It's as if the world is going to be burned to ashes.

When Jian Fengyun and others walked out of Tiandao Peak, Feiyu couldn't hold back the horror and excitement in his heart.

"Junior Brother Fengyun, I didn't expect you to have such a high talent in formation techniques." Fei Yu looked at Jian Fengyun beside him, his face full of excitement.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth smiled faintly, and said: "Senior brother, it's just a small skill."

Although Jian Fengyun has mastered a large number of extraordinary secret art formations, he knows that in this world, if there is no equivalent strength, these secret art formations will be the fuse to set the fire on him. Same reason, so he has to be careful.

"Hey, junior brother, you are being humble now, but since you are so talented, senior brother, I will follow you in the future." Fei Yu scratched his head with a smile, his eyes were clear and authentic.

"What did Senior Brother Feiyu say? We are all disciples of the Pill Peak, so naturally we have to take care of each other, how can we say that we are following me?" Jian Fengyun said indifferently.In the holy courtyard, Jian Fengyun didn't want to fight for any power.

"Oh, but Junior Brother Fengyun, I saw the students of Tianjiao Peak and Lingqi Peak before, their Tianjiao would tell their seniors or juniors that they will hang out with me in the future and guarantee you good food and spicy food. Why don't juniors not want it? "Flying Fish scratched his head, his clear eyes showed a hint of puzzlement.

Jian Fengyun smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, his brother Feiyu didn't seem to understand power struggle at all, he was just foolish enough to imitate the speech of those factions, but thinking about it, when they met, this brother Feiyu was still fishing in the water, and he gave it to him honestly. They fished it as a gift, and suddenly felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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