Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 470 Following 3 Years

Chapter 470 Following 300 Years

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether the fire of the nine evils on my body is solved or not, as long as you can help my Taoist partner get rid of the fire of the nine evils on my body, I can promise you anything you want." The man in black robe held Jian Fengyun tightly. arm, excited and authentic.

The light of hope flickered in the eyes of the man in black.

Feeling the trembling from above the arm, Jian Fengyun's eyes froze suddenly, and said: "I can help you, but the condition is not limited to the fire marrow liquid."

"What do you want?" The black-robed man's eyes froze for a moment, his eyes burning.

"I want you to be my bodyguard and follow me for the rest of my life until I break through the emperor realm." Jian Fengyun said with a calm gaze.

His words were very slow, but they were like a thunderclap, striking heavily at the heart of the man in black.

"You, you want to become the Emperor?" The black-robed man's eyes were hard to calm for a long time, as if he had heard some incredible words.

"300 years at the latest, if I can't become emperor within 300 years, I will give you back your freedom." Jian Fengyun said calmly and calmly.

The man in black didn't believe that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy would definitely become an emperor, but when he saw Jian Fengyun's eyes, he believed it subconsciously.

"Okay, I, Mu Yunren, made an oath to the heavens. If the son in front of me can get rid of the nine evil fire poison on my Taoist companion, we will follow him for 300 years. If we violate this oath, the heavens will punish us and we will not be reborn forever." The black robe The man looked at Jian Fengyun with scorching eyes, and said.

"Okay, come with me, from now on you will be a member of the Pill Peak." Jian Fengyun raised his mouth slightly and said immediately.

"Then when will you help my Taoist companion get rid of the fire poison?" Mu Yunren stood up and looked at Jian Fengyun, and asked.

"After returning to the pill peak, I will detoxify you immediately." Jian Fengyun didn't say much, and immediately walked towards the window sill in front of him.

Seeing Jian Fengyun's figure, the black-robed man paused in his heart, and still followed.

Before the window sill was the Hall of Contribution, which was in charge of selling spiritual materials for cultivation and entertaining disciples.

"May I ask this student, what kind of cultivation resources do you need?" The entertaining disciple saw Jian Fengyun and asked.

Jian Fengyun picked up the pen on the window sill, wrote a line on the white paper, put down the pen, and handed it in.

"I want ten copies of each of the above spiritual materials."

The entertaining disciple took the list that Jian Fengyun handed over, looked at it, and suddenly showed a sullen look on his face.

"Student, please don't make trouble. The spiritual materials above are all valuable fire-attribute spiritual materials. Each copy requires thousands of contribution points. You need ten copies, at least [-] contribution points. You can Take it out?"

This entertaining disciple has been working in the Contribution Hall for many years, and he can still do it basically. In his opinion, Jian Fengyun, who is only a student at the Spirit King Realm, must be the kind of student who has no contribution points.

Even if there were, Jian Fengyun couldn't be the kind of disciple who can give out more than 1 contribution points at one time. According to his knowledge, a student who can give out more than 1 contribution points at one time must be at least gold students on the list.And he had never heard that there were warriors of the Spirit King Realm on the gold list.Therefore, he deduced that Jian Fengyun was here to make trouble.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, he reached out and took out the disciple's token, handed it up directly, and said: "Contribution points are not a problem, let's go get spiritual materials."

The entertainer originally wanted to tease Jian Fengyun, but when his eyes fell on Jian Fengyun's disciple token, he was dumbfounded when he saw the value of [-] on it.

"Hello, I'll do it right away." The waiter stuttered for a long time, and finally came back to his senses, swallowed the saliva in his mouth, and walked behind the window with the list.

"How do you have so many contribution points?" Mu Yunren asked suspiciously when he saw Jian Fengyun's disciple token, his pupils wrinkled.

"Yesterday, I swear to compete with Zuo Aolong from Lingqi Peak, and it will be natural to beat him up." Jian Fengyun put down his disciple's badge, and said calmly

When Mu Yunren heard Jian Fengyun's words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and said, "You, can you defeat Zuo Aolong?"

As an old disciple of the Holy Academy, how could Mu Yunren have never heard of Zuo Aolong, a newly promoted genius in Lingqi Peak within a hundred years.However, Mu Yunren couldn't understand how the strength of Jianfeng Yunling King Realm could compete with Zuo Aolong.

Although he was puzzled, Mu Yunren didn't open his mouth to ask directly. Before him, Jian Fengyun was covered with mysterious clouds of doubts. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't see through a warrior in the spirit king realm.

Soon, the entertaining disciple brought a storage ring.

"Senior brother, the spiritual material you want has a total of [-] contribution points." After seeing Jian Fengyun's disciple token, the hospitality disciple's attitude towards Jian Fengyun changed greatly, and he was extremely respectful. contempt.

Jian Fengyun handed over the contribution points, thought for a moment, and then asked Jian Fengyun: "Does the Contribution Hall have Tianhan Snow Mine and beast crystals of ice-attribute imperial monsters?"

He wants to refine a spiritual weapon for Xueer. The Xuanshuang Sword is just a top-grade spiritual weapon. Xueer's strength has already broken through the Spirit King Realm, and he can almost reach the Spirit Venerable Realm. Using the Xuanshuang Sword, it is difficult Use your full strength.

"Yes, but the price is not low. The two materials require at least [-] contribution points." The entertaining disciple said respectfully to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, he only had [-] contribution points left in his hand, which seemed not enough.

"Junior Brother Fengyun, I have more than 1000 contribution points here, why don't you use them first." Feiyu who saw the number in the token of Jian Fengyun's disciple was terribly frightened, but at this moment he came back to his senses and said immediately .

"Young Master, use mine, I still have [-] contribution points." Wu Fengting, who had been following behind, stepped forward and said.

"Master, use Xue'er's. Xue'er's is the young master's. Xue'er still has [-] contribution points." Jian Xueer stretched out her small white hand, and gently placed the disciple token on the window.

Jian Fengyun nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

And the entertaining disciples on the side heard the conversation of this group of people, and at this moment, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. They did not expect that each of these inconspicuous people in front of them had so many contribution points.

Afterwards, Jian Xueer bought the Tianhan Snow Mine and the beast crystal of the ice-attributed royal beast, and brought the two kinds of spiritual materials and the previous list, and everyone walked out of the Contribution Hall slowly.

Mu Yunren followed Jian Fengyun, his eyes full of doubts.

How could a disciple of Spirit King Realm Pill Peak have so many contribution points? Did he really win it by defeating Zuo Aolong?
As soon as Jian Fengyun and his group walked out of the Contribution Hall, they saw a lot of people surrounded by a place on the mission square.

(End of this chapter)

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