Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 472

Chapter 472
"Give up the family's original way and practice heretics, you still have Xia Shaochang, even your Xia Shou is not as good as you." A cold sound transmission suddenly sounded in Xia Yuan's ear.

Although the sound transmission was weak, it sounded like thunder, and it exploded in Xia Yuan's ears, causing his body to tremble and his face full of disbelief.

"You know your cousin, you know her, you..." Xia Yuan's hoarse voice sounded instantly.

Jian Fengyun didn't answer him, but glanced coldly at the disciples of Lingqi Peak all around, and said: "Whoever wants revenge, come to Pill Peak at any time, and I, Jian Fengyun, will accompany you to the end."

After the words fell, Jian Fengyun stretched out the little hand of the girl in white, and stepped towards the periphery.

The disciples of Lingqi Peak hurriedly gave way to a road of several feet, for fear of being bumped by Jian Fengyun.

Looking at the disciples of Lingqi Peak who were extremely arrogant just now, but now they are like a group of weak ants. Behind Jian Fengyun, Mu Yunren's face showed a look of surprise.

Mu Yunren, as a former genius disciple of Lingqi Peak, he knows very well how arrogant the disciples of Lingqi Peak are, controlling most of the supply of spirit weapons in the holy courtyard, the status of Lingqi Peak is not Other Lingfeng can be compared.

However, this group of arrogant disciples from Lingqi Peak are acting like a group of good babies at this moment, which simply refreshes Mu Yunren's cognition.

But thinking about it carefully, it is already impossible for Jian Fengyun to be able to completely crush Xia Yuan, who is at the Lingqi Peak, who is at the Spirit King Realm, with his cultivation at the Spirit King Realm. Even this impossible thing can be accomplished It is so difficult for him to make other disciples of Lingqi Peak bow their heads.

At this time, the last trace of doubt in Mu Yunren's heart towards Jian Fengyun disappeared. After all, a boy of sixteen or seventeen said that he could dispel the fire poison of the Nine Evil Fire, but no one would believe it. It's normal to be a little skeptical.

Jian Fengyun and his party were walking on the path in the forest, and the disciples of the Holy Court looked at Jian Fengyun on the way, and they all stopped to look at him a few more times.

"Is he the one that Teacher Zuo is chasing after?"

"That's right, Zuo Sitong, the well-known Bingshan beauty teacher in the Holy Academy, gave up her Dao class and ran after a boy from the Pill Peak. He is that boy."

"Oh my god, so many arrogances on the Holy Court's gold list like Zuo Tuan, Zuo Tuo didn't even give a good word, and went after such a kid in the spirit king realm.".
In the past, the students of the Holy Academy talked a lot, even with jealous eyes.

Mu Yunren, following behind Jian Fengyun, listened to the surrounding rumors, his face gradually became horrified, and he looked at Jian Fengyun in surprise.

Zuo Sitong, how could he not know about this beautiful Bingshan mentor? He heard that countless Tianjiao elders in the holy courtyard wanted to bow down under her pomegranate skirt, but they were all rejected politely. He did not expect that this time, such a cold and arrogant woman would actually I will chase one and the teenager so that I can't go to Taoism class.

If it was the old days, Mu Yunren would definitely grin when he heard the news, disapproving, but after seeing Jian Fengyun's methods, Mu Yunren felt that what these students said was probably true.

However, Jian Fengyun ignored the arguments of these people and directly walked towards the pill peak.

As soon as he walked beyond the peak of the pill peak, he saw a beautiful figure of a silver-robed woman. Mu Yunren saw the face of the silver-plated woman clearly, and couldn't help showing a look of horror on her face.

Whatever you say, isn't the silver-medal woman in front of you the Zuo Sitong that many students from the Holy Academy talked about just now?
"Jian Fengyun, stop." Zuo Sitong saw that Jian Fengyun was about to step into the pill peak, his shadow moved slightly, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Jian Fengyun paused, frowned and said, "Master Zuo, you came to the Pill Peak to block me, why?"

Zuo Sitong's pretty face moved slightly, and he said immediately, "It's nothing serious, I just want to ask, how to balance the 36 small formations to form a whole formation when setting up the ancient spirit gathering formation?"

"Mr. Zuo, I have a lot of things to do. If you want to ask about formations, you can go to the formation peak." Jian Fengyun said lightly.

The next moment, Jian Fengyun's figure flashed and entered the pill peak.

"Jian Fengyun, you're so mad at me, hum." Seeing Jian Fengyun's figure disappear in front of him, Zuo Sitong stomped his feet fiercely. With her cultivation level of Lingjun, she didn't even notice Jian Fengyun's action. breath.

For a moment, Zuo Sitong couldn't help but feel a little angry. In the past, countless people in the holy courtyard wanted to get close to her, and she didn't even give him a chance to say a word. As a result, today, she came here on purpose to find Jian Fengyun In the end, Jian Fengyun didn't want to waste time talking to her.

When Jian Fengyun and his party stepped into the pill peak, Mu Yunren, Fei Yu and the others looked at Jian Fengyun with a look of doubt on their faces.

"Junior Brother Fengyun, why didn't you explain the essentials of formations to Instructor Zuo? Instructor Zuo's master is the Chief Elder of Formation Peak, and his status is very respected." Feiyu said in surprise.

Jian Fengyun glanced at everyone indifferently, and said: "It's a small matter in the formation, but it's a big deal to provoke her. Three months later, I'm going to accept the challenge of some enemies on the recruiting ring of the Holy Academy. Quickly improve your strength, if because of her, you provoke other senior brothers and even elders in the Holy Academy to target you, then you will be the enemy at every step, and many things will be delayed."

After the words fell, everyone suddenly realized that Jian Fengyun was ignoring Zuo Sitong in order to avoid trouble in the Holy Court, and Zuo Sitong had quite a few admirers in the Holy Court.

"Okay, let me help you detoxify the fire poison of the Nine Evil Fire, and then I will retreat for a while."

Jian Fengyun and the others walked to the waterfall on the east side of Pill Peak, and said to Mu Yunren.

When Mu Yunren heard this, his face was stunned for a moment, his eyes showed a look of doubt, and he said, "Young Master Jian, can you detoxify without refining the elixir?"

In Mu Yunren's knowledge, Jian Fengyun spent a lot of contribution points to buy elixir to refine the elixir to help him detoxify, but looking at Jian Fengyun's appearance, it doesn't look like he wants to refine the elixir at all .

"This fire poison is based on the law of fire. It would be a waste to use elixir to dissolve it. I will give you a practice method. You can practice together with your Taoist companion. The fire poison will naturally be resolved within a month." Jian Fengyun said lightly. .

"Cultivation method!" Mu Yunren was taken aback.

Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand, and a silver soul power shot out from his fingertips, sinking into the center of Mu Yunren's eyebrows.

""Tianhuo Dao Jing", the sky fire is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang transform all fires in the world." Mu Yunren only felt a change in front of his eyes, and a magnificent kung fu suddenly appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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