Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 490 The Poisoned Man

Chapter 490 The Poisoned Man
"There is no rotten fruit, what's going on?" Jing Fei'er's face suddenly changed when she heard this, and the elixir in her hand fell to the ground.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were condensed, and he said coldly: "Music Cloud Blade just sent the news that all the rotten fruits in the holy courtyard have been bought, and the rotten fruits in Tianxuan City have also been emptied."

"How could it be, how could such a ground-level elixir like ground rot fruit be available in an instant?" Jing Fei'er lost her mind for a moment, and said, "Does senior Tianhai know?"

"He knows, but there is nothing he can do for the Nine Evil Crazy Demon Festival, and at the moment he is preparing for the Holy Academy's enrollment in seven days, so he can't come back for the time being." Jian Fengyun responded lightly.

"How could it be like this? Even Elder Tianhai can't help it. What kind of poison is so powerful." Jing Fei'er's eyes dimmed instantly, and she walked slowly to Feiyu's side, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feiyu, I shouldn't have cooked fish for you, it's all my fault, I must have hurt you." Jing Fei'er's white hands gently placed on Feiyu's body which was frozen by ice.

Jing Fei'er has been the eldest lady of the Jing family since she was a child. Because of her outstanding talent in pills, she is almost the kind of lady who does not touch the spring water with her ten fingers. Therefore, he has hardly encountered any major events since he was a child, let alone a Killed.

Now, she cooks and cooks fish soup for Fei Yu, but Fei Yu foams at the mouth and becomes unconscious after drinking the fish soup she cooked. This is simply the first time in his life that he killed someone, and it was his senior brother who killed him.

Why, why did I cook fish soup for Brother Feiyu? It's all my fault, I killed Senior Brother Feiyu.

it's all my fault.
Jing Fei'er burst into tears in a blink of an eye, looking at the frozen flying fish, as if seeing some incredible scene.

Seeing this scene, Jian Xue'er at the side couldn't help flashing a sympathetic look in her autumn eyes, and turned her gaze to Jian Fengyun at the side.

"Master, is there really no way to detoxify?" Jian Xueer asked.

Obviously, seeing Jing Fei'er's sad appearance, she was immediately touched, and she couldn't help but soften her heart.

Jian Fengyun's eyes also moved slightly, he had always seen Jing Fei'er's savage side, and thought she was just the eldest lady of the elixir family behind her, but he didn't expect that she would shed tears for Feiyu.

Unlike the selfish and arrogant young lady he knew before, Feiyu is just a powerless disciple of the Holy Court, and there is no backer behind him. If it were an ordinary young lady from a family, it is estimated that even Li I don't even want to pay attention to it, let alone shed tears.

"Okay, don't cry, there is still a way to cure Jiuxie Mad Demon Poison other than Huadu Pill, but it's a little more troublesome." Jian Fengyun said.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Jing Fei'er's pretty face was taken aback for a moment, and she said to Jian Fengyun with tears all over her face, "Even Senior Tianhai is helpless, who can do anything?"

Jian Fengyun swept Jing Fei'er, whose face was full of tears and sleepy, and said, "I have a solution."

"You have a way, what way?" Jing Fei'er said.

Although she didn't believe that Jian Fengyun could detoxify, but at this time, even if she didn't believe it, she could only believe it.

"The Nine Evil Crazy Demon Sacrifice, the toxin can be neutralized with the fire poison of the Nine Evil Fire, and the toxin can be forced out with external force." Jian Fengyun's face moved slightly, and he said immediately.

"The fire poison of the Nine Evil Fire." Jing Fei'er's pretty face condensed, and she said immediately: "I heard that only the chief elder of Lingqi Peak in the holy courtyard has the Nine Evil Fire, and he must be needed if you want the fire poison." Cooperate, but before we offended the person who killed the Spirit Artifact Peak, he probably wouldn't lend it to us."

"Who said you want to borrow it?" Jian Fengyun's eyes turned cold, he glanced at Jing Fei'er and said immediately.

"If you don't borrow it, how can you get the fire poison of the Nine Evil Fire?" Jing Fei'er was stunned and asked immediately.

"The poisoner must have it in the hands of the poisoner. The Nine Evil Crazy Demon Sacrifice needs to enter through the mouth, and this strange poison explodes when exposed to blood. I checked the water in this stream just now, and all of them have the poison of the Nine Evil Crazy Demon Sacrifice." Jian Fengyun said.

Hearing this, Jing Fei'er noticed that in front of Jian Fengyun was a pottery bowl filled with clear stream water.

"You mean that some disciples from Lingqi Peak entered the Pill Peak to poison, and we use this stream as physical evidence to let the academy uphold justice and then come to save Feiyu?" Jing Fei'er's teary eyes moved slightly, and she said immediately.

"No, by that time Feiyu would have already died in Huangquan." Jian Fengyun opened his eyes and said immediately.

"Then what should we do?" Jing Fei'er's face showed a hint of anxiety.

Jian Fengyun's eyes frowned slightly, and the next moment he threw dozens of top-quality spirit crystals in his hands, and mysterious patterns suddenly appeared on the ground.

At the same time, a secret monitoring formation arranged outside the pill peak suddenly lit up, and the formation was in operation.

The next moment, in the formation in Jian Fengyun's hands, an image suddenly emerged.

It was just at dusk, a black man in a black robe suddenly sneaked up to the sky above the pill peak, a bottle of red powder in his hand slowly poured down in the void, the powder was very fine, about half of the bottle was poured , The powder has spread all over the sky of the elixir peak, hesitant about the fineness of the powder, so that it is difficult to block the peak protection formation of the elixir peak, those powders are scattered all over the elixir peak through the formation.

After finishing all this, the figure in black put away the red medicine bottle, a sneer appeared on his face, and then sneaked away.

This scene was instantly sealed into a jade slip by Jian Fengyun.

"Isn't this Li Yanlong, the big disciple of Lingqi Peak? He...was the one who poisoned him?" Jing Fei'er stared blankly, then turned cold and said angrily.

"The poison of the Nine Evil Fire is in the hands of the poisoner. If you find the poisoner, you can save the flying fish." Jian Fengyun made several copies of the jade slips, put them away, and then said.

"Li Yanlong must have come to take revenge because you slapped a Lingqi Peak disciple in the face." Jing Fei'er said immediately, with a look of anger showing on her pretty face.

At this time, she finally took off why she boiled fish soup for Senior Brother Feiyu, foamed at the mouth after drinking it, and became mad because of poisoning. It turned out that someone deliberately poisoned him.

"Yes." Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, and responded.

Jing Fei'er was lost in thought at this moment, and said, "Since this is the case, what should we do next?"

"You and Xue'er are watching Feiyu here, waiting for me to come back." Saying that, Jian Fengyun got up suddenly, and walked slowly towards the door.

"What are you going to do?" Jing Fei'er looked at Jian Fengyun's back and asked immediately.


Jian Fengyun coldly dropped a word, and the next moment, his body disappeared into the night and it was hard to find a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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