Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 486

Chapter 486
As soon as Jian Fengyun's figure left the pill peak, his brows frowned suddenly, and the flying figure paused slightly.

"Come out." In the void, Jian Fengyun frowned, with a icy look on his face, his eyes looked at the void behind him, with a chill.

"It's kind of interesting. I didn't expect to be able to perceive us at the Spirit King Realm."

Two black figures, one black and one white, suddenly emerged, and the void shattered and opened, exuding a surge of holy power.

"Xiexiu, were you sent by Xietian?" Jian Fengyun frowned, and his heart sank slightly.

An evil cultivator in the semi-holy realm is by no means something that ordinary people can invite. It is very likely that Xie Tian has already noticed him.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to know the name of the Evil Emperor. However, we were not invited by the Evil Emperor. We were invited by Zuo Aolong, the arrogance of the Zuo family in Wanbaolou. 100 million top-grade spirit crystals will buy you." Life, do you think there is any reason for us brothers not to make money?" Hei Sha said coldly with a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes, if you want to blame, you can only blame that Zuo Aolong, without him we would not be able to enter the Holy Court." Bai Sha also said with a wicked smile.

"Oh, Zuo Aolong." Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, he didn't expect Zuo Aolong to collude with evil cultivators. All the forces in the previous life Wanyu issued laws against evil cultivation.

"Now you also know who is going to send us to do it, let us send you down."

"That's right, I heard from Zuo Aolong that you are still the arrogant of a true spirit like a god, and I feel a little excited in my heart when I think about wanting to torture and kill a arrogant of a true spirit like a god."

Black kill white kill two people one sentence, the old face is covered with a cruel and vicious smile.

Black and White Killer, as a famous killer Xie Xiu, he has killed so many people in cultivation, now seeing a genius like Jian Fengyun, unconsciously, he has the idea of ​​killing geniuses, thinking of a god, etc. The true spirit Tianjiao is about to die in their hands, and he is a little excited unconsciously.

"Really, I think it's you who should die." Jian Fengyun frowned, his face extremely calm.

"Boy, when you are about to die, you will make your life worse than death, hum." Hei Sha snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and slapped Jian Fengyun.

A blood-red evil force condensed on Heisha's withered palm, and the power of the law of the blood gushed out, carrying a charming soul power, and instantly attacked Jian Fengyun.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth hooked slightly, and his body turned slightly to one side, cleverly dodging the palm.

"Is this the level of a semi-saint? It's really a bit of waste."

"Really, then look at what's behind you." Hei Sha slowly lowered his hand, with a wicked smile on his face, and slowly said.

At this moment, the figure of Baisha suddenly appeared behind Jian Fengyun, and a sickle in his hand was swung out suddenly, with surging holy power and tyrannical law of blood.

As soon as the scythe came out, the void with a radius of tens of feet was covered with a layer of blood, the air became a little sticky in this redness, Jian Fengyun's robes swaying with the wind stopped,

The blood-colored sickle drew a blood shadow in the void, the holy power exploded, and the law of blood condensed a little on the sickle, piercing Jian Fengyun's chest instantly.

I saw the tip of a sickle suddenly appeared on Jian Fengyun's chest, the tip of the knife was glowing red, extremely bright red.

"Boy, thank you for being a genius, do you know that the most effortless way to kill is to use tricks?" Seeing that the scythe in his hand pierced Jian Fengyun's chest, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on Bai Kill's face, said.

"Haha, boy, it seems that you are quite capable. You were able to chase the elders of the Holy Realm around, but you still died in the hands of our brothers. Don't worry, I will definitely come back and keep your head after you die." Yes." Seeing this scene, Hei Sha immediately showed a cold smile on his face.

"Is it?"

Just as the two were laughing, an indifferent voice sounded quietly.

"Of course. You are!" Hei Sha responded instinctively, but when he recognized the person who spoke, all the smiles on his face turned into surprise.

The intact Jian Fengyun was standing in front of them at this moment, except for a pair of cyan wings condensed on the back, there was no slight change from before.

"How is it possible? Haven't you already been stabbed by my blood holy sickle?" Bai Sha said in amazement when he saw this scene.

"Really, let's see what you are assassinating again?" Jian Fengyun's eyelids moved slightly, and he said immediately.

Speaking of which, Jian Fengyun raised his hand slightly, black killing white killing suddenly swept his eyes to the holy blood sickle.

Jian Fengyun, who was pierced by the sickle, turned into a man of fire in an instant, sparks splashed everywhere, and wisps of fire scattered quietly.

"Is this what you call a scheme? Even the avatar condensed by the law can't recognize you, what qualifications do you have to kill?" Jian Fengyun said slowly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Boy, don't get complacent too early, we were careless just now, and I will let you know what the power of a semi-holy is."

"Boy, prepare to die."

There was a look of shame turning into anger on the faces of black killing and white killing. It was obvious that they were played by a young man at the spirit king level, which made them unable to swallow this breath at all.

"Really, do you still have something to do?" Jian Fengyun smiled slightly.

"Bold cultivator, dare to infiltrate into the Holy Court and assassinate my Holy Court disciples, you are looking for death."

Tian Hai's figure suddenly appeared, and he took out a tripod and smashed it down heavily on the top of Hei Sha's head.

In an instant, the holy power reached the sky, and the green spiritual energy gushed out with tyrannical vitality.

When Heisha reacted, the cauldron had already landed on top of his head, and Heisha could only condense part of his strength to resist in a hurry, and in an instant, a mouthful of scarlet blood spit out from Heisha's mouth.

Blood stained the sky.

"Quick retreat, the elders of the Holy Court." Hei Sha received a blow, suppressing the surging blood in his body, and sent a message to Bai Sha.

Almost at the same time, the black-killing-white-killing figure suddenly turned into two rays of light, one black and one white, flying towards the surroundings.

Just as Hei Sha Bai Sha was running for his life in a hurry, a spear suddenly protruded out of the void, piercing Bai Sha's chest with surging power.

The spear slowly picked up Bai Kill's body, and an old man in commoner clothes suddenly stepped out of the void, holding the spear in his hand, looking at Bai Kill with a faint smile.

"I said, thanks to the fact that you are still a killer, do you know that the most effortless way to kill is to use tricks, this old man has been waiting for you here for a long time."

The old man in civilian clothes imitated what Bai Sha said just now, and said to Bai Sha.

"You" Bai Sha heard the words of the commoner old man in front of him, rolled his eyes in anger, blood flowed from his mouth, and died immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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