Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 482 Demon Lotus Poison Immortal Physique

Chapter 482 Demon Lotus Poison Immortal Physique

For the Linghuang to break through the Lingjun, he needs to open up the cave, and after the cave is opened, he can integrate all the comprehended laws and ways into the cave for cultivation.

However, it is absolutely unheard of practice in the Ten Thousand Realms to practice the twelve laws together before the Spirit Emperor Realm.

In Jian Fengyun's memory, there were Tianjiao in Wanyu who tried to practice two or three ways of law together before the Linghuang Realm, but the results of these people were all recorded in ancient books, and none of them succeeded. The cultivation base is affected, and those who are serious will die directly.

The reason why Jian Fengyun chose the Twelve Laws as a fellow practitioner was not because of his wish, but because of the exercises in the "Taishi Swallowing the Heaven Sword Sutra", and he didn't feel any danger, or a bottleneck.

"Dean, thank you for your help." On the side of the Lingfeng Peak, Yin Yi was so nervous that he was soaked in sweat, and immediately said to the woman in white in front of him.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Yinyi's spirit at this moment finally relaxed.

The woman in white didn't listen to her thank you, she turned slightly, her eyes swept to Jian Fengyun who was thousands of feet away.

"The tribulation was successfully crossed, but there was no breakthrough." The woman in white murmured.

Many disciples of the Holy Court did not hear Yin Yi's words clearly, but they had seen the heaven-defying means of this white-clothed woman before. Those who can intervene in Heavenly Tribulation are definitely not ordinary people.

As soon as the woman in white turned around, everyone cast their eyes curiously.

"Why can't I see the face clearly?"

"Yeah, I can't see clearly either, my face is blurry, I can't see clearly at all."

Everyone couldn't see the face of the woman in white. When they glanced at the face of the woman in white, they could only see a blur.

"I didn't expect this girl's strength to become stronger again. She can hide her face with the laws of heaven and earth, and even I can't detect it." Han Mo looked at the woman in white not far away, and said immediately.

"It's fine for me to say what you said, but if you say it in front of her, be careful that she beats you." Han Mo smiled and said immediately.

Han Mo nodded, and said, "I know, she has a strong nature. If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have come from the God Emperor's Domain to this shitty place."

When Han Mo and Han Mo were talking, the woman in white had already stepped through the void and appeared beside Jian Fengyun.

"How many laws do you practice together?" The woman in white appeared in front of Jian Fengyun and asked.

Jian Fengyun returned to his senses slightly, and looked up and down the woman in front of him.

The woman in white is dressed in a flowing dress, with icy muscles and bones, and her skin is as warm and moist as jade, and her body is exquisite. She is definitely a great beauty.

When Jian Fengyun saw the face of the woman in white, his eyes shrank slightly, and the Nine Nether Fires in the sea of ​​souls suddenly activated.

Nine netherworld fires, break some falsehoods.

Jian Fengyun's eyes shot out two faint blue rays of light, and his eyes swept towards the woman in white.

In an instant, he saw a flawless face, but there was another big blemish on it, a dark lotus birthmark bloomed on her right cheek.

"Demon Lotus Poison Immortal Physique!" Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"You're spying on me!" The white-clothed woman's face turned cold, and a wave of holy pressure suddenly descended on Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun's body was repelled dozens of steps, his body was shaken, as if struck by lightning, he felt a huge force suddenly hit his body.

The defense of the Tuntian sword body was completely vulnerable to this force, and a mouthful of scarlet blood was spit out and sprinkled in the air.

"The face is on your body, I just look at it openly, why not talk about peeping." Jian Fengyun fixed his eyes, looked at the woman in front of him and said.

It was only at this time that he noticed that the strength of the woman in front of him was not lower than that of the Holy Realm, and even higher.

"Aren't you afraid?" The woman in white frowned, looking at Jian Fengyun coldly.

The secret on her face is the biggest secret since she was born, and it is also the reason why she was forced to come here.

"Why should you be afraid? The demon lotus poison celestial body is born with divine poison, and it is invulnerable to all poisons. It is suitable for cultivating the way of poison." Jian Fengyun said slightly.

The Demon Lotus Poison Immortal Physique, Jian Fengyun knew a Demon Lotus Poison Immortal Physique in his previous life. In Jian Fengyun's era, that person was a female emperor with superb poison skills, even the emperor was very afraid.

However, Jian Fengyun only had contact with her for a while in his previous life, and then she disappeared.

"You know that I am born with a divine poison that no one can detox, and everything that touches it will die, are you still not afraid?" The woman in white with a cold gleam in her beautiful eyes said immediately.

The demon lotus poison fairy body is a taboo in her heart, and it is also a taboo for everyone. In the God Emperor Domain, anyone who hears this name will be frightened and run away.

"I can cure it, isn't it the poison of the demon lotus poison fairy body, as long as you give me the elixir, I can cure it easily." Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he said calmly.

The fairy body of demon lotus poison happened to be that he had studied this kind of poison in his previous life. As the number one medicine god in Wanyu, it can be said that there is no poison in Wanyu that he can't solve.

"Hehe, who wouldn't talk big, I don't have time to waste with you, tell me, how many laws do you practice?" The woman in white sneered, and said coldly.

She didn't believe that Jian Fengyun, a mere young man in the spirit king realm, could detoxify her body. This kind of toxin could not be detoxified even by the oldest and strongest alchemist in the God Emperor's Domain.

"Twelve types." Jian Fengyun didn't bother to explain to the white clothed woman in front of him, so he replied immediately.

"Twelve kinds!" The woman in white frowned, finally sighed, and murmured, "No."

"Principal, please make the decision for me. This Pill Peak disciple Jian Fengyun chased me with the help of the sky thunder, I..." Yin Yi finished his appearance, and immediately stepped forward and cried to the woman in white.

"What, she turned out to be the dean?" All the disciples of the Holy Court below were taken aback, with a look of surprise on their faces.

It was hard for everyone to imagine that their dean turned out to be a young woman.

"I hurt him just now, so let's let this matter go. I don't want any elders to do things to bully students in the future. In the holy courtyard, everyone is equal." The woman in white said coldly.

Before Silver Clothes could speak again, she broke through the void and disappeared into the sky.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw this scene.

"What, you can just attack and vomit blood at will when chasing and killing the elder?" The disciples of the Holy Court below suddenly boiled.

Obviously, everyone felt that Jian Fengyun was about to end, but at this time their biggest dean unexpectedly punished him so lightly, and it was resolved.

Jian Fengyun was a little surprised, he didn't expect this beauty in white to be nice to him.

"Oh, then I'll go first."

(End of this chapter)

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