Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 480 Black Emperor Thunder

Chapter 480 Black Emperor Thunder

When everyone around heard Han Mo's words, there was a look of horror on their faces.

"Oh my god, Pavilion Master Han didn't directly order to deal with Jian Fengyun, but to reconcile for Jian Fengyun."

"Did I hear it wrong? Master Han has always been ruthless and will enforce the law. How can he show mercy to Jian Fengyun now?"

In the hearts of the disciples of the Holy Court, the head of the Law Enforcement Pavilion, Han Mo, has never said such a thing.

"No need, since Elder Silver doesn't need to be dealt with impartially by the Holy Court when he does anything to our disciples from the Pill Peak, I will ask Elder Silver to punish me and naturally I won't bother the Holy Court to deal with it impartially." Jian Fengyun said slowly, His brows furrowed slightly.

54 thunderbolts that had condensed for a long time suddenly fell, and in an instant, thunderous, bombarded Jian Fengyun's body.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding disciples of the Holy Court, as well as the disciples of the Law Enforcing Pavilion who were ready to go, were shocked, and there was a look of horror on their faces, and a kind of fear from the soul suddenly arose in them .

The spirit emperor robbing the sky thunder is the power of heaven, and all living beings under the heaven are ants.

Many disciples around retreated one after another. The 54 thunderbolts were already a large area of ​​thunder, and the power of the raging thunder could almost be felt in a radius of hundreds of feet.

"With such a strong power of sky thunder, it seems that there is no need for Han Pavilion to take the initiative, and the sky thunder will kill him." The disciples of the Holy Court around looked at the scene in front of them, opened their mouths wide, and suddenly felt a dryness in their mouths .

"Haha, Jian Fengyun, I told you to use the thunder to chase me. The sky has eyes, so the thunder will definitely kill you without a whole body." Yin Yi flew to the Law Enforcement Pavilion, seeing this scene, his tense spirit suddenly Yisong said with a sneer.

It was only then that everyone saw the elder in silver clothes clearly, and saw that her silver robe was torn, and she did not have the slightest graceful and haughty appearance in the past.

"Really?" Jian Fengyun looked at Yinyi, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched.

The 54 thunderbolts above the sky have turned dark blue, and it is obvious that the thunder and lightning are far more powerful than the blue sky thunder just now.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were deep, and he stretched out his hand directly. The power of the sword in his hand surged, and it turned into a big hand and flew towards the sky, attracting the thunder of the sky god to fill his body. This time, the sky thunder was enough. Devouring, but it was suppressed by the swallowing sword body to temper the body.

Everyone looked at the sky, Jian Fengyun's whole body was crystal clear, surrounded by thunder light, but there was no trace of pain on his face, he seemed to be enjoying himself a bit.

After a while, the 54 thunderbolts fell, Jian Fengyun slowly opened his eyes, and two lightning bolts shot out from his eyes.

The practice of Taishu is divided into five levels: Xiaocheng, Ronghui, Dacheng, Consummation, and Dzogchen.

Under the tempering of Tianlei, Jian Fengyun's Tuntian sword body seems to be approaching the Dacheng realm from the previous fusion realm.

At this time, Jian Fengyun's body and bones were flowing with silver brilliance, stronger than before, and in his soul sea, the soul actually used the Supreme Soul Sutra to refine the thunder.

The thunder entered the soul, creating a terrifying scene. Jian Fengyun's eyes were swallowing thunder, like an ancient God of War, born to be terrifying.

In Jian Fengyun's three spiritual mansions, Jianyuan power surged out, and in the spiritual mansions, the seed of the law of thunder was solidified by more than [-]%.

As for Jian Fengyun's back, the azure-gold flying wings burning with fiery red flames became even more dazzling, like fiery red and azure-gold colored glaze, completely flawless and dazzling.

Jian Fengyun's strength continued to increase under the Heavenly Tribulation, his whole body was dazzlingly dazzling, and every inch of flesh and blood shone with silver brilliance.

The disciples of the holy court in the major spiritual peaks below saw the young man above the sky, and all their minds went blank.

God, is this really human?
There are probably not many young people in the holy courtyard who can survive such turbulent thunder.

Enduring this wave of sky thunder, Jian Fengyun's Leimang eyes slightly swept towards the silver clothes in front of him.

Jian Fengyun smiled long, his body glowed with silver light, he held the thunderbolt in his hand, and rushed over quickly, bringing Wanjun Tianlei with him.

"Elder Silver Clothes, come and punish me."

"You..." There was a look of fear in the silver-clothed eyes, and she could almost predict that as long as Jian Fengyun appeared beside her, the Emperor Zun Tribulation that cannot be resisted by humans would come immediately.

In desperation, Yinyi directly stimulated the cultivation of the holy realm, tearing apart the void, and his body appeared thousands of miles behind the law enforcement pavilion in a flash.

Jian Fengyun's figure flashed, and the green dragon wings tempered by Tianlei shook behind him, and his body turned into a phantom immediately, and flew away through the air.


Tianlei then appeared on the spiritual peak where Yinyi was located. This time, Jian Fengyun's speed had reached its limit, and the area covered by Tianlei enveloped Yinyi.

54 thunderbolts that completely turned into pitch black fell down, and there was an aura of destruction in the thunder power, as if they were going to level the entire spiritual peak.

"Oh my God, Black Emperor Thunder, isn't this the kind of thunder that only a Lingjun can encounter after crossing the catastrophe?" Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the pitch-black sky thunder.

The power of the black emperor's thunder is far more than a hundred times that of the normal sky thunder, which is enough to directly annihilate the vitality of a spirit emperor and cause the spirit king to be severely injured.

With the appearance of this kind of thunder, the elders of all the great spirit peaks were alarmed one after another.

"Heihuanglei, I didn't expect that disciple of Pill Peak to have such a talent. It is a pity that he can attract Heihuanglei after only one Spirit Emperor Tribulation." The chief elder of Shentong Peak exclaimed when he saw this scene. .

"Hehe, it's a good thing that Tianhai is not at the Pill Peak, otherwise they would have almost caused their Pill Peak to rise." On Tianjiao Peak, Yuhua looked at Jian Fengyun who was crossing the sky not far away, and sneered.

On Lingqi Peak, Wanyanhuo had a sneer on his face, a sinister light flashed in his eyes, and said: "The talent is good, but it's a pity that I offended Wanyanhuo, who broke my disciple's arm, and deserved to die under the thunder No body."

Zhan Tifeng, a bald man, looked at Jian Fengyun who was not far away, and sighed, "Oh, what a pity, he has a good physique."

From his gaze, it is not difficult to see how powerful Jian Fengyun's physical body is.

Able to withstand 54 pale black thunders, this body is definitely a good seed for practicing physical skills. It is a pity that he did such a bold thing, chasing and killing the elders. .

Many disciples of Formation Peak were extremely nervous when they saw this scene.

"Quick, go support the elder."

The disciples of Formation Peak came out in full force, and thousands of disciples flew away. Although many of these disciples were not taught by Yinyi, it was a matter of the face of Formation Peak. Even if these disciples were under the leadership of other elders of Formation Peak Yes, we have to rush over there too.

(End of this chapter)

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