Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 488 Flying Fish Poisoning

Chapter 488 Flying Fish Poisoning
"Well, I will continue to set up the battlefield. This time, the recruitment of the Holy Academy is extraordinary. You must be careful when you are alone in the challenge arena." Tianhai said.

"En." Jian Fengyun responded lightly, and then swept his eyes to the body of Baisha beside him, and the only black nucleus-shaped crystal left after Hei's killing, his pupils fluctuated, and said, "Elder Tianhai, black and white Can the body of the killing saint be handed over to me for disposal?"

"No problem. Although these two evil cultivators are only in the semi-holy realm, their evil power has already penetrated to the bone. Remember to be careful when you study." Tianhai said.He thought that Jian Fengyun wanted to kill the holy body in black and white to study evil cultivators.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and immediately retreated in response.

Although there are other uses for him to ask for the relics of the black and white killing saints, it is easier to answer directly than to waste time explaining.

Soon Jian Fengyun returned to the Pill Peak. He came out to search for Tianhai to help Zi Yuan, but I heard that Tianhai has already been shot, and what he has to do now is to improve his strength within seven days as soon as possible to deal with it. Challenge after seven days.

Watching Jian Fengyun's figure go away, Tianhai's brows suddenly frowned, thoughtful.

"Elder Tianhai, what do you think of Jian Fengyun?"

A quiet female voice suddenly sounded in the void.

When Tianhai heard this, he stroked his beard subconsciously, and said, "Jian Fengyun seems to be impulsive and arrogant, but his state of mind is very calm. Just now, Tianya and I have heard that the black and white Shasheng said that the instigator behind it is Zuo Aolong, after killing Black and White Shasheng, he never mentioned it, so it can be seen that his state of mind and mind are good."

"Well, it coincides with what I see. Being able to chase and kill the strong in the holy realm with the cultivation base of the spirit king, calmly facing the evil cultivator killers in the holy realm, and reversing the situation, this kind of mind is enough to compete with God Emperor City. It is comparable to those of the arrogant."

In the void, a girl in white clothes stepped out of the air, her chin was gently supported by her white arms, her watery eyes rolled around, and a monstrous black lotus flower on her beautiful face seemed to come to life at this moment. Come here, glowing with a strange black light.

Suddenly, Tianhai snapped back to his senses, and Tianya had already gone back.

Who was I talking to just now?
Tian Hai suddenly glanced aside, with a look of panic on his face, he quickly bowed and said, "The chief elder of Pill Peak, Tian Hai, has seen the dean, but he doesn't know that the dean is here, and he is rude, please ask the dean to Forgive me."

There was a trace of cold sweat secreting from Tianhai's forehead. He knew the dean of the Holy Academy. He had just come to the Tianxuan Upper Territory in the past hundred years. As a result, it took a whole year of seclusion to force the poisoned body to recover.

"Okay, this time you have meritorious deeds in killing evil cultivators, so I won't punish you for your negligence of duty. Make good arrangements for recruiting students from the Holy Academy. This time the recruiting is different. You have to prepare well." Han Xian'er said beautifully His face moved slightly, his little white hands waved slightly, and he spoke immediately.

Hearing this voice, Tianhai was immediately relieved, bowed slightly and then retreated quickly.

When Tianhai left, Han Xian'er was the only one left in the void, her beautiful face suddenly smiled, and a pair of cute canine teeth appeared at the corners of her mouth.

"It's been a long time since I met such an interesting person, I hope you don't disappoint me."

If Han Mo and Han Mo saw Han Xian'er's playful appearance in this scene, they would probably lose their teeth in shock immediately. In their impression, Han Xian'er was very sensible and calm since she was a child. How could there be such a thing? Kind of like a little girl.

However, no one seems to have noticed that Han Xian'er is nominally the dean of the Holy Academy, but she is not old at all, even a little young, although her status in the family has made her rebellious since she was a child. Tian's cultivation base and profound knowledge, but cultivation base and knowledge belong to cultivation base and knowledge, and have nothing to do with age.

After careful calculation, Han Xian'er is still at the age of an ordinary girl. Although it may be due to various external factors, Han Xian'er has hidden her girlish nature, but the appearance of Jian Fengyun has aroused her girlish side .

At sunset, Jian Fengyun had already arrived at the Pill Peak, but he didn't know that he was being targeted by the head of the Holy Academy.

"Master, you are back." Seeing Jian Fengyun, Jian Xue'er immediately stopped the supernatural power she was cultivating, a pure joy appeared on her beautiful face, she stepped forward and said.

Jian Fengyun took the girl's little hand along the way, and said: "Well, the matter is almost resolved, but the young master has to improve his pancreatic cancer strength in the past few days, and there will be a big battle in seven days."

Looking at the girl's face, Jian Fengyun felt the warmth of Mo Min in his heart.

"Well, Xue'er is with the young master." Jian Xue'er nodded and said obediently.

"Jian Fengyun, hurry up and take a look, senior brother Feiyu suddenly foamed at the mouth and passed out." At this moment, a fiery red and beautiful figure suddenly broke into the cave.

Jing Feier looked at Jian Fengyun anxiously.

"What's going on?" Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he turned sideways suddenly, looking at Jing Fei'er in front of him, his heart sank.

After he fed Feiyu the healing elixir during the day, Feiyu's injury has basically stabilized. Even if time delays may make Feiyu's injury worse, it is impossible for him to foam at the mouth.

Jing Fei'er was a heavenly pharmacist herself, but she was so anxious at the moment. It was obvious that Feiyu's condition couldn't be solved by a heavenly pharmacist.

"I don't know what's wrong. In the afternoon, he said he wanted to drink fish soup, so I caught a fish and cooked it for him. After drinking the fish soup, he suddenly foamed at the mouth, became unconscious, and died. The breath is still very weak, like a dying person whose life is hanging by a thread." Jing Feier's anxious eyes were full of tears, and she was at a loss, obviously, this was the first time she had encountered such a situation since she was a child.

"Take me to have a look." Jian Fengyun opened his eyes and said immediately.

Jian Fengyun followed Jing Feier to Feiyu's cave.

The sky was getting dark, Feiyu lived on the edge of the mountain stream in the Pill Peak, and traveled through half of the Lingfeng Peak before seeing a little bit of fire.This flame was exactly what Flying Fish came from from Flying Fish's wooden house.

Just as Jian Fengyun stepped into the wooden house, he frowned immediately.

Flying Fish's robe was in tatters, his fingers were frantically grabbing his body, his eyes were red, and he was unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Jing Fei'er's face changed instantly, and she paled in horror, "How could that be! Why did she suddenly become like this when she was dying just now?"

Said incredulously, Jing Feier stepped forward to check Feiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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